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Posts posted by Inprison_

  1. I get this same thing, and it's SUPER ANNOYING.  It literally constantly happens to me, and it's been doing so for months. That's actually why I'm on the forums right now, because I couldn't join a game xD


    But I don't want them to take out the loading screen (even though that's probably what's causing it), it would just ruin the whole Liset customization and movement thing. I wish they there could be some other way...

    not remove it but just give us the option to switch to a more simple loading screen like the older loading screen it was just a picture.

    disable DirectX10 on your launcher.


    see what that does for ya.

    I will try that EDIT: its already disabled

  2. There are alot of people that have this bug.

    Basically when the you are on the loading screen you get alot of lag or you will get 0fps and then you get a loading bar that doesn't move and you just get disconnected (a message comes up that says connection has been lost to host)

    DE please just put the update pictures in the loading screen it looks fine and the current loading screen just increases the loading time and for me as soon as the loading screen appears i get a huge lag spike/freeze, then if the loading bar moves i get into the game if it doesn't move i just get kicked.

    Once i get out of the lag spike/freeze the loading bar is empty. So this means the loading screen is the reason for this. We need an option to get a simple loading screen like just a picture (new prime addition and new frames etc) The old loading screens (just a picture) did the job fine.

    Please DE please it cant be that hard to do as it was in the game before

  3. I have the same problem.

    DE please just put the update pictures in the loading screen it looks fine and the current loading screen just increases the loading time and for me as soon as the loading screen appears i get a huge lag spike/freeze, then if the loading bar moves i get into the game if it doesn't move i just get kicked.

    Once i get out of the lag spike/freeze the loading bar is empty. So this means the loading screen is the reason for this. We need an option to get a simple loading screen like just a picture (new prime addition and new frames etc) The old loading screens (just a picture) did the job fine.

    Please DE please it cant be that hard to do as it was in the game before

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