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{Mechanics Suggestion} Aura Cards To Link Powers Between Different Warframes


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Summary and what you need to know of this Suggestion.

Aura cards can be used to link the powers between different warframes with the inclusion of buffs and benefits thus encouraging the use of such cards.


The card would have a subheading for the specific frame that the aura card can be placed on with the description detailing the frame that it can link its powers to and an additional benefit.


e.g Aura Card Soul Manipulate, For Nekros that links powers to Trinity. The additional buff could be increase in energy efficiency or even increase in teams overall health.


When Trinity uses Energy Vampire, Nekros can use Terrify, this would cause the surrounding enemies to be afraid while the enemy under energy vampire where each pulse would increase the effects and prolong the time of Terrify to those enemies near the pulse.


Another e.g could be Fire Works, For ember and links to Nova. The buff would be increased DOT damage and time or more credits and etc.


When ember cast her first power on the mote of Nova, each mote would catch on fire and launching the mote to the enemy would sustain a DOT within the area where each mote lands(like Grineer Napalms).


More Detailed information if you are interested for more indepth knowledge and this is highly optional:

When linking skills, only one party is needed to have the card equipped to link that skill and that person would be the one casting the power. So for example if a Nova has a link to Trinity, but trinity has a link to Frost where frost links back to trinity, the resulting outcome would be Nova would be able to link to Trinity's power with any of hers but trinity can't link her powers to nova.


On the other hand Trinity can link to frost power and frost can link back to trinity's. In addition if Nova first linked to Trinity's power and frost decides to link too, it can stack dealing a crazy combo of power. The amount of links possible is quite a handful and can create extremely exhilarating situations that can engage the gamers even more.


To link powers, the frame that uses the aura card must cast their power after the frame they are linked to has cast their power already. For example if Nekros links to Nova and Nova cast anti-matter drop followed by nekros casting soul punch, the powers will link. However if in this case nova isn't link to nekros, When Nekros cast soul punch, Nova cast antimatter drop, the power will not link.


The benefit for the mod cards won't be related to just player buffs, it could also mean increase in drop rates, exp, enemy weakening, team regeneration and etc. Thus instead of providing warframes with an aura card that increases just team benefits, this encourages team play and not just team planning.


However as these mods would mean an exponential increase in aura cards, thereby making alot of other mods rare, i suggest limiting each warframe to have at least 5 possible links and if possible links to all other warframes. In addition this would allow aura cards to be warframe specific so allowing the ability for the power link aura cards to have the same polarity as the aura slot for the specificed warframe and benefitting everyone in general.


If i were to say that DE can make up the possible list of combos for powers, i would be lazy but sadly coming up with names or scenarios to such outcomes would be hard for me to say either due to issues of balance. What i suggest be done when thinking of power links so to ensure some balance and unique combinations


1. can they reverse power link if both warframes equip cards that link each others skills?


2. Is there a limit to reverse linking stacking?


3. Multi-linking should be stackable or not? Mostly like with a hard cap if it is stackable to prevent the engine from kill itself not for the sake of balance if the issue arises. Multi link refers to power links between more than 3 frames


4. If multi-linking is allowed, would this be considered advanced linking where the work to come up with alot of permutations for just a few skills combining leading to alot more work? If so i would suggest keeping mutli-linking to a minimum or if possible don't introduce this feature till the game is able to handle it and the dev team has worked to producing these multi powers properly(with as little possible bugs and chance for exploit that ruins gaming mechanics)


5. Would linked skills be a simple add on or a totally new skill animation and type? If it is the former, i suggest placing them as a priority for the 1st and 2nd skill links and for 3rd and 4th links to be the latter if possible.


6. Can 1st powers link with 4th powers? 2nd with 4th? 3rd with 1st and etc. This is quite important as it can determine the combos the frames may have. This can be done with the view of themes and special skills before considering this, but it is also important to ensure that at least 2 of the powers from the frame that is going to link is able to combine with the other powers.


7. What happens to linked powers? Are they going to be a separate power that can't be linked to? Or perhaps a power that is related to the frame who initiates the link (the frame that first cast their power). Maybe it can also be related to the frame that links with the initial power. This can lead to the question of links becoming crazily creative but at the same time very destructive both to the in-game enemies but also to the systems ability to sustain an increase in load. This can help create some awesome stacks between 2 frames, but at the same time it can also lead to alot of game breaking if the stacks can go on forever and a hard cap to how many times the powers can be linked must be implemented.


8. Linking of insta casting skills to non-insta casting ones. This is the hard one where it would create the issue of insta cast, insta hit skills to be nearly unlinkable due to not only a small window to cast the link but the fact that the powers are so fast that they are effective that way. I highly suggest not nerfing casting time to accommodate such a mechanic as it can spoil pre-existing skills. One work around is to prevent most tier 4 powers to be linked since most of them are insta cast. However this is isn't within my control as i don't know how technically limited DE's capability is.


With all this 8 points, i hope DE can consider how to add the system and how to introduce the specific cards. There is bound to be some parts that i have missed out that would work as a factor when implementing power links. In addition i would like to suggest that a manual be available at the right side of the arensal UI for the current aura power link card in the mod slot of the current frame. This would allow players to know all possible combinations. However these would only state basic combinations and expert to advanced versions are all up to the players creativity.


Thank you!


Please tell me what you think about all this =D

Edited by Jacate
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To be honest, this sounds really awsome.


It would be an intresting way to create some strong powers,

allow higher level and more difficult enemies to be implemented to use these forces against 

and as last, it would encourage using the more useless abilities which could have an awsome use now

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To be honest, this sounds really awsome.


It would be an intresting way to create some strong powers,

allow higher level and more difficult enemies to be implemented to use these forces against 

and as last, it would encourage using the more useless abilities which could have an awsome use now

It would and not only encourage team planning but team playing since all skills will have their uses. Thank you =D

Edited by Jacate
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