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Posts posted by air248

  1. It lied, there was never a cure and it was just the Infested controlling him like Jordas. What does being Corpus have to do with anything? The Corpus are still villains, just sleazy corporate ones.

    Your theory might make sense, but as far as we know, no one knows whether its a cure or not. Therefore thats what concepts are about, they are not the 100% real thing. Also, if hes like jordas, i can also change the thing to investigating salads old place for the uncle nef. As mentioned above, zanuka kubrows and a big leading quest to an infested warframe is what i hoped for

  2. No thanks. Alad V is figuratively and literally dead, he is merely an Infested puppet like Jordas now. He should stay that way because curing him would be bad storytelling and make him even more like a cartoon villain.

    Well, we gave him the cure in a recent event @_@ idk if u missed it out or anything, but im supposed he is kinda cured. Also, he is a corpus anyway, he just do stuff for business, but not to help the tenno. So if you think that hes gunna be some childlish cartoon villians which changed to good guys, ill tell you nope, he is still a corpus.

    So you want pet made form corpses of fallen tenno.


    Well as mentioned above, actually we give him parts ourselves for him to make us one. If you think that the parts of warframe we collected from the boss fights are fallen tenno, that might actually make sense D:

  3. EDIT 1.0:

    As one of our awesome people pointed out salad might be just another jordas, i made some changes to the quest. Doesn't really affect the whole thing anyway


    So as our lovely nef is pissed off, what happens next? So heres a concept / quest  that i can think off


    As we all know, Alad V had a place where he had all these tenno held up for zanuka business and stuff like that, then he turned to the infested. So heres my concept:

    -His ship / lab / place where all the stuff he did before he turned to the infested, is filled with infested

    -There are still probably tenno and zanukas inside of the place


    Then that leads to my idea of the quest (Story)

    First, the cure never existed, then of course nef would take the chance and ask the tenno to investigate his old place.

    He sent a group of corpus there, but lost connection quickly.


    So he asked us to investigate and clean out the place.


    QUEST (1):


    Spoiler alert ! If you do not wish to catch any of the spoilers, just skip to the rewards part :)


    The missions before the last mission is to locate where the ship is, since it moves around constantly (for it is infested)


    Last mission:

    The tenno arrives, they went in. Then theres a loud voice coming from the inside. Lotus' transmission starts to blur out, then all we see is a blurred screen, with a creepy voice asking the tenno to go to him.

    The place where Alad V kept the tenno and where he manufactured the zanukas were exposed, and we can therefore also discover how zanukas are made.


    The tenno found the dead bodies of the squad of corpus then they found a recorded message there. It tells them not to go foward, and leave immediately, to make things more creepy =.= 


    They reached the room where they once fought Alad V. Then theres this mysterious figure(wearing the zanuka controlling collar) and a zanuka which looks terrible infested.The tenno then fought both of them.


    The figure talks again, saying that hes one of their kind, they dont need to end up like this, jumps out of the window, then a infested big flying thing flew away, and the guy tells them that they will meet again.


    Lotus asks the tenno to leave immediately, and that she will explain when they escape.

    Back to liset:


    Lotus explained that she felt connection to the mysterious guy, and she said he is definitely not one of Alad V's prey.

    Tenshin as always, challenges Lotus, and asked if she was holding something back. Lotus just said that it isnt important anymore, and asked everything to forget about it


    Nef told us his extraction teams extracted zanukas from the place and also discovered the recipe for making it.


    New type of kubrow:
    Zanukas (weakened version of course, dont want it to be overpowered right)

    It is gained through visiting nef and trading a full set of warframe parts(helmet, chassis and system) to make a kubrow unique with little power of the frame of the set.Then the player gains the zanuka in a folded version, then wait for it to unfold to use.



    Armor: 55-75

    Shield: 75




    Crit chance:15%

    Crit multiplier:1.4%

    Status: 2.5%


    Grants access to a new quest which leads the the mysterious guy


    New weapons? (infested, also used by the guy)


    So heres my basic idea, and the big quest? I think a infested powered warframe as a reward might be cool.


    What you guys think about this? Tell me pls :)


    (I think my main point of this quest is to have a zanuka and lead to a infested warframe :P)



    P.S. The main quest will be out soon i guess, stay tuned :)

  4. You dont get them back when they did not exist in the first place.

    it do exist in the first place, thats why IM SO FRUSTRATED, YOU THINK ILL COME HERE JUST TO MAKE UP SOMETHING?

    ...contact support?

