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Posts posted by NothingOblivion

  1. Before the update, I had a full 504/504 completed on my equipment, after the update it went down to 503/510 Obviously should be 504/510 but as I scrolled it showed the kogake as being both unranked and not owned. (I see others having this issue as well with Kogake being the missing weapon)unknown.png?width=1202&height=677unknown.png?width=1202&height=677unknown.png

  2. While fighting a Denial Bursa it used its ability to blind a me, however instead of the blind effect disappearing it remained and I was unable to to see for over two minutes of running around.Only faintly being able to read any in game text or my own health bar. This persisted until I allowed myself to die and respawn. This was during the map radiation effect on the Excavation Sorties mission.

    Q7iPKHx.jpg In game screen of me 'moving' around

    hIbuXu1.jpg Opening menu was the only visible thing other than my silhouette

  3. Name: Corpus Commander


    Behaviour: Unlike normal crewmen, these walking tanks bolster heavy armor plating and heavy artillery. This allows the commander to utilize his heavy artillery weapons, such as the Penta with considerable accuaracy. These Commanders will mostly fight in the open rather than behind cover as their protective armor will cover most of their bodies from harm even with shields from any nearby Ospreys. Typically most most Commanders will never be on their own and will have at least three crewmen under his watch giving nearby Corpus allies morale boosts to increase damage.


    Attacks: Uses heavy artillery weapons in fights such as the Penta and Supra. Allowing for high damage to be done in destructive force easily.


    Environment Restrictions: Due to never being seen alone, spawns only to nearby allies.


    Art Reference:


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