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Galatine Is Ok, Every Other Melee Isn't


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Now this is gonna be a short argument because it is so simple, i'l explain, can you do something, anything, with lets say... Scindo, to an enemy that is above level 80? Its a heavy melee that supposed to oneshot enemies untill a very high level, and give speed for that, any melee weapon is gonna be like this, even if its considered above all of the other melee weapons, fang, scindo, fragor, gram, duel ichores, duel zoran against infested, and the list just goes on and on, a list of weapons that can't do anything after a cirtint point, now lets take a look at weapons that stand a chance, at higher levels, fang prime, a combination of huge damage for daggers and huge speed, orthos and orthos prime, great charge damage and really fast for a heavy melee, and galatine, that we all know why thats strong, im hoping to see a buff or balance to EVERY melee weapon in the game to make it viable and not causing the players that just love melee, return to theyre primerys/seconderys because theyre heavy melee that strikes once every 1 second is just a small movement on the health bar of the enemy you are facing, i have a dream, that one day, melee players and range weapon players will stand togather kicking void asses, and being able to do the same amount of Destruction, thank you for reading, and i say it once again, english isn't my native language, so if you see a misspelled word, don't kill me for it : )

Edited by yarash2110
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Melee in general starts to falloff in usefulness once you start getting enough mods to really optimize your mod setups. When you are low level and are just using the MK-1 Braton, Lato, and Skana, melee looks very powerful since a charge attack with your melee is armor ignoring and should OHKO enemies within the first 10 or so levels, but after that point you start to notice that melee weapons in general have bad base stats and the mods that improve them don't improve them enough. There is little point in killing a high level enemy in 2 charge swings when your guns can usually kill them within the time it takes you to charge one attack.

Even if I can mod my new Galantine to OHKO level 100 enemies with a slow charge attack, there still isn't any point in me doing that when my Embolist can do the same thing, with SLIGHTLY better range and much much faster. Part of the reason that I consider the Glaive the only melee weapon worth using at higher levels right now.

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Galatine is NOT ok.


That said, many melee weapons are in a bad place right now (take any longsword (any at all) for example).


I don't think a marketplace item that is so easily obtained and crafted should be directly competing with fang prime / orthos prime / any prime weapon really, let alone be best-in-class for charge damage builds.

Edited by Volume
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Now this is gonna be a short argument because it is so simple, i'l explain, can you do something, anything, with lets say... Scindo, to an enemy that is above level 80? Its a heavy melee that supposed to oneshot enemies untill a very high level, and give speed for that, any melee weapon is gonna be like this, even if its considered above all of the other melee weapons, fang, scindo, fragor, gram, duel ichores, duel zoran against infested, and the list just goes on and on, a list of weapons that can't do anything after a cirtint point, now lets take a look at weapons that stand a chance, at higher levels, fang prime, a combination of huge damage for daggers and huge speed, orthos and orthos prime, great charge damage and really fast for a heavy melee, and galatine, that we all know why thats strong, im hoping to see a buff or balance to EVERY melee weapon in the game to make it viable and not causing the players that just love melee, return to theyre primerys/seconderys because theyre heavy melee that strikes once every 1 second is just a small movement on the health bar of the enemy you are facing, i have a dream, that one day, melee players and range weapon players will stand togather kicking void asses, and being able to do the same amount of Destruction, thank you for reading, and i say it once again, english isn't my native language, so if you see a misspelled word, don't kill me for it : )

Youre right.^ for you.

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Galatine is NOT ok.


That said, many melee weapons are in a bad place right now (take any longsword (any at all) for example).


I don't think a marketplace item that is so easily obtained and crafted should be directly competing with fang prime / orthos prime / any prime weapon really, let alone be best-in-class for charge damage builds.

prime weapon are SUPPOSED to be better, because if you could just buy the best weapon in the game, who would farm, who would play? But not talking about primes, melee weapon really aren't balanced
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