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My Thoughts on WARFRAME


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(i know some of this has been said in other threads before...)

Okay, im going to say this first...

The Pay to win stuff really needs to go, there needs to be an option for players to advance without "paying" their way through it, it really does not matter how much "credits" its costs (i currently have 300k, with nothing to spend it on.) I have brought platnium a few times so far, its not like i want everyting for "free" however i really think the option needs to be there, as with the NDA being lifted WARFRAME is going to get more and more publicity through youtube and other sites and should the "pro" system remain in its current state the publicity WARFRAME is going to receive is going to be based around "pay to win" rather than how much fun the game is, or how interesting the art / assets are.

And that would likley put MOST people off the game, resulting in a lower income for you guys... and less enjoyment for the rest of us (via having less people to play with.)...


There Also really needs to be More map blocks, i would understand that the infested are probably a genetic mistake (or a result of genetic warfare, or something along those lines... or maybe they travel on asteroids o.O) and as such do not have the capibility to build their own ships, though the current map blocks scream corpus, and the corpus seem to use the ship to its full extent (Moa's, Turrets, Lazer doors) so there really just needs to be a Grinear set of map blocks (in my opinion at least.)

It really does not feel like your progressing much at all (unless you go from a corpus / grinear mission to and infested mission) to be honest after a week of playing, and getting to the last boss WARFRAME is starting to feel stale for me its the lack of different maps, the lack of lore, and the lack of actually feeling like you acomplished something.

even if most of the time you skip cutsceens that are lore related, you should still get a gist of the lore, at the very least providing you with a rough idea of whats going on in the universe... and there are so many different ways lore could be added to the game, its not like theres a lack of oppertunity for it, bosses could drop snipets of lore that we could collect, maybe theirs an assault on Your home planet (or ship) and you have to save lotus and along the way she tells you a little about yourself, where you came from and so on

On another note though, i said somethig about feeling like you have actually done something... when killing a boss it will often say something like "his death will hinder the production of robots" why cant we have a reduction in robots after killing the boss and getting that message (for a short time, say 3 days) then lock down the boss for those three days

Boss fights also need a bit of work, most of them are just "1) find guy 2.) stand there holding M1 untill hes dead", the only two fights ive seen that have really innovated a bit are Jackel, and the pluto boss, but even then the pluto boss is more or less a joke, again its just stand still and hold M1... ( i think im still missing a boss or two, but my point is still valad.) there really needs to be some "interesting" mechanics that make you actually feel like he was more than just another Mob with a large sheild.


The Crafting system also needs a bit of work in my opinion, i think the time it takes to make stuff should be reduced, but have the ammount of the easyer to find mats required a bit higher... hell after making a few weapons i have no need for the majority of the materials i have.. Or maybe give us the option to make shield recharges / Hp Packs / ammo drops from componants...

also that brings me to my next point...

The Menus.. At first glance there fine, but have you tried buying 100 sheild recharges...? its 200 clicks to do it... and the worst part is theres small breaks inbetween buying the first, and the confermation window poping up... then going back to the other screen... its not like you can just sit there clicking the same spot to buy them either, the confermation window pops up in the center of the screen, where as the buy item button is on the right... it just takes alot longer than it needs to...

As well as that, chosing a level while in party, you have no option to go back to your planet map unless you leave party... so should you want to get to say pluto (without leaving the party) you have to go through the level navigation witch requires you to either "guess" the right planets to click, or get it by blind luck...

and on top of all that (this may be a bug) the planet map rotates witch is cool, but due to that, neptune and pluto will often be outside of your screen, meaning you either have to wait for them to come back around into view, or go navigating through the level map again, just needless time wasting...

Anyway, i DO like this game, but i think alot of stuff needs to change... i was meaning to mention a few other things... but i have things to do, and ive run out of time :D

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I dont think its pay to win right now as I have bought most of the stuff here. Even though I bought the other warframes, I start at level 1 and with no powers. So its like starting over again. However, the weapons and their level do transfer over to other skins and warframes which is nice in my opinion. I look at this game as a grind fest like the game "Too Human" back in the day and it was all about playing the same levels over and over again to get the drops and items needed. I like to see it as supporting the game company as most of the new I read shows companies closing down and people getting fired. I prefer this payment program rather than a monthly subscription and remember that you cant buy a level 60 character (if they even go that high) with all max out weapons and a powers. It's more buying for looks at this point. Even though I have the rino armor already, i would still want to explor the galaxy and find all the peices so i can help others obtain them and i'm sure will be able to sell stuff for plat or cred from the items we pick up in the game. Just my 2 cents. We should play together!

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I agree with you on quite everything. For the bosses, I heard a dev (DESteve I think) say that they only had time to implement Jackal as a unique mesh atm, but later on all (or most of) the bosses will be unique.

Another thing that would be good for variety is something like rare or epic enemies, like you can see in Hack'n'Slashes. Some stronger versions of the existing enemies. Like for example adding an elemental damage type to his attacks, adding a power (teleport, electric shield, etc...), making him more tanky, or faster, .... This would be an "easy" way to add a lot of variety and depth to the fights, so that basic enemy types are still fun to fight at high levels, and some heavy units could become really tough (like teleporting ancient infested, or heavy gunner with freeze bullets...). This is one of the things that make HnS games fun to play through again and again, and with the progression and loot system of Warframe, I really think it would be an awesome twist to the formula.

@Showtaro : Sure, you don't "buy power" directly. But even if you want to buy everything with credits, you'll still have to pay platinum to unlock pro modes and more inventory slots. And some items are platinum only (the 3 starting warframes, Bolto and Afuris). Thats not something that ultimately bothers me as I bought a Hunter pack and I intend to buy more platinum later on, but it will stop a lot of people from playing the game, people that may finally pay for shortcuts/cosmetic stuff after some hours of play. I know a lot of friends that waited several hundreds of victories in League of Legend before buying skins, and now most of them buy skins on a regular basis ; and if the game told them "sorry but you have to pay 1$ to unlock the next half of your mastery tree", most of them wouldn't have played this long and never bought RP.

Edited by ap0k41yp5
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