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Posts posted by Mezzie

  1. With my GTX 1080 & i7 6700k im getting great frame rates at the beginning of missions (140+), but after some time goes by my frame rate is hovering below 60 fps, stuttering and just overall doesn't feel good. I've notice my frame rate never goes back to normal either (i'll return to the orbiter but still have low fps) without restarting the game,

  2. What's up with the items you get in each tier? It's always been:


    T1 > New Weapons/Sentinels & Platinum


    T2> New Weapons/Sentinels & New Prime Warframe & New Icons & More Platinum


    T3> New Weapons/Sentinels & New Prime Warframe & New Icons & Prime Accessories (boosters too) & Most Platinum


    Why change it now? Seems off, and not worth it compared to previous Prime Accesses (excluding volt w/ the odnata prime)

  3. - IGN (I know its on your Icon Pic, but some people have multiple accounts):


    - Time Zone (Or days/Times you are On):

    Pacific Daylight/Standard Time. I am on practically every day 4:00pm – 12:00am PST/PDT

    - Age:


    - Which is Your Primary Warframe(s) and Weapons?:

    Warframes: Rhino Prime, Excalibur, and Mag Prime. Weapons: Paris Prime, Boltor, Lex Prime, Orthos Prime. (Also loving the Hek, but still working on it).

    - Tell Us About Yourself. What are your Goals?:

    I am a 20 year old college student whose life revolves around video games. I mostly spend my time studying and playing my new-found-love and addiction, Warframe. My ultimate goal for Warframe is to master/max every single mod and every single weapon. A hefty goal, but doable. My short-term goals are to unlock every node in the system, max every prime warframe and weapons, and to take part in an active clan/community.


    - What clan where you in previously? What made you decide to apply for ours?:

    A clan called Herc Squad, which I created just to use a dojo. I decided to apply for your clan because of its apparent professionalism and active community. I want to be able to take part in a clan that communicates with each other and want to be able to share my warframe experiences with clan mates. Being able to take part in a clan like yours would further increase my Warframe experience.

    - Do You PvP? If so What is Your K/D ratio/tally? (this just tells us how experienced you are...not necessarily how good)

    No, I do not PVP and I do not have a K/D ratio.

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