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Corpus Are Hiding Grineer Ships! (With Pictures)


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Ok so I am not stupid, I know that the reflection textures are simply at the wrong place here, but I thought It's ironic and it looks like they're actually hiding grinner ships behind that glass.

Onto the bug report part: This is the corpus ship mobile defense tile with 4 thick pillars covered in smooth glass which you can see here. Why're they're so low res as well? Are these placeholders?



Edited by Aure7
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Just a cubemap mismatch.

it's low res since cubemaps usually are low resolution.


They're not actual reflections, it's just 6 photos folded in a cube which act as a reflection on objects.

Firstly, it needs to be loaded into memory, which already decreases texture budget needed for more important things.

Secondly cubemapping is never accurate unless you would stand at the exact point where it was taken.

High res reflections on highly reflective objects (like that glass) would make it very obvious that reflection is not even close to the laws of physics.


Also they can't use local reflections, since they're made from current scene texture.In current iteration it would always reflect what you see and your warframe, which would be quite bad, especially at higher distances.


Even if they would add another pass for the reflection only, without the warframe, it still would reflect only things you see, so if someone would stand behind your camera he would not be reflected.

Edited by SkacikPLz
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