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Invincible Manifestation in Chains of Harrow


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During the quest Chains of Harrow, at the stage where you need to "Capture Rell's Manifestations" at Derelict when I trap him with a Siphon Trap and damage him, at some point he falls down on his back and becomes invincible.

I've tried to abort 4 times and whenever I try, the same thing happens. I have previously bought and crafted the "Derelict Emissary Assassinate" Key, which unlocks the regular mission on the same map, but I am unable to complete that mission (due to either skill or equipment - not a bug) could this be related?

This locks me out from progressing the rest of the storyline.

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Having the same problem.  Restarted 5x.  I place the trap, damage the manifestation, it falls on its back, Rell says some stuff and the manifestation just lays on the ground.  No credit gained, no additional manifestations spawned.  I had to restart the first manifestation mission once and the second try it worked but the next one is hard bugged for me.

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I have the same exact problem, I’ve done this mission about 6 times now and every time this happens. Sometimes it baits me into getting 2/3 and on the very last one it just becomes invincible and lays on the ground. I even hear lotus say get to extraction but it doesn’t show