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Prime Changes


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Im talking about prime warframes. Dont get me wrong there is nothing bad about an extra polarity,but i feel like there is nothing particularly special about these frames. I was thinking about a change for the abilities itself,for the prime versions.

I dont mean major changes but just small ones. E.g:Ash prime(if it existed) would have his bladestorm remove a certain amount of armour from the attacked enemies and so on. Just things that make the prime better to use and not just another cosmetic change. Another eg: Maybe frost prime ice wave would freeze enemies for like 2 seconds or freeze would be aoe. I hope these suggestions are taken into consideration because it can change the usefullness and impact that the prime warframes have on the players.

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People already complain in a firestorm about prime frames existing at all, I imagine something like this would inflame them even more.


Especially if it was ember prime.




but in all seriousness, I would love little ability tweaks to prime frames. 

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Please no.  Primes are supposed to be mostly cosmetic.  They are sort of like trophies.  And we already have enough of a power creep as it is.  DE even announced (before Frost Prime came out) that Primes aren't supposed to replace their base weapons. 

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Agreed, there's not point in prime being separate just make it an upgrade to the original as if applying a forma so you reset to level 1. Also allow equipping of the original costumes. By doing this you could then make 'prime' be better in any way as long as you kept the original costume.


As for the point of a prime what if they have a 'prime mode' so when activated you gain ' enhanced powers' but at the cost of health as your frame cant handle the technology well. Or maybe they would only work in special Orokin levels. When you upgrade to this level 'prime' you have better attacks, it's like evolving in Poke'mon you don't get the prime powers until a certain (mastery?) level. You have to earn them. They could be a natural evolution to the frames rather than a separate thing.


E.g You could have 'Primed' Pull you so you pull many more enemies with Mag. Like a 'god mode' but limited either by times constraints, level or health etc. Just a bit of end game fun.

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Please no.  Primes are supposed to be mostly cosmetic.  They are sort of like trophies.  And we already have enough of a power creep as it is.  DE even announced (before Frost Prime came out) that Primes aren't supposed to replace their base weapons. 


It just seems a bit pointless to me to go to all this trouble to make these Orokin levels and all this backstory to Primes if they are only for cosmetic use. The prime weapons arn't cosmetic so why should the prime frames be any different?

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It just seems a bit pointless to me to go to all this trouble to make these Orokin levels and all this backstory to Primes if they are only for cosmetic use. The prime weapons arn't cosmetic so why should the prime frames be any different?


Because it leads to power creep, would anger everyone who already potatoed or forma'd the original version, and it would make people less likely to buy or farm the normal versions.  When DE first announced Primes, there was a major backlash by fans who already had Frost.  That's why DE promised to make them the same in the first place. 


Regarding the Prime weapons, a lot of people (myself included) don't think the Prime versions should be any better than the originals.  There have been threads requesting this change for as long as the Prime weapons have existed. 

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What if primes had different animations? So the powers and effects would be the same. But primes get slightly flashier animations or visuals for their powers.

The different animations would be a pleasant, purely cosmetic addition. But would emphasise that primes are different warframes rather than a bling bling reskin.

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What if primes had different animations? So the powers and effects would be the same. But primes get slightly flashier animations or visuals for their powers.

The different animations would be a pleasant, purely cosmetic addition. But would emphasise that primes are different warframes rather than a bling bling reskin.

I really like this idea.

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It just seems a bit pointless to me to go to all this trouble to make these Orokin levels and all this backstory to Primes if they are only for cosmetic use. The prime weapons arn't cosmetic so why should the prime frames be any different?



Because it leads to power creep, would anger everyone who already potatoed or forma'd the original version, and it would make people less likely to buy or farm the normal versions.  When DE first announced Primes, there was a major backlash by fans who already had Frost.  That's why DE promised to make them the same in the first place. 


Regarding the Prime weapons, a lot of people (myself included) don't think the Prime versions should be any better than the originals.  There have been threads requesting this change for as long as the Prime weapons have existed. 


Perhaps I came to the party too late, but it would be nice if DE would make a definitive statement on this. I can already make color changes to my frame. Frankly, adding gold trim to a frame doesn't it make it worth the time it takes to farm it. (Hello Mag Prime. I am looking at you.) There are the Vandal and Wraith weapons that are better than the originals. It makes sense to me the prime weapons are as well. And if the prime weapons than why not the prime warframes?


Seems to me the prime frames were special before formas and now they are just meh.

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Because it leads to power creep, would anger everyone who already potatoed or forma'd the original version, and it would make people less likely to buy or farm the normal versions.  When DE first announced Primes, there was a major backlash by fans who already had Frost.  That's why DE promised to make them the same in the first place. 


Regarding the Prime weapons, a lot of people (myself included) don't think the Prime versions should be any better than the originals.  There have been threads requesting this change for as long as the Prime weapons have existed. 

