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Posts posted by MidgetManiacIan

  1. I really don't see it as that difficult to add, instead of listing A/B/C list each faction, then at launch it does a simply check on mission type and auto loads a particular mod set. It already parses our loadouts from DE, its not like it couldn't pick A/B/C for us.


    Well, When it comes to coding all I can do is Lua, so I haven't a clue about the real difficulties involved, but again I must admit you have made a good argument.

    A single server doesn't make a cloud, even two or three don't. DE presumably has less then half a dozen servers of their own (if any), a deal with Highwinds (CDN/GDN) and another with the aptly named Black Lotus (DDoS protection). Please stop using "cloud" as the new buzzword for "somewhere on the internet". Thank you.

    Aptly noted... So what DO I call it?


    And the Idea to get more if you have a higher rank (+ the new syndicate mastery stuff) makes lvling and mastery-ing worth something...


    The Issue I get with this is that I'm not leveling new Warframes and Weapons because I'm leaving my slots on my most used frames. Vicious circle moment.


    - Lypiphera I like the idea of auto switching loud-outs based on faction, but the issue there is that would DE want to put in the effort for something so small, which loads off high level players are fine doing?


    - Defes7 If they don't have the loud-outs on the "cloud" then how come if I log into a friends computer I still have my loud-outs?

  3. Tenno,


    I have become increasingly annoyed at only having a limited number of Load-out slots, so I propose a solution.


    The issue is that servers are expensive so keeping many load outs saved on the cloud isn't viable.

    Which leads to an obvious solution, keep the same number of cloud saved load-outs available for all Tenno, but add the option to save an infinite number of load-outs client side.


    This simple tweak, while not costing DE anything at all, will make the game that much more enjoyable, since we can finally a load-out for every Frame that we own, instead of manually having to change you load-out every. single. time.


    But Tenno, you have your own ideas, so I ask you to comment and share them with us all.

    Even a resounding no will aid our quest for a better game.

  4. Tenno, this is what I suggest.

    Instead of adding a Legendary Forma simply to solve this issue, add one to the game properly.

    Make it available both through the foundry as well as platinum - (making DE more money).

    Also, refund people in normal Forma, this way us Tenno have the choice whether to use the normal Forma and grind for levels at a low level, or use Legendry Forma but have to grind for resources at a high level to be able to make it.


    To prevent it being "easy" you simply make it a pain to build, something like this:

    Blueprint - 25,000

    crafting cost - 50,000

    + 1 Forma

    + 1 Orokin reactor

    + 10 Orokin cells

    + some other annoyingly hard thing to get.


    On a personal note, if Legendary Forma was in the game I would play it a lot more, as I find the high level challenging game play a lot more interesting than low level grinding, or failing at medium level because your'e one level short of putting redirection back into your Frame.


    But hey, I don't know about you guys, maybe someone out there likes endlessly re-leveling their frame just so it's one mod stronger.

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