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Issue with Grendel energy consumption


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So, I'm sure this is a bug, through and through, but I can't tell which way it's going for a bug. Grendel's FEAST energy consumption shows and does something completely different. 

FEAST says that it has an energy cost of 25, and a 1.5 drain/second cost for when you consume something. When you consume an enemy, drain checks out. But then it doesn't. The drain of the ability ramps up in energy cost. Base, two enemies should have a 3 drain/second cost, but after about 10 seconds, it drains more and more. 

With a drain of .38, I shouldn't lose and energy for just over three seconds, and that holds true for the first three seconds of having an enemy in my stomach. But then I lose energy every two seconds, and then every second, and eventually I'm losing 10 energy a second with only 1 enemy in my stomach. 


I'm unsure if this is intentional and just isn't mentioned in the abilities description, or if this is a genuine issue with Grendel, because if you consume a group of enemies, nourish a couple, and then throw some back out, your energy is still going to be draining by that groups amount. 

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i noticed the same with 100% maxed efficiency, some people are saying its a bug and some people are assuming its intended that way you cant hoard enemies, which is stupid because it counter plays his entire kit of eating enemies and gaining armor.

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