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Struggling on 20+ level enemies



So here's my loadout and Warframes (I am MR5 btw):


I was struggling a with Jupiter and Uranus is just rough. Can you guys suggest what mods and stuff should I put on here to buff up my warframes and weapons?

Any help is appreciated 🙂

Edited by TheGoldLegion
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3 hours ago, Ada_Wong_SG said:

I do see that a lot of the weapons are simply max-rank but not forma,
it is not uncommon you will need 2 - 3 forma to cramp in all the mods especially at max rank.

Also, I do not see proper multishot setup, which might be why you are having inconsistency in damage output.

Here are the list of mods that are not too ridiculous expensive to trade for or farm for, 
but are more of a staple for getting your modding significantly better.






Also, Lex is high base crit, it might be better instead of concussion rounds (Lex is main puncture distribution mean adding impact will boost very little)
Modding it for crit + multishot will increase chance of hitting a crit.



For the excalibur consider efficiency mod + flow, this will mean you can spam ability more often, 



Do note that max efficiency cap at 175%, so you will only need +75% efficiency,
30% from streamline + 45% from fleeting.
meaning unmaxed fleeting is what usually advised since it does not reduce as much ability duration

Thx for all the helpful suggestions. I'll try to follow all those.

EDIT:  I have Vigilante Armaments for multishot is that also good?

Edited by TheGoldLegion
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Yes, Vigilante Armaments is good, especially for weapons that haven't been formaed since its low cost.  

When modding your weapons, think about it like building a big square building.  You want multiplicative scaling, rather than the diminishing returns of additive scaling.  For example...

Say you have a weapon that deals 100 base damage.  You add on a mod that has +100% damage.  You have now doubled your damage.  Then for your second mod, you add on a different +100% damage mod.  This is a mistake.  Your damage is now 300, its only increased 50% from the last one.  If you added a 3rd +100% damage mod, you'd be up to 400 damage, only a 33% increase for that mod slot.  Its like you are building one very long hallway.  Instead, your second mod should be multishot.  If you had a +100% multishot, you now have 2 200 damage shots every trigger pull, so you've squared your damage.  Then you add some elemental damage.  Adding a hypothetical +100% Heat mod means you are now dealing 800 damage (2 shots that each deal 400 damage, half of it being fire).  If your base crit chance and/or crit damage is good, you put in those mods.  Etc etc.  Then, when you run out of good options, you go back to that second damage or multishot mod.  The goal is generally to build a big square building rather than a long hallway or pyramid.  Fire rate is decent, but shooting faster means lower ammo efficiency and more reloads, so its usually not as good as just making each bullet hit harder.  That depends on the application and weapon.

+Damage(ie Serration) is universally good.  Everything scales off it and it provides a lot of bonus for the mod slot.

+Multishot is almost as good.  Everything scales off it, it will give some extra status procs, but its usually not as point efficient as raw damage.

+Element can be good or mediocre, depending on enemy resistances and if you want certain statuses.  

+Crit Chance/ Crit Damage.  Can be excellent depending on the weapon, but usually you have to increase both, so its not as slot efficient.  If you have the possibility of getting over 100% crit, +crit chance is mandatory.  If you can easily get headshots, +crit damage is excellent even if crit chance is low.

These are the core stats.  Just filling a weapon with 1 maxed mod of each should be able to handle anything in the star chart.  Once you get to high level content (~level 60 enemies), the scaling on armor in combination with health becomes a problem so you'll need to have a way to deal with that.



Edited by (PS4)xstatic900
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)xstatic900 said:

Yes, Vigilante Armaments is good, especially for weapons that haven't been formaed since its low cost.  

When modding your weapons, think about it like building a big square building.  You want multiplicative scaling, rather than the diminishing returns of additive scaling.  For example...

Say you have a weapon that deals 100 base damage.  You add on a mod that has +100% damage.  You have now doubled your damage.  Then for your second mod, you add on a different +100% damage mod.  This is a mistake.  Your damage is now 300, its only increased 50% from the last one.  If you added a 3rd +100% damage mod, you'd be up to 400 damage, only a 33% increase for that mod slot.  Its like you are building one very long hallway.  Instead, your second mod should be multishot.  If you had a +100% multishot, you now have 2 200 damage shots every trigger pull, so you've squared your damage.  Then you add some elemental damage.  Adding a hypothetical +100% Heat mod means you are now dealing 800 damage (2 shots that each deal 400 damage, half of it being fire).  If your base crit chance and/or crit damage is good, you put in those mods.  Etc etc.  Then, when you run out of good options, you go back to that second damage or multishot mod.  The goal is generally to build a big square building rather than a long hallway or pyramid.  Fire rate is decent, but shooting faster means lower ammo efficiency and more reloads, so its usually not as good as just making each bullet hit harder.  That depends on the application and weapon.

+Damage(ie Serration) is universally good.  Everything scales off it and it provides a lot of bonus for the mod slot.

+Multishot is almost as good.  Everything scales off it, it will give some extra status procs, but its usually not as point efficient as raw damage.

+Element can be good or mediocre, depending on enemy resistances and if you want certain statuses.  

+Crit Chance/ Crit Damage.  Can be excellent depending on the weapon, but usually you have to increase both, so its not as slot efficient.  If you have the possibility of getting over 100% crit, +crit chance is mandatory.  If you can easily get headshots, +crit damage is excellent even if crit chance is low.

These are the core stats.  Just filling a weapon with 1 maxed mod of each should be able to handle anything in the star chart.  Once you get to high level content (~level 60 enemies), the scaling on armor in combination with health becomes a problem so you'll need to have a way to deal with that.



Thanks a lot for this, but now I seem to run out of ammo halfway through every mission on Uranus. Apart from that I'm easily chewing through Uranus

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So uh I have gotten my way through sedna and finished the War Within quest. I tried running the mobile defense mission in the void after sedna.....

.... I got one-shotted.....

I need to get through Mot for chains of harrow, but I realise I'm severely underpowered for this (I have just hit mr6).

So can anyone give me pointers on what I should do now ☹️

EDIT: Started new thread cause this one's getting looooooong.

Edited by TheGoldLegion
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