    I did, but they still haven't replied yet

  5. So, I'm a bit confused about the appear rate of the stalker, G3, and Harvester, plus drop rates of discounts.

    Firstly, I find the stalker, G3 and the Harvester rarely appears? I don't know but people are saying they appear ofen but not for me. Even though they appeared, they have no drops of blueprints at all! So i want to see how the appear and drop rate is calculated, especially for the blueprint drops.

    Secondly, I've been playing for quite a time, and 75% off came only once(which I used), and it never appeared again! I'm eager to buy some platium but sometimes the prices are not affordable and which is why I've been waiting for it. So, may I ask, actually how the drop rates of these 75% off discounts calculated?


    (P.S. Suggestion only: discounts for prime access?)

  6. The big question is, those getting the 75% discount, how often and how long ago have/did you purchase plat and was your purchase with or without discount?

    I find that the more amount of time passes that you have not spent money on the game, the more discounts you get. If you live in a country where it's hard to obtain american dollars, discounts rain. Lower star login rewards have more chance of getting discounts. If you bought platinum with no discount, there's a chance you may never get a 75% discount. That has been my experience so far, based on my account and multiple friends' accounts.

    For example, my account is the best one to get glaive blueprints and experience from logging in. A friends' account from another country gets 75% discounts just as often as I get glaive blueprints and item experience and he rarely logs in. Last good discount I got was for 50%, I think at a two star reward level, and used it, I will probably never get a 75% discount now that the system knows I can purchase at 50% or none at all. I don't think it is purely rng, but I may be mistaken. It seems to be weighted on whether you can purchase plat without discount, how often you log in and how long it has been since you helped the game.

    So youre saying that if I puchased plat while having a lower discount, the system MIGHT tag you as one of the P2Ps and dont give you 75% off?

    Well, as mentioned above, i used the 75% off only, whcih is only one time, then why didnt it drop again? i dont really think its the main point?

  7. I've been getting 75% off cupons once a week now.... it started since I told myself I would not buy any more plat, so they are being wasted since I dont use them. RNG knows what you (dont) want.

    im speechless-_-

    Why you dont treasure the cupons :P

    Sad RNG never finds me ;_;

    Esiest Way? Log in 4 consecutive days, if you didnt get it, skip 1 day if you can (this is the hard part when you really want to play, I feel you) then come back again and hope RNG sees you.

    Is this a real way you tried and succeeded?

  8. I get one every 2 minutes. Yeah that's right, I get a 75% discount every second... I don't believe any of you with your damn 7 times a month bull non sense... I haven't gotten one in 2 years <.<

    Yeah...your thing is logical. How the hell ppl get that many times of 75% discount?unbelievable. Either DE is so dammed that they mess these rewards up, or these ppl ar dam lucky, or its just a lie...
  9. I've got 2, been playing for 1-2 months (~320 hours), the first one i got it by resetting my daily login (not logging in for a day) and manage to get it within a week.

    so you say that resetting the daily login works?ive been resetting it recently and still got none...always got the item xp while the 75%off just gone through...
  10. Alright, the people who "regularly" get it, how often do you log on? 1/day for rewards? 1/week? I'm wondering if it's meant to entice people to play more, so if people are already logging on everyday, it simply doesn't bother. I've missed logging on everyday for the daily reward less than a dozen times in about two years and I've never seen a 75% off. I've seen a 50% off once.

    I remember i haven't logged in for 3 weeks and got it. Was into another game at that time. This is a very significant prove that the DE is trying to get the players who haven't logged in a long time back to the game again.

  11. Dang it, DE. Why not just give us diehard players a MONTHLY reward (i.e. the 75% off) the same way as you give greater rewards for logging in every day (i.e. log in every day for 30 days, get a 75% off or similar great reward)? You should be celebrating your regular players as well and make us feel special so we spend platinum, not just trying to lure back players who aren't as into it!

    Yep. DE is making the players who are into it miserable. They lure the players who aren't into it just for business. Dang business. I swear that if you get players who are into it more coupons you will make more business

  12. Plat is overpriced on purpose because of the deals (you can't get).


    The login system is rigged to give you specific items based on if you buy plat or how often you log in, if you think it's random you're crazy.


    Make an alt account and login once a week and never buy plat on it and you will see a massive difference.


    The login system is there to hook players that are still undecided or to turn f2p players into paying players.  It's not about rewarding players that are already hooked or paying.

    so you say here that this system is not by random? I read many posts about this issue and some people say its by luck. Hmm... ill try making a new account to see if i can get a discount. Thx for the advice tho.

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