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Posts posted by whiterain1000

  1. Yeah there's also one other minor... problem... all of the farming spots I used to get resources have... died post resource drop rate fix. This resources in cash shop is simply "yo guys give us money". Sucks to because I actually liked the game, the fiasco with clan dojo scaling too to long to implement the old timers like myself quit and now there after money from a smaller player base. 

  2. The mission rewards are... insignificant for the most part, the ones that matter are Keys, and the drop rates of items from Towers. Who cares if the multishot rate is 0.15%, your going to kill tens of thousands of mobs over a month of playing, odds are you will get your multishot.  Remove the frost prime blueprint, make all of the pieces equal % in tier 3, forma the most common in 1 and 2 and be done with it.


    Toss in ammo boxes, heath restores, make new boosters 60minute exp bonus, credit bonus, and add resources to mission rewards, you get ~1% chance for a key total from bonus rewards and prob solved.... There will be endless rage "i have 0812380 ammo boxes!!!" so make them sellable for credits.


    Ah, wait a minute I forgot this is a Free to play, there will be rage about everything even if they gave every account every item in the game the minute it got released. Mah bad.

  3. Different enemies probably deal different types and amounts of damage as well, though. Shields are completely bypassed by Toxic damage, I know. What about the other types of attacks? For instance, does the energy weaponry of the Corpus deal greater damage against health and less against shields or vice versa? Do the Grineer have more armor penetration than flat damage? It's an important aspect regarding the question of armor vs health(or shields)


    Spot on...


    Also It would be nice though to see some mods or get red orb drops from kills or something to make health less.... of a finite resource.

  4. This event was totally a test, scaling and rewards ect are all going to be tweaked. By the looks of it though, and the feedback that we've given and the replies we have gotten, next time round should be a marked improvement. It was fun for a while it looked like we might not make it the percentages were climbing so slowly at the beginning. 


    Mmhmm top 40, shocked we did so well with only a 4man premade rolling no banshees and sub 30 frames to boot..

  5. Breaking into the Grineer base I reach out with my mind, like a summer breeze quiet and fleeting, I feel the Grineer that inhabit the facility blissfully unaware of the chaos that now walks among them.


    The Lotus commands and I follow, she tells me that I am here to find an artifact and I begin my search. The artifact I have found, my search is for another. As I hear her voice I reach out as far and wide as I can, casting a web of gossamer into the darkness in search of her. Fragile and frail it disintegrates and still she is unfound.


    The Grineer see me, I feel it in their minds, the rage and chaos. Above all their acceptance of the pain that is to come. I enter their minds like the whispers of a lover and shatter their inhibitions letting the chaos take them. The Lotus commands and I follow, they mean nothing to me for I am remorseless.  I plunge my Fangs into those who stray near to my path, single minded with obedience. 


    I paint the corridors with the remnants of life and with my unwavering obedience I find what I was sent for. Poised and ready, when she speaks, I strike, I grasp at the trail her voice left through the void as though I was drowning grasping for my next breath. I find nothing, my thoughts fall into the darkness and roll away into the void as though they were rain drops on a lotus leaf.


    The Lotus commands and I follow, I make my way to extraction mind wondering relishing in the destruction in my wake. I wait with this chain about my neck, searching. Silent the song unsung, the forever obedient servant, I am yours Lotus.




    Thanks to SilverBones and his I am Nyx story. It was a fantastic source of inspiration for what Nyx is, elegant and lethal.


    On a personal note, I don’t think Lotus is inherently good or evil, I feel that if I was a Tenno though I would search for the source before passing judgment.

  6. I couldn't agree more with the OP, I am in dire need of credits its the only thing holding back the building of 3 of my warframes, but I am concerned that this buff is to large, prices need to go up 10-15% or the income rate needs to go down... Or they need to add in a new credit sink (please please don't make us repair if we die....).


    It would of taken me at my old rate of income 2-3 days to get the credits I needed, that is without the Vor farming runs, Id rather not mess up my completion history. Now I am 3 hours in and already bought the ash blueprint and started the building and I had 2,300 credits when I logged in to start playing.


    Though now with the new credit rates I might consider buying consumables where I didn't before....

  7. I couldn't agree more about tooltips for warframe powers, the hover over is ... nice but not all that darn useful for making informed decisions on upgrading that skill or not, this also goes for the sentinels,


    I forgot to mention there are no hover over tooltips for two of the warframes IRC, Banshee and Saryn so our existing system for information is incomplete as well.

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