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Posts posted by Crudele

  1. Looking to trade some of these for a Loki P systems, which ones are Negotiable



    Bo P Ornament;

    Wyrm P cerebrum;

    Wrym P systems;

    akbronco P BP;

    ash P Chassis;

    Burston P stock;

    Braton P barrel;

    Latron P BP;

    Latron P stock;

    Nyx P BP;

    Nyx P systems;

    Odanata P systems;

    vasto P reciever;


  2. I experience this bug as well, usually while playing with a friend. Just as we finish clearing the room or just about to hack something poof the Hostage just appears on the map and objective complete.

    I have also had a bug where I hacked every green room, then the bug triggered and the hostage was behind a red lock~ so if I didn't luck out with the bug I would have been stuck in an incompletable mission and forced to add another shameful quit/fail. (I really hate getting those due to bugs, but oh well~)

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