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Posts posted by Dragaroo

  1. Although I am currently still really enjoying the live limbo build at the moment, these new concepts and ideas look amazing and would definitely add another level of game play to Limbo himself!

    Whilst I do agree with some of Shadu's comments above addressing the issue that he will always have that "Trolly" aspect and could possibly be a hindrance to the team, if played right, he looks like now he could be a much greater asset to the team then ever before.

    A friend of mine and I thought of the idea that whilst in cataclysm, if maybe limbo dodged he would be put out of the rift, but in the bubble radius making ranged enemies out of the rift, melee enemies in the rift and you out of the rift in the middle of the rift if that makes sense. I don't know if it would be a necessary addition at all but it would be interesting to how see people utilize such a strange mechanic that could possibly add more to the depth of limbo gameplay.

    With this being said I really think the team have done a great job so far making the gentleman frame more in tune with controlling space and time and I think the direction he is headed will finally make him the master of the rift!

    Keep up the good work guys!!
    - Dragaroo

  2. How about 





    tYl Regor




    Ether Reaper













    On a serious note, I really don't get it. DE are only tarnishing their own reputation - if they made sure they had 99% of things down before even announcing the update (Which they would then have around 2 weeks to tidy up on anyway) nobody would be complaining - rather they set unreachable dates for themselves.




    If they didnt do the fixes they are doing now, we wouldnt even be able to play the game. At all.

    So calm your farm and be patient like the rest of us!

  3. Everyone's gotta stop hating on DE!
    Enough with the smart &#! comments, enough with all the hate!
    These guys have provided us with a great working game and are trying to expand on it for us, not them, us. So that doesn't mean we cant enjoy the game for what it is now or do something else if you really sick of waiting

    The worst thing people can do is bag a great company out for giving us content at all. Sure, its coming out late, but at least we're getting it!

    Bottom line: stop with the negative comments, its not helping anyone... and give the DE team time, the update will be out extremely soon!

  4. Wow, so many people are having this problem!

    I am having this sort of problem, but only for my Limbo. I claimed him from my foundry after 16.4.3 was released, and ever since, after a mission it goes back into his default setting. Colours, mods, attachments, they are all defaulted... so no mods, default colours and no attachments or sigils. its been getting a little annoying modding after every log in, mission or Relay visit.... I hope there is a fix to these problems soon

    Thanks for reading

  5. Hey guys!

    Today I was very excited to find that my limbo had finished crafting and was ready for me to claim. I went into my inventory and sold my Nyx to free up some space (As I already had Nyx prime), and claimed my long awaited Limbo.
    I began to colour and mod him the way I liked and went in mission as the original coloured Limbo, with my variation in the "B" slot. Foolishly I died because of a strange display of lag spikes and so I didn't want to waste a revive and forfeited. When I came back I wanted to switch my colours to find that they were gone and I had to redo it. I then looked at my mods and there was nothing there.


    Everything about Limbo and only Limbo went back to default. All of my weapons I had equipped and other warframes still had their mods and colours.
    I retried everything and there were immense lag spikes again, so I aborted and everything went back to Defult again
    I have verified and Optimized the game to see if it will do anything but It hasn't. Even logging in has removed my mods.

    This has never happened to me before and It might have something to do with the update as a post was made saying sort of the same thing here

    I hope there is a fix coming soon if what I am doing doesn't work, and if you know something that will work, please let me know


  6. Dear DE,

           Recently, I have come across this bug more then once. I had died and then I clicked the revive button to find myself standing, not able to move my camera and without a head. when I tried to move my body would spin and I wouldn't be able to do anything, not even type in chat.

           I was doing a T IV Survival and we had gotten a Loki Prime helmet, something I was really looking forward to receive, then this bug happened and after about 3 minutes we cleared the mission. I looked at my rewards chart to find that there was no Loki prime helmet blueprint, I looked in my foundry, inventory, nothing. so I'd say this bug makes you idle and there fore because I was so for more then a minute I didn't get the part.

           This is terribly annoying and although I'd love to find a way to get my blueprint back, or to receive one magically in my account, sadly I don't think that is going to happen. So at least the bug is out there and I hope it gets fixed soon

    Yours Sincerely

  7. Argon Crystals appear to be going AWOL! I had like 2 in a mission but they disappeared... I don't know what happened and I think it may be a bug.

    thanks for reading.
    You're Awesome!

  8. So, today in game I found a big bug... and a small bug...


    The Big bug: Rewards! I know everyone was posting this but it is a pretty big bug. you can neither receive the rewards at the end if a mission or (as I experienced in a T1 survival and defense today) see what you get in the middle of a mission (with the hud thing). I know this is probably being fixed right as I am typing this, but its one of the bugs I encountered.

    The Not-so-big bug: head and neck..? I know it must seem picky but I saw this and it is a slight bug so I thought I'd report it:


    When you are in the menu screen (when you hit escape) or just walking around in the Liset, your neck moves but not your head
    and in a mission, your head and neck are connected... most of the time.... but your head moves extremely slowly (even in whilst playing). I know its not really a need to help the game, but I thought it was pretty cool that the Warframe looked where your mouse pointed until you were looking behind you. I dont know if this happens in other locations or states as I only saw it in these locations before I posted this.
    I know this is a very minor bug... but the Warframe Kings and Queens told us to report every little bug, and that is what I am doing.

    I dont know how to fix either of these bugs but I thought I'd just bring it to your attention.


    I am building my Archwing parts right now and I cant wait to dive into outer-space to discover the treasures that lie waiting for us to discover them! This is an amazing update so far! I cant wait to see what other things arrive in the future!

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