DE can deal with this other way, for example rather than making prime diffrent warframe make it as a skin where you put prime over a normal warframe so people that had put potatoes and formas to their originals can still have them when they acquire prime version. To be honest I dont farm primes wf because its not worth it and anyway my necros with right colours and after using his 4 ability he looks as he was prime


What if primes had different animations? So the powers and effects would be the same. But primes get slightly flashier animations or visuals for their powers.

The different animations would be a pleasant, purely cosmetic addition. But would emphasise that primes are different warframes rather than a bling bling reskin.

That still wouldn't make it enough reason to get prime, word PRIME should mean something especially with this backstory to it.

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DE can deal with this other way, for example rather than making prime diffrent warframe make it as a skin where you put prime over a normal warframe so people that had put potatoes and formas to their originals can still have them when they acquire prime version. To be honest I dont farm primes wf because its not worth it and anyway my necros with right colours and after using his 4 ability he looks as he was prime


That still wouldn't make it enough reason to get prime, word PRIME should mean something especially with this backstory to it.


The lore already established is that prime warframes and weapons are the original warframes and weapons. Having them as a simple skin would no longer make sense given that lore as they are separate things.


Prime warframes look cool, come with an additional polarisation (save you a forma and 30 levels), have faster shield regen (so we are lead to believe) and cause traps in void to give energy. If their animations were different and flashier it would just be the icing on the cake.


I have no doubt that Primes will have further uses later in the game when more thought is put into how to making them different. Who knows what we might see? But we don't need them to completely outclass the originals. Some people are already annoyed enough and upset that Prime weapons are a direct upgrade and look cooler, we don't need to aggravate that more by doing the same with warframes.


No one is making you farm for Prime warframes. They are a pain in the arse to farm. I believe they are meant for completionists like myself.

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The lore already established is that prime warframes and weapons are the original warframes and weapons. Having them as a simple skin would no longer make sense given that lore as they are separate things.

Well then lets say you have to put original warframe inside a prime or fuse both of them for some reason or whatever. It was just example that it can be dealt in diffrent way.

Some people are already annoyed enough and upset that Prime weapons are a direct upgrade and look cooler, we don't need to aggravate that more by doing the same with warframes.


No one is making you farm for Prime warframes. They are a pain in the arse to farm. I believe they are meant for completionists like myself.

Yea sure go with that idea, so that means we should have only 3/4 weapons and all rest is giving only diffrent look to the weapons but not too flashy because we dont wanna hurt somebody feeling. For god sake mmorpg are maded for some people to be above others, and with time the weaker becomes stronger that's a life cycle of games with rpg and mmo. When you farm prime weapons you you happen to get parts of prime warframe which would be a waste not using this opppurtinity.

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Well then lets say you have to put original warframe inside a prime or fuse both of them for some reason or whatever. It was just example that it can be dealt in diffrent way.

Yea sure go with that idea, so that means we should have only 3/4 weapons and all rest is giving only diffrent look to the weapons but not too flashy because we dont wanna hurt somebody feeling. For god sake mmorpg are maded for some people to be above others, and with time the weaker becomes stronger that's a life cycle of games with rpg and mmo. When you farm prime weapons you you happen to get parts of prime warframe which would be a waste not using this opppurtinity.


What i meant to say was, primed weapons being better we can deal with. But not primed warframes. People get pissy enough that Nova does more damage than other warframes despite being designed to do damage specifically.


Image now if ALL your current warframes that you had spent time, potatoes and forma in suddenly became lower tier compared to the primes. The uproar would be fantastic.

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What if primes had different animations? So the powers and effects would be the same. But primes get slightly flashier animations or visuals for their powers.

The different animations would be a pleasant, purely cosmetic addition. But would emphasise that primes are different warframes rather than a bling bling reskin.



But I still think there should be an additional stat enhancement.


After all, these are rather expensive and are specifically for those who wish to have something extraordinary to mark their place in the community.


Maybe Primes should have a stat boost that is not achievable any other way. This would not only sell better for DE, but would also satisfy customers.

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I hope ash prime was mentioned as a big joke. Because it is the last frame that should get a primed version if at all.


If Ash is getting a Prime version, that probably means Scott will re-balance his powers slightly beforehand.  That's exactly what happened with Mag, and trust me, she used to be far more useless than Ash is. 


Although truth be told, I'm still hoping for Nyx Prime.  I want to see what the artists can do with her. 



What if primes had different animations? So the powers and effects would be the same. But primes get slightly flashier animations or visuals for their powers.

The different animations would be a pleasant, purely cosmetic addition. But would emphasise that primes are different warframes rather than a bling bling reskin.


So long as it is purely cosmetic, I would be completely fine with this change.  The only thing I'm dead set against is extra power (be it through stat bonuses or more powerful abilities). 

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