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Unable To Roll While Reloading


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This has been bothering me a lot lately, as the title says, while you are reloading you cannot interrupt the animation to do a dodge roll. As there are several things that can interupt a reaload, such as using a melee attack or some of the roll landing animations and such, it seems to me to be more of an oversight, and would be something I would like to see changed, which in my opinion would be "fixed" but I do not know the devs intentions here.

Example of where this actually matters, say you're playing Rhino, fighting a boss like Hek, and your Gorgon finally runs out of ammo in its clip. The boss decides to target you, and your shields are low, theres cover a few feet to the side, but clearly reloading your giant machinegun is more important that rolling behind a box to avoid taking shotgun rounds to the face.

So yes its not a critical issue or anything, but it feels very clunky when you get into one of those sitiuations, and undermines the already severly limited and debatable "usefullness" of the roll action even more.

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