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Wallrunning Competition Mode.


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Warframe's lack of competitive nature will affect the game in the long run. DE already stated that PvP isn't in their plan so creating a daily challenge/tournament will be good alternative. I think the current Tenno challenge that we got in regular game isn't really interesting. Rifleman/stealth kill/melee kill is a bit too generic and the reward isn't that interesting (500 affinity...OK).

As of now, the best feature that has the potential for competition is wallrunning. It's fun, it's easy to understand but hard to master. Wallrunning tournament would be the best bet ATM. However, slower frames can't compete in such thing, obviously. I'll cover slower frames' participation below.

Parkour mode purposes.

1. Subsitute generic PvP with something more interesting.

2. Increase game's longevity.

3. Make use of one of the game's most interesting feature and map design.

4. No need to balance ability and weapon specifically for PvP mode.

Types of match.

1. Time attack : Race from pointA to pointB

2. Artifact hunt : Collect datamass or artifact along the route. These objects 'point' are corporate in the end of the match. The point of each artifact is calculated by how hard to get them.

3. Training course : Enemy holograms are placed along the route. Players must eliminate these holograms with acrobatic movement and wallrunning. More advanced move grant more points. Points are corporate with time taken in the end of the match.

Each types of match will be have simple and modified frame version. In simple match, all participated frames are unmodified and all no power allow. Modified match allow modified frame but no power usage ( switch teleport, slash dash, rhino charge, speed, super jump).

Frame types are separated into light, medium, and heavy by frame's speed.

Now we have single/multiplayer, simple/modified, artifact hunt/time attack/training course, heavy/medium/light match combination for parkour competition. The prize of the match could be varied from each type of match and result of the match. Separate leaderboard for best time and score on friend/global.

Thought, comment, suggestion are welcome, fellow Tenno.

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but tenno are fighter not runner the game would be weird with parkour stuff i think...

idk maybe as a training i was seraching the training mode forever yesterday...

I think this mode could also be tied into regular mission as a variation. Artifact hunt is a good candidate for coop mission. Artifacts are spawn equal to number of players participate in the beginning of the match.

Each artifact is in different part of a self-destruct ship/base and players must bring at least 2 artifact back at the extraction zone. Timer countdown at the beginning of the mission and players must race through different part of the ship and retrieve each artifact within time limit. The reward will be varied depend on the result of the mission.

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but tenno are fighter not runner the game would be weird with parkour stuff i think...

idk maybe as a training i was seraching the training mode forever yesterday...

Corpus defense missions are your training mode, just kill all the stuff and practice as long as you wish. There is everything you need to pull off all the WW moves. Let me know if you need some help!

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Types of match.

1. Time attack : Race from pointA to pointB

2. Artifact hunt : Collect datamass or artifact along the route. These objects 'point' are corporate in the end of the match. The point of each artifact is calculated by how hard to get them.

3. Training course : Enemy holograms are placed along the route. Players must eliminate these holograms with acrobatic movement and wallrunning. More advanced move grant more points. Points are corporate with time taken in the end of the match.

Muahaha time for vengance neKroMancer! *,.....,*

Na just kidding, different day, different time, different topic. ^ ^

your suggestion sounds pretty interesting, a bit more variation is always a good thing. :3

But i have a question about one of youre mentioned match types, the training course to be exact.

May i ask where that should take place, maybeat a improved training area like mentioned in another thread? :o


I guess you dont meant this but imagine, a Tenno run around a Grineer or Corpus ship

placing some holographic versions of that enemys, and then smash them while getting shot by the real enemys. xD

Edited by Sorros
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Oh hi, Sorros.

The idea of of 'training mode' is to substitute normal enemies with holographic counterpart. All of them. This mode is intend to make players going for the most outrageous combination of swordplay/gunfire and acrobatic possible. Scoring system depends on what DE consider 'hard'. The regular sliding shot/slash would be easiest while wallruning shot/slash is the hardest.

Time taken and 'style' point are calculate at the end of the match.

More advanced courses feature moving targets that shoot blank shot at players. Each blank shot that the player got hit lower the overall score.

What do you think? It's pretty rough idea and with more acrobatic move in the future, this idea could work.

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Oh hi, Sorros.

The idea of of 'training mode' is to substitute normal enemies with holographic counterpart. All of them. This mode is intend to make players going for the most outrageous combination of swordplay/gunfire and acrobatic possible. Scoring system depends on what DE consider 'hard'. The regular sliding shot/slash would be easiest while wallruning shot/slash is the hardest.

Time taken and 'style' point are calculate at the end of the match.

More advanced courses feature moving targets that shoot blank shot at players. Each blank shot that the player got hit lower the overall score.

What do you think? It's pretty rough idea and with more acrobatic move in the future, this idea could work.

Ahm thanks for this more precisely explanation of the "training course" but my question just was were dou you want that to take place? :o

should it be like a little bonus part in a normal mission (maybe in a already cleared area) or

did you have a special (training only) area in mind for that (or maybe both for some variation) ? :3

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I think the 'training mode' name got you a little confused. It's 'acrobatic combat' competition.

It's still a part of wallrunning competition so, lore wise, it could take place on a captured Grineer asteroid/Corpus ship. With new tileset in future updates, more should be added.

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Oh god that would be amazing. Seriously, the last game I can think of that did this was Star Wars Battlefront 1, with the Tuskan Raiders as a loose cannon faction that both player's 1 and 2 had to fight while also going at it against eachother.Something like that with a rogue Tenno, a common enemy like the infestation, and a Tenno working with Lotus al duking it out would be sweet.

As for the actual thread, yeah this would be pretty cool. First though I hope they improve the parkour system, since its stil got its quirks. I know a lot of people stick around TF2 just because of how fun it is to rocket jump really fast around the maps, and this could harbor a similar skill based community.

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