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Orokin Derelict Defense Displeasure


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Hey DE. I'm really displeased with the current reward system for update 10.


First: I have expressed my displeasure with an up vote here, in which to get to the Orokin Derelict Defense mission to begin with, I had to grind a key.

Second: After taking the time to co-ordinate a team and then do the mission, here are my rewards:

Wave 5


Wave 10


Wave 15


Wave 20


Wave 25





One may say "Well, you sure did get a lot of Nano Spores", to which I must rebut: 
I really don't need nano spores at this point. 



You've rolled out an awesome tile set, however the rewards feel sparse for playing the new content. Rewarding me with more of the things I already have and other old content (and problems like inappropriate rewards of https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/85260-wave-60-several-heated-charges-on-the-long-road-to-hell/#entry933325'>Heated Charge™ ) won't encourage me to play the game more, spend more money on it or encourage my friends to play the game. 


Similar could be said about the other new missions, which have barely netted me any interest in facing the boss. 



Edited by wraith.exe
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Ah I did get a laugh out of this...but yeah, that's generally my experience so far.  Prefer not to do derelict missions, don't seem to find any rewards in it and its more work than tower stuff - and its not so mind blowing of a tileset, cool, but not whoa.  The golem fight is fun (needs music), but that's really the end of derelict interest.

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They should've made another loot table for the orokin direlict defense rewards rather than just copy pasting the rewards from none orokin direlict defense. Grinding components to craft a key and waiting an hour for it to finish cooking, only to be given the same crap from defense missions outside orokin direlict is just plain stupid. I already have Nekros and I don't really feel like going back to the orokin direlict missions other than to farm mutagen sample, because DE decided to take them out from infested missions outside orokin direlict.

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I wouldn't say "grind" is any part of this. The Nav coordinates seem to drop when you explore, which is the opposite of rushing and grinding, that right there is a big plus for me. Same deal with the Golem coordinates. It also costs 2500 nano spores to build a key, which means I can finally spend some of my hundreds of thousands of nano spores, which is a big plus.

Because exploring is encouraged (in fact, when joined an Orokin Derelict Exterminate mission my friend hosted someone said "Explore a little", it turned into a whooping 6 Golem Nav thingies). There's nothing grindy or farmy about this.


Though, if you're of the mindset that the only thing that matters is the end reward then I can see your point of view.

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.... It also costs 2500 nano spores to build a key, which means I can finally spend some of my hundreds of thousands of nano spores, which is a big plus.

...Though, if you're of the mindset that the only thing that matters is the end reward then I can see your point of view.


Receiving more Nano Spores to get another key so I can get more Nano Spores is ridiculous. Also, I'm not of the mindset that rewards are the only thing that matters. I've always explored and really enjoy this game for that. I do think that there should be a reward for all of this. Following your white rabbit down its hole the only place these rewards really lead in Defense missions is, well, more nano-spores at this point. 5 Golum Nav Points at several points along this path would have made this worth while doing. In the other missions having exploring as a factor is awesome. 

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The rewards for any derelict mission suck. The exterminate gives 3900 credits + bunch of nano spores + bunch of useless mods and level 3 fusion cores. The defense mission is the same thing as far as I can tell. Once you get your Nekro frame, I don't see the point of doing the derelict missions anymore. It costs more to do the keys compared to the rewards that you get for doing one of those missions.


Basically, the reward in credits needs to be upgraded, and the materials drop table need to be changed to some more useful materials. If the derelict missions would give about 10k credits, Plastids as a resource and had a change for some useful rare mods at the end, then I would be happy with making the keys and doing those missions. But if it remains like now, I'll be getting my Nekro frame and then I'll forget about those missions, plain and simple. I'll stick to running Xini and soloing some easy missions to get better rewards faster.


Also, level 30 mobs are too easy for Derelict missions. I though we were talking about end game stuff, and the exterminate missions I'm running have level 30 mobs in them. I basically kill them all (except Ancients and Heavies) in 1 hit of my Orthos, 2 at the most. There has to be a tier system like the void, where the derelict missions can be spawned with the mob level of your choice with increased reward at the end (tier 1-3, with tier 3 being level 60-80 mobs) to offer some kind of challenge for players with maxed out frames (i.e. with conclave levels above 1200).

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So far, I have been doing solo runs in Derelict capture and exterminate and I have to say that most new mods just aren't there. The only place to get these mods reliably is the Golem mission.

Sorry, DE. That's suck. Gigantic suck.

I'm more than fine with waiting for an hour for my key to cook but the reward associated with it isn't there. New Infest weapon BP? No. New Infest sentinel? No. New mods? No. Two things that draw me into it are mutagen sample and Golem Nav. After getting Nekros, why should I pay a visit to the Derelict again?

Steve, get it right. Your drop table for Derelict isn't proper for the time and resource spent making keys to enter it in the first place.

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