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Warframe Slots?


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Isn't the whole point of grinding all the materials and credits to buy the warframe a way of not paying for it? But then we have to pay 10 plat as well for extra slots? Okay you start with 50 plat for free but is not obvious that you can't have more than 2 warframes without buying slots.

I initially bought some warframes to get me started but to get all the warframes I'd need to grind my &#! off and pay on top? Sure it's really cheap but it's just a payment to justify my grinding as not a waste of time.

Please allow unlimited slots or atleast make it so there is a credits option

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DE gave you option to have almost EVERYTHING for free instead of buying it, why do you even asking about lowing slot prices? You are asking to make warframe completely free, but it cannot exist without money.

there is no real game without slots tho honestly

you would have to constantly delete your frames and weapons so you could have a reason to still collect mats

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DE gave you option to have almost EVERYTHING for free instead of buying it, why do you even asking about lowing slot prices? You are asking to make warframe completely free, but it cannot exist without money.

The game can still make money with the option of an in game currency purchase. For a game that advertises as free to play there are really tight restrictions on those who do play for free.

Edited by Ragethunder
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The game can still make money with the option of an in game currency purchase. For a game that advertises as free to play there are really tight restrictions on those who do play for free.

It is not a tight restriction as it does not interfere with overall gameplay. You can freely play in high level zones, freely rank up your frames (reactors and catalysts are dropping on weekend alerts) and have every gun you want (but not every gun or warframe in the same time).

For example of tight restrictions i can give you SWTOR. It has restriction on maximum amount of in-game cash, battleground participating restriction, restriction on artifact-class items usage. It is real pain in the *** actually. What i can't say about warframe.

Edited by Keityn
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The game can still make money with the option of an in game currency purchase. For a game that advertises as free to play there are really tight restrictions on those who do play for free.

Lol really tight restrictions on those who play for free? The only thing they're keeping you from doing with the slot limitations is hoard every piece of equipment in the game.

Where as many other games pull things like capping your level far below the max available unless you pay, Restricting access to areas to the basic starter areas unless you buy access to the other areas. Some have equipment slots for stat altering items that are only bought from the cash shop, Some limit classes and/or races and force you to pay to get access to others.

As far as restrictions or limitations go the only real differences currently are that.

1. Paying player doesn't have to mess with their inventory as much should they buy additional warframe and weapon slots.

2. Paying player has more color options to choose from in customizing warframe appearance should they buy the unlocks.

3. Paying player can speed up foundry build times or purchase an item with plat which gets them a new item sooner than a free player.

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Sorry but my view on this is you get the majority of the game totally free, if all you have to buy is extra slots and weapon/armour reactors then put your money in your pocket and cough up for a small amount of platinum every now and again. People really do take the free to play part to far, games have to make some money and if you like the game enough to get to the point you need more space surely it's no hardship to buy abit of platinum to get it.

Before people complain about not having the money to afford abit of platinum, you obviously had enough cash to afford the PC your playing it on, so stop being tight and cough up some cash. Sorry if my view offends anyone,just really annoys me that people expect something for nothing, especially when most of the game is totally free.

Edited by Vetala
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The only thing they're keeping you from doing with the slot limitations is hoard every piece of equipment in the game.

But that's progression, Off the bat I've filled 1 warframe slot and 3 item slots. In total you have 2 warframe slots for free and I think 8 item slots? But there are much more items than there are slots. If a player gets a warframe to 30 they build another one if they intend to play for free. This then takes up the final slot. If this player plays casually it's not really a big deal the leveling process will take a while but if they tend to hardcore the game that warframe would be max levelled extremely quickly. The only way to continue a form of progression would be to change weapons for others but eventually you'll hit the end where there is nothing you can do bar run levels continuously or you can sell your old items and get new ones just for more progression and I feel just because they chose to put time into the game instead of money they shouldn't be restricted.

Afterall it's advertised as a free to play game and most free to play games allow you to get everything that doesn't hinder your gaming experience to a massive degree. (League's Skins and such) But allow you to get everything a payed player would be able to just slower. (IP and RP)

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But that's progression, Off the bat I've filled 1 warframe slot and 3 item slots. In total you have 2 warframe slots for free and I think 8 item slots? But there are much more items than there are slots. If a player gets a warframe to 30 they build another one if they intend to play for free. This then takes up the final slot. If this player plays casually it's not really a big deal the leveling process will take a while but if they tend to hardcore the game that warframe would be max levelled extremely quickly. The only way to continue a form of progression would be to change weapons for others but eventually you'll hit the end where there is nothing you can do bar run levels continuously or you can sell your old items and get new ones just for more progression and I feel just because they chose to put time into the game instead of money they shouldn't be restricted.

Afterall it's advertised as a free to play game and most free to play games allow you to get everything that doesn't hinder your gaming experience to a massive degree. (League's Skins and such) But allow you to get everything a payed player would be able to just slower. (IP and RP)

Leveling a frame to 30 is progression. Keeping it afterwards even if you have no plans to use it again has nothing to do with progression. Having to pick and choose what goes in your limited number of inventory slots does not hinder your gaming experience to a massive degree. Not progressing or getting new items to rank up and progress because you personally can't bear with selling off things you don't use anymore is a personal issue hindering your progression. Not a game mechanic.

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Not progressing or getting new items to rank up and progress because you personally can't bear with selling off things you don't use anymore is a personal issue hindering your progression.

Selling an itme you've ranked up to rank up another is like removing some of your experience bar to fill it up again, It's just redoing what you've already done with an inability to turn back.

I've got Trinity, Nyx, Volt and Loki Warframes and they're all fun and I'll use them to grind materials. But I also like the look of Rhino but I'm not willing to put in another £19 ($30) just to get this one suit but paying another small amount just so I can then use what I've payed for to get the next warframe seems like just a way to mine money out of everyones hands.

Buying 75 plat is not worth it as all I need is 5 plat as I've got 15 left over.

Another solution would be to put in actual micro-transactions for individual items which would bill you the amount of plat you actually require instead of a lump sum that may leave some left over or be just short of what you need.

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Selling an itme you've ranked up to rank up another is like removing some of your experience bar to fill it up again, It's just redoing what you've already done with an inability to turn back.

I've got Trinity, Nyx, Volt and Loki Warframes and they're all fun and I'll use them to grind materials. But I also like the look of Rhino but I'm not willing to put in another £19 ($30) just to get this one suit but paying another small amount just so I can then use what I've payed for to get the next warframe seems like just a way to mine money out of everyones hands.

Buying 75 plat is not worth it as all I need is 5 plat as I've got 15 left over.

Another solution would be to put in actual micro-transactions for individual items which would bill you the amount of plat you actually require instead of a lump sum that may leave some left over or be just short of what you need.

Companies use set currencies in their games to get you to waste money on, in this case, 75 plat. There is a reason why in every F2P game the currencies end up a few coins off from being able to purchase something. It's a marketting ploy, and this company uses it too, not that I blame them.

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There is a trend here... those that spent money on this game are going against OP.


The issue here is actually the fact most of these topics people make over the slot limitations they tend to make up a whole lot of BS trying to claim it as some game breaking huge progression limiter that is supposedly so bad that almost all their free players are going to quit over it.

It has nothing to do with spending money on the game or not. I probably logged well over 120 hours into this game before buying a founders package. Was the limited slots annoying to a degree? Yes. Were they a horrible game progression limiting mechanic that forced me to pay them? No. Again over 120 hours before buying a founders package. Thats more game play for me than most of these main stream retail game titles will give me that cost $60 US before tax. Since that was the case I saw no reason not to give back something. Would a method of possibly grinding extra slots in game or getting them as a reward for something be nice? Yes. Is not getting them unfair for free players? No.

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Afterall it's advertised as a free to play game and most free to play games allow you to get everything that doesn't hinder your gaming experience to a massive degree.

A massive degree? Nope. The gaming experience is not hindered at all. All the content is there for you to play, nothing is only achievable through money. So there is nothing hindering your experience.

You want to stockpile everything? Not part of the gaming experience. Not at all. Quite frankly it's your personal problem, if you play a game for endless hours(if one considers the amount of time it takes to get all the blueprints and materials...), with the option to get everything for free(but not keep everything for free), and then you are too cheap to throw mere 5 bucks at it.

To disguise your problem as "gaming experience" is not only wrong, for the devs it must be pretty insulting too.

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DE gave you option to have almost EVERYTHING for free instead of buying it, why do you even asking about lowing slot prices? You are asking to make warframe completely free, but it cannot exist without money.

People will still buy plat regardless, for reasons of impatience. When you miss alerts for catalysts and reactors, it sucks, but you still have to build them as well. They take a few uncommon resources, but also 1 full day of crafting time. There will always be those who just don't want to wait.

But I see no reason why they can't get by on selling cosmetics like most other F2P models of this generation. Between that and people impatient for something, not wanting to wait 3 days for a frame to craft for example, they will still have a solid income with a larger player base.

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People will still buy plat regardless, for reasons of impatience. When you miss alerts for catalysts and reactors, it sucks, but you still have to build them as well. They take a few uncommon resources, but also 1 full day of crafting time. There will always be those who just don't want to wait.

But I see no reason why they can't get by on selling cosmetics like most other F2P models of this generation. Between that and people impatient for something, not wanting to wait 3 days for a frame to craft for example, they will still have a solid income with a larger player base.

Cosmetics at this time are most likely a back burner item while they work on improving the actual game itself. We got a wave of new helmets but many people didn't like that the helmets altered stats and in some cases the stat alterations were in directions they didn't want as well.

Skins I'm currently unsure of if they just plan to alter the pattern designs or if they will be a full visual style alteration such as having a set of techy or mecha esque skins, a more fleshy skin set, and so on.

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So just to toss my 2 cents in here about warframe slots/weapon slots I'm actually ok with how their dealing with slots but I do have the complaint that theirs really no point to credits after you've found the 2 frames and 8 weapons you enjoy at this point I have like 5 pages of mods after farming hek from trinity parts and I've obtained so many god damn credits I'm wasting them on cyphers and team heals that I dont need and still hold at like 150,000 credits still.

Rant about credits aside I'd love if they gave an actual way to get slots with credits say they cost like 500,000 for frames and 250,000 for one weapon slot so you REALLY have to grind for them to get a warframe slot but no enough that you just give up on it and do what I do with my excess credits. To be honest I'd really like if DE got a system similar to league of legends (for those who dont know you use ingame earnable currency to buy runes which empower your character through stats and you can buy champions with it but can only get skins/boosts through money) because that would allow the game to be atractive to everyone since you can get anything you want really for free but anyting special that makes it cooler or easier cost money (weekly free warframe rotation could be fun so you can decide if you like them especially if theres like 25 some by release and just make it so progress doesnt carry over)


system might work better if its like league of legends system with everything core to be obtained with ingame currency but pretty stuff/boosts cost IRL money and maybe some sort of free warframe of the week where you can mod them and progress doesnt carry over.

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The thing with Warframe and item slots is that they're all you really have. At the moment we're all playing "Grinding: The game". So what happens when your grind ends? You're supposed to farm awesome mods? Why? Sure it's "fun", but it's pretty pointless because there is no end-game like in your average MMO.

I have leveled all of my gear to level 30. Everything is overpowered and I can do whatever the hell I want. But I want to level more stuff up so I can explore different playstyles, which I simply cannot do now that I'm maxed considering I need to buy plat. I do plan on becoming a founder pretty soon, but the whole inventory slot system is just silly. As if tons of grinding and then waiting for 84 hours to get your warframe crafted isn't enough punishment for being a F2P user, you are also limited in your choices via slots.

The difference between paying and f2p players should be comfort, not gameplay-sensitive content. A non-paying player has to grind for warframe blueprints (One player has killed Jackal 94 times before he got his Rhino Chasis blueprint) and materials (RUBEDO AND ALLOY PLATE), only to wait for 3.5 days (EIGHTY FOUR HOURS), and he needs to obtain a Orokin Reactor somehow compared to a Founder/Plat-purchasing player that can get it in literally seconds. That's plenty of comfort, putting slots into the equation is just kind of mean.

Some people have said that "you don't need to have everything in order to enjoy the game". Well that's not the case for everybody, some people just enjoy leveling up weapons, especially since there isn't anything else to do in this game other than level up your weapons/Warframes or grind for mods.

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You don't need to have everything in order to enjoy the game. Some people think they do but it's simply a personal psychological condition that is holding them back if they don't buy slots. Not a flaw in game mechanics. Not some attempt at extoring money from players,

I leveled 3 frames and quite a few weapons before buying a founders pack. I still had item slots left. The only money I put into the game so far is the amount of my founders pack. Much of my lack of inventory issues is due to the process of leveling a weapon to 30 I can decide if I actually like the weapon or not. If I didn't like it or had something already that was simply better, I sold it off after getting it to 30. After all there isn't a point in keeping a weapon you never plan to ever use again.

After getting my founders package I bought the original color palette unlock and some warframe and weapon slots just for sake of simplicity. I still have over 100 plat left just sitting there in case I see something else I want later. Slots still aren't filled.

Edited by UkyoSonoda
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