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Mods - New Slot System


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Well ok, so you have 8 and 8 slots. So 16. Are they random? I mean, beside the abilities being located in the helmet, can you put whatever mod you want in the 4 remaining slots? Or would you separate slots according to functions like I did?


The 4 ability slots, could we polarize them?

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Well ok, so you have 8 and 8 slots. So 16. Are they random? I mean, beside the abilities being located in the helmet, can you put whatever mod you want in the 4 remaining slots? Or would you separate slots according to functions like I did?


The 4 ability slots, could we polarize them?

I don't see why people could not forma all slots if they want, it's their stuff so it's their call.


And about the kind of mods I already wrote it would be abilities mods, power-enhancing mods and utility mods like Master Thief for the helmet; and shield/armor/health/stamina/damage resistance and others for the suit.

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This idea, along with its predecessor (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/67198-warframe-mod-slot-idea-wimage/) was discussed in our clan since the birth. Yeah, we endorse it and even have own additions:

1. 2 slot less for normal frames. (now its 10 +1 aura, make it 8)

2. 1 slot less for primes. (9 total)

3. Craftable item like potato to add 1 slot wherever you want (chassis, helmet or systems)

4. "Vandal" upgrades for normal frames adding 1 more slot (10 total), hopefully with new skin.

5. Aura uses 1 slot of the existing ones, but first has to discovered in dojo and crafted per frame.

6. Crafted helmets add 1 more slot in Helmet slots. (with 'vandal' frame it gives exactly the same amount of slots as it is now, with one changed into aura)

7. Forma can not only change polarity, but also switch position of slot (from helmet to systems or chassis, etc)


We realize that it makes bigger difference between new players and high end gamers but... hey, isnt it about reaching some goal? Makes each frame more custom, personal, etc. It will take hell of a time to max a frame, but totaly worth it + it makes game more challenging with crippled amount of mods.

Edited by Snezz
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Actually, I think the aura mod should be mastery locked. Or at least becoming available when you reach level 30 of your frame.


I didn't need any aura (wasn't in game yet) until reaching lvl 30. It became needed when I was pushing myself in higher level missions or defenses.


Now, when I get a new frame, I don't have to get a potatoe anymore or to go through the difficulties of balancing my mods during my first steps. First thing I do after increasing my shield and health, I just put an aura and then my frame is boosted and I can go to Xini or Kappa and level it up fast. I guess new players can do the same after farming fusion cores, and it kills the difficulties we had before the aura system to level up our frames.


It meets your idea of making them harder to get too, while for you it must be a dojo thing.


Snezz : the actual purpose of my post was to 1. find a way to encourage people to use mods that are not power or energy then 2. to give a chance to all those considered useless mods or unused because of the "no more slot available" once you use the basic build we all have 3. to balance the game by a new slot system.


Considering those purposes, how does giving people 8 slots instead of 10 solve those problems (even if I am aware that in your system you can add slots -> 'what would be the max total of slots your could get' is another question I have)? And how whould that be divided between the 3 parts of the Warframe (Helmet, Chassis, Systems)?


But I like your ideas of a different number of slots if it's prime or not (no real difference in using a prime right now) and your ways to change the number of slots available by crafting/buying new components or using forma.

Edited by matto
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Those mods, no matter how hard you try, will only be used for 'fun', not in real high end gaming. I dont suggest adding more to slots pool, because those mods still wouldnt be in the 'chosen few'. People would just add more combo mods, instead of those. Sad but true. Only situation when they might be picked up is when the skills wouldnt be counted into the pool and had separate slots (which doesnt seem like a bad idea, especialy if people will force the idea of additional skills for frames or passive mods with the same polarisation as skill mods.)


If the skills are counted into the pool of frames energy, I assume that limit of 12 slots TOTAL would be nearly OP, but acceptable. I keep in mind, that normal player uses usually 2 skills, so it leaves 10 slots. Personaly, I prefer less mods for more challenging gameplay instead of god mode, running around splashing enemies on walls while screaming "Yala! Yala! Yala!"

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Those mods, no matter how hard you try, will only be used for 'fun'

Yeah they are useless at the moment, that's the big problem. Who is going to use Acrobat or the +1sec mod for hacking? Right?


But still, some deserves attention: Handspring, Shock Absorbers, Sure Footed, Antitoxin (and all the elemental or faction defensive mods), Equilibrium. And they could do more with stealth frame mods etc.


If you get more slots and dedicate them to something else than power and energy. That you get enough slot to have your common "basic build" (Flow, Stretch etc.), then you'll start to think more about strategy and about how to make a good build.


As you said here :


Only situation when they might be picked up is when the skills wouldnt be counted into the pool and had separate slots


I mean, if they want to make us realize about the stamina (the way they buffed it before the hotfix), so give us a chance to equip those damn mods and so we will probably accept your system.

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Sorry, too lazy to edit.


You see, I see 2 solutions here.


One is a new slot system as I am trying to think about.


The other one is rather harsh : As you said, reduce the slots to 8 (+1 aura if you keep it) as most of us use only 2, max 3 abilities. And this will avoid people to play the "overpowered" builds and think more about how they want to play their frames. You want an offensive frost? Good for you, but don't think about using your super snowglobe. So people will think twice when they want to team up. But if they do that, then please, get rid off all those crappy mods. At least it will cleanse the drop tables.

Edited by matto
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(click to enlarge)


I'm not discussing the number of slots or anything like that on this last post (here is just an example).

Just trying to imagine the UI for a new slot system.


There would be your frame under X Ray, with the possibility to click on your helmet, your chassis or your systems.


Once you clicked one of those 3 parts, a small window with your slots available appears for the selected part (here helmet).


You can mod it like we're doing right now.

Edited by matto
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I like this idea. I came up with this a few months ago on TS with my clan. They liked the idea. I like the idea. Now all we need is for DE to like the idea. 


Edit: The current amount of mods that can be equipped is fine. We need to not be punished for adding supplementary mods for movement and let's not forget about all of those annoying stamina related mods.

Edited by Mythblaze
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Or just take a look at it for a start...


Edit: The current amount of mods that can be equipped is fine. We need to not be punished for adding supplementary mods for movement and let's not forget about all of those annoying stamina related mods.


Well it depends... It's fine because the stamina system was nerfed, then fixed again to find a balanced state. So we don't really need to equip stamina mods yet. So those stamina mods are still useless.

Edited by matto
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Seriously, I'm gonna give this thread another chance and then I'm done with it.


The lack of contributions make me think that everyone is fine with the actual slot system (except for the few who participated here and thank you guys). So...

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