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Weapon Fusion System?


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I have like a bazillion gorgon and dual zoren bps from daily rewards, they burn me when i see in the inventary


why dont add a weapon fusion system, so we can get some wraith and vandal weapons or slotted weapons if we fuse



maybe you can make it a little random like the borderlands weapons


it can help to sink credits and bps of the players and add some life to the game



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Then I'd just buy tons of crap weapons, craft them all, and fuse them into a Snipetron Vandal.

You don't really understand event rewards...


Then you will have to build a lot of weapons, that takes a lot of time, and after a week and a bazillion credits and materials "maybe" you get a snipetron wraith with less magazine than the vandal but better dmg

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Then you will have to build a lot of weapons, that takes a lot of time, and after a week and a bazillion credits and materials "maybe" you get a snipetron wraith with less magazine than the vandal but better dmg


No. What don't you get about the term 'exclusive'? These items are meant to be exclusive to events only and you want them to have a chance to be available through this system you propose rendering them non-exclusive.

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No. What don't you get about the term 'exclusive'? These items are meant to be exclusive to events only and you want them to have a chance to be available through this system you propose rendering them non-exclusive.

It's funny how people bashing DE for making exclusive referral mods, yet in next thread other people desperately defending pretty exclusives that they own.

Disclaimer: this wasn't personal pun for you, R3leaZ. Just wanted to illustrate that this community is far from agreement about what is good, and what is bad, despite of what some vocal minority thinks.

Edited by Khranitel
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It's funny how people bashing DE for making exclusive referral mods, yet in next thread other people desperately defending pretty exclusives that they own.

Disclaimer: this wasn't personal pun for you, R3leaZ. Just wanted to illustrate that this community is far from agreement about what is good, and what is bad, despite of what some vocal minority thinks.


The referral mods are not exclusive at all. You will be able to get them at any time if you can just get your friends to play the game through your referral link or you just cheat the system by making multiple accounts and playing 10 missions on each.


The exclusive gear I mean were a 1 time available only type of exclusive. They appeared during events. Some might be available again maybe in repeating events that can reappear (like Easter colours, Valentine Colours, etc) though CBT exclusive weapons like the Braton Vandal (If you are lucky) or Lato Vandal (Just by participating in CBT) are exclusive to CBT only and will never be available again since CBT cannot happen again.

Edited by R3leaZ
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Then you will have to build a lot of weapons, that takes a lot of time, and after a week and a bazillion credits and materials "maybe" you get a snipetron wraith with less magazine than the vandal but better dmg

I'd rather not expand on this idea.

It's... Wrong.

Oh so wrong.

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