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Posts posted by Kowlefe

  1. 1 minute ago, majdwisam said:

    I changed it.

    Once again, I hate to break it to you but this forum is a discussion board. If you want to voice a complaint, which in all honesty is what I am seeing here, try to contact DE more directly.

    People are going to agree and disagree on these forums, that is part of what they are for. Without true discussion, DE cannot see what the community wants for Warframe

  2. 17 minutes ago, majdwisam said:

    If you think i am wrong about anything, don't say it in the comment.

    Hate to take you off your high horse but this forum is for the free speech regarding the game...

    Some people don't enjoy the grinding nature of the frame farming so they choose to buy frames, you nor I have no say in the matter as we are not them nor did we pay for their plat. This game has the option to buy items instead of grinding them because some players do not enjoy grinding for frames, maybe they prefer PvP or simply running the Kuva Fortress over spending hours to get the right parts.

    I would like to say that while your opinion is very aggressive, you are allowed to have it but I would recommend a change in stance from the aggressive stance you already have.

  3. The disconnects are not always due to you, it may be another player with a less than quality internet connection, much like myself. There could also be the issue of ports and your NAT type, when these could be an issue the game will inform you.

    I, as I have stated before, do not have the greatest of internet providers or service but I don't drop many games. I would look into something beyond the game before you cry someone else's fault. The fact that this game has been around for 4 years now and it across platforms shows that there isn't an issue on DE's server-side, it is more likely to be something on your end causing this issue.

    As for the Excali-faction, that title is where it's at. (I actually like that bug when I see it, it makes me chuckle)


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