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Machete Buff Thread + Soma Nerf Thread


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The Machete looks awesome. I want to use it. Make it more powerful than a Skana please.


For being so readily available, the Soma is @(*()$ nuts. That fire rate combined with a crit build results in boss-melting death. I would enjoy the weapon greatly if it had a short clip and had to be used efficiently in order to be good. No weapon obtainable through the Market should be clearly better than everything except clan weapons.


This also goes for the Kunai, by the way.

Edited by Nenesse
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HOW ABOUT STOP ASKING THE RIDICULOUS THINGS ITS ANNOYING!!!! NERF THIS NERF THAT OVER AND OVER....ITS REALLY ANNOYING....if u think it needs a nerf then dont use it anymore....sell it...or whatever...on that note i really hope that they DON'T nerf anything...just go with the flow....PERIOD.



sorry if that offended you but...really just go with the flow of things...and wait a while....and please just stop about the NERF topic...its just makes me angry to think some people asking nerfing stuff...just go with the flow..for the love of god

Edited by edryuu
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How about we buff all weapons to a relatively equal bar that will give players choice.  Soma IS OP, but why make it worse when we could ask to have everything else raised to the level of the Soma? 


It's one thing to give people more of a choice, it's totally another to make everything equal. Balance does not imply equality, and making everything equal will just lead to sameness. I don't want weapons to be largely cosmetic choices. Some should be better in some areas than others. The issue with Soma is that it's better than almost everything, at almost everything, barring a tiny handful of primaries that only outclass it in a few areas.


Also, I'd rather see specific fixes for specific problems, rather than fixing all the non-broken things around them.

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Because at the end of the game someone else has a higher number than I do! D:




If Warframe was an offline single-player game (meaning I had direct access to the game files and didn't have to verify them to play), there are many thing's I'd have nerfed already.


There are plenty of arguments for nerfing certain things, and most of them don't have anything at all to do with how one's performance compares to anyone elses.


i would like to see Soma's effectiveness changed not because someone else has a better Soma (they can't, actually, mine is as maxed out as it gets), but because Soma so completely outclasses any other primary I have in every way that I loose all real variety.

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It's one thing to give people more of a choice, it's totally another to make everything equal. Balance does not imply equality, and making everything equal will just lead to sameness. I don't want weapons to be largely cosmetic choices. Some should be better in some areas than others. The issue with Soma is that it's better than almost everything, at almost everything, barring a tiny handful of primaries that only outclass it in a few areas.


Also, I'd rather see specific fixes for specific problems, rather than fixing all the non-broken things around them.


Because of this.



There are plenty of arguments for nerfing certain things, and most of them don't have anything at all to do with how one's performance compares to anyone elses.


... Soma so completely outclasses any other primary I have in every way that I loose all real variety.


Soma also completely outclasses any other primary I have, and I have a Flux Rifle, which is a mid-tier clan weapon. Clan weapons, mind you, require mastery ranks, multiple days of building time, multiple rare materials that add up to the double digits, and several hundred thousand credits. The Soma takes nearly no rare components and ten thousand credits.


If one weapon is plainly better than everything else, then that class of weapon is ruined, period. Even if you yourself like to use a non-top-tier weapon for fun, everyone around you has the top tier weapon, resulting in the same weapon noise on everyone and the the same strengths and weaknesses on everyone, which makes for a dull game experience. At the moment, your teammates would be justified in yelling at you for taking anything except a Soma or Ogris and an Acrid on a full-masochist-mode-let's-do-the-hardest-S#&$-in-the-game run.


Worse still is not all Warframes being "viable." Nova, Saryn, and Frost are, again, plainly better than warframes that are considered low-tier. Same thing: Playing Ash because Ash is fun means you are knowingly nerfing yourself. Pretty lame for an entire type of character and supposedly unique style of gameplay--and pretty lame for an item that's supposed to be a big reward that you have to spend a lot of farming time on.


Worse, there's the possibility of being yelled at (or being excluded from groups!) for your preferences.

Even aside from the fact that some people might have a philosophical problem with being forced to switch to a downgrade and a plainly worse weapon if they want something fun.


Having some weapons be better than others be fine. Having only one style of play be the "best" is not. 


And no melee weapon is useful once you're at the point where nothing dents enemies except the top tier stuff. Which... I hope people realize how wrong THAT is.


tl;dr weapons that are plainly better than anything else can hurt your experience even if you don't mind nerfing yourself for fun.

Edited by Nenesse
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