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Make Dual Wielding Pistols More Realistic


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The main drawback to dual-wielding pistols is lowered accuracy and less than doubled firing rate. The clip size is doubled in exchange for doubled reload speed.




...So I can reload two pistols with both hands at once? At the same time per gun as with having both hands on one pistol?


I never thought I'd say these words, but Halo is more realistic than this. When you dual wield, I'm pretty sure the reload time is more than doubled, as would make sense. I hear when Aklato got released, it's firing speed was so OP so they nerfed it's firing rate to only about 30% faster than Lato. What? Why not lower the firing speed slightly, as would make sense, and then compensate by tripling the reload speed, and increasing recoil.


The main drawbacks to using one pistol in each hand are lowered initial accuracy, higher recoil, and more than doubled reload speed. The akimbo pistols in this game should reflect this.


Also...Viper is an automatic pistol. Either your squeezing the trigger or you're not. Twin Vipers should have double firing speed like Afuris.

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Hmmm... So let's say a single Viper fires 1100 rpm. Holding another Viper in my hand magically boosts the firing rate of both Vipers to 2200 rpm... Interesting... 

realistically, you do, its counted as 2200 but only 1100 from each. it doesn't count as 2200 but you literally get 2200 in that amount of time. you cannot really replicate that into a game.

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realistically, you do, its counted as 2200 but only 1100 from each. it doesn't count as 2200 but you literally get 2200 in that amount of time. you cannot really replicate that into a game.


The only thing I can think of would be to have the weapon fire 1100 rpm, but deal 100% multishot, and consume twice the ammo.


edit: grammar

Edited by Hallorann
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Hmmm... So let's say a single Viper fires 1100 rpm. Holding another Viper in my hand magically boosts the firing rate of both Vipers to 2200 rpm... Interesting... 


Dude I agree about the technicality of what your saying but if you've ever read the in-game stat description it uses the "fire rate" stat for dual weapons instead of multishot.

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Trust me, you don't want the Twin Vipers to be running out of ammo even faster. It's already hard to compensate for when a single click of the trigger expels 4 rounds.


Lol ikr. But still.


To be clear: I do not propose any balance changes. Just realism changes. I'm ok with video games being unrealistic in an attempt to make the game more fun or playable - but to do it for no apparent reason (like lowering the firing rate of an automatic weapons because there's one in each hand) is simply absurd. If they thought Twin Vipers were too OP with double firing speed they need to make the reload speed more than 2 seconds. I don't see how even a space ninja can reload 2 weapons with no hands free in the same time per gun as with using both hands on one gun.


This is space ninjas, not space nonsensicalness.


Yes, I'm that guy who said Ceres needs to be in the asteroid belt where it belongs, not chilling (ha...ha) with Eris in the scattered disc.

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I think the issue of how and where tenno actually carry their spare ammunition needs to be addressed before deciding what constitutes a "realistic" reload speed. 


Possibility 1: If spare magazines are automatically dispensed and held ready by the warframe or holster(s) mechanism, tenno would not require both hands to reload and the reload time is limited only by the availability of the dispenser mechanism.


Possibility 2: If the warframe or holster(s) is capable of dispensing and holding two magazines, then both weapons could be reloaded simultaneously, which could plausibly be the same or marginally longer than a single weapon.


Possibility 3 (your assumed case): If the tenno has to manually draw magazines from somewhere on his/her person and insert them in the traditional manner, both hands would be required. In this case, reloading 2 weapons should take slightly longer than twice that of a single weapon to accommodate for weapon transitions.

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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Hmmm... So let's say a single Viper fires 1100 rpm. Holding another Viper in my hand magically boosts the firing rate of both Vipers to 2200 rpm... Interesting... 

Uh, no. How it works ingame is that the first shot comes from one pistol, and then the next from the other. The reason the fire rate would be doubled on both weapons is because they don't both fire at once, they fire after one another.


Now, if the mechanic was both weapons firing each shot at once, you'd have a point there.

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I don't think asking for realism when it comes to dual-wielding pistols is logical. Dual-wielding pistols is, in and of itself, not very realistic or valid. It's not something a gun instructor would recommend, as you wouldn't be able to compensate for recoil and you can't easily see down the sight with a pistol in each hand.


I say go nuts, DE. Make the suspension of disbelief your *@##$.

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Animation changes to reloading dual pistols will be eventually changed.
They're adding more and more as we go, since any weapon that doesn't have a custom reload animation (From the Dera to the Lex) is using an ancient stock animation that is essentially worthless.

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I think the issue of how and where tenno actually carry their spare ammunition needs to be addressed before deciding what constitutes a "realistic" reload speed. 


Possibility 1: If spare magazines are automatically dispensed and held ready by the warframe or holster(s) mechanism, tenno would not require both hands to reload and the reload time is limited only by the availability of the dispenser mechanism.


Possibility 2: If the warframe or holster(s) is capable of dispensing and holding two magazines, then both weapons could be reloaded simultaneously, which could plausibly be the same or marginally longer than a single weapon.


Possibility 3 (your assumed case): If the tenno has to manually draw magazines from somewhere on his/her person and insert them in the traditional manner, both hands would be required. In this case, reloading 2 weapons should take slightly longer than twice that of a single weapon to accommodate for weapon transitions.


That's a pretty neat idea, but I hope their animation team gets on it, because if they don't, it's pretty silly how it currently is.


Uh, no. How it works ingame is that the first shot comes from one pistol, and then the next from the other. The reason the fire rate would be doubled on both weapons is because they don't both fire at once, they fire after one another.


Now, if the mechanic was both weapons firing each shot at once, you'd have a point there.



*facepalm* Look at the listed firing rate for Viper: 14.4. Now Twin Vipers: 25. Dude. It should be 28.8. How is it only I see the illogic of this in automatic pistols? As DE has it, the fire rate of each pistol is lower than when you're just using one. It takes more time for the bullets to come out of one, then the other, then the first one again Twin Vipers than it takes for a single Viper to dish out 2 shots. IT'S AN AUTOMATIC WEAPON. THIS MAKES NO SENSE. YOU SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER AND BULLETS STREAM OUT AT A CONSTANT RATE. Q_Q Does no one know what a machine gun is...?


I don't think asking for realism when it comes to dual-wielding pistols is logical. Dual-wielding pistols is, in and of itself, not very realistic or valid. It's not something a gun instructor would recommend, as you wouldn't be able to compensate for recoil and you can't easily see down the sight with a pistol in each hand.


I say go nuts, DE. Make the suspension of disbelief your $#*(@.


This is space ninjas. Space ninjas can dual-wield pistols, with reduced accuracy and increased recoil plus more reload time.


And I thought this would be a thread addressing the issue of dual pistols functioning when holding a datamass/etc/actual logic issues instead of complaining that space ninjas reloading 2 weapons is unrealistic.


That too. It's always bothered me.

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