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Ammo Pickups


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Something relatively minor that's just irked me for a while is how ammo pickups work with respect to ammo pool. 

An ammo pool is considered "full" (preventing further ammo pickups) when the "pool" (the additional ammo not part of the current magazine) is full.

The issue with this way of doing things becomes especially apparent when using guns with huge magazines like the supra. I might go through nearly 100 rounds on the supra and be that many round short of my maximum ammo capacity, but none of the rifle ammo pickups (which are only +20 each; I need to pick them up whenever I can) I pass will be picked up because my pool is still full. This means I either have to stop every time I see ammo and sit through supra's long reload cycle just so I can pick up 20 rounds, or wait until I use the entire magazine, then backtrack looking for pickups I couldn't pick up before.


This is, of course, less of an issue towards the end of a mission when I have used enough of my ammo that my pool isn't full often, but it is still frustrating being unable to pick up ammo when I know I have space.


What I would suggest is having the ammo and ammo pickups work as they do in other games, like left 4 dead, for example. The ammo pool has a sort of initial cap: the amount it sits at at the beginning of the mission when you have full magazine/ammo. But as soon as you fire there is a variable limit to the ammo pool that goes up by the exact amount that you are missing from your current magazine. Ammo pickups will therefore fill up your reserves to the amount you can actually carry, the true ammo capacity.

Don't know how hard that would be to change, but I would certainly love to see it happen.

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