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September Alert Rewards [Charts]


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I'd like to see the data broken down by time, to see if there really is a North American bias.


Sadly it's not possible since the twitter feed only displays the post date and no hours (unless it displays it differently if you log in to twitter or you can change preferences?).


Also having the data at hand and taking recent reward alerts into consideration it seems like there's some kind of a weekly cycle - mostly blueprints, then mostly auras etc. But since we know nothing about the inner workings of the system we might as well just call it a coincidence.

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I have a friend who almost always buys all the new stuff right off the bat out of the market.

I think that's just fine for him. He has fun and I get a bit of insight into what's interesting about the new gear.


Sometimes I get to play with my friends for eight or twelve hours or more at a stretch, when time allows.

Sometimes I only get to play once or twice a week for a couple of hours. These things happen.


I work hard for money to pay bills. I have to deal with a lot of people who think they're "entitled"

These people seem to think "customer service" is a way to get what they want, the way they want, whenever they want with no limits or respect

It's reality. It's unkind and unforgiving. Do a good job, try to smile and give the people what they want.


A good customer smiles back and doesn't try to convince you what a good customer they are, but that's just my opinion.


I enjoy this game because it's usually a nice diversion from the mind numbing kick in the crotch that life can all too often be.


I've been happy with this game for quite a long time. I've farmed a lot of boss runs and alerts with my friends.

I've gotten more blueprints than I can remember.

I have eleven  Warframes including Nova, Banshee, Frost Prime and Vauban.and Excalibur Prime and every Sentinel.

None of these were difficult to obtain, even under the old RNG.

I've only paid for a few things in this game, namely slots, colors and other cosmetics and the occasional potato or weapon.

And the Master title, back when a weapon with more than one polarity slot was something extraordinary.

Never regretted it.


I respect the OP for taking the time to correlate the data from the alert feed into a nice neat chart.

I'd have expected most long term Tenno to look at it as I did and think to themselves; "Eh, looks about right."

Props to Blatantfool for calmly pointing out the obvious and not trying to defend a system that isn't really broken!

People seem to forget what the R in RNG stands for. It isn't "Do this X amount of times and you'll get what you want, guaranteed!!!"

The numbers are what they are and I'd wager not a lot of people have a problem with that, It's no smoking gun.


If anyone wants to know what a bunch of people participating in a mind-numbing pointless grind is like go to a casino and play the slots If you can put up with the noise and the smell of urine it's just swell!.


Seriously, it's a game people! It's supposed to be entertainment. It's also a lot more than that to the people who've put their talent and passion into developing it! I never did play Dark Sector, but I read about it back in the day, never really knowing how good it could have been if only...


If anyone wants to respond with TL;DR, well it's your loss.

Read the name kids.


With Age comes Wisdom, and at least the capacity for Patience, and the right to speak my mind in defense of what I believe in.


My $0.02


-ojd- Warlord: "Chi to Meiyo"

{Blood & Honor.}


We need more people like you around. +1

Edited by Darayas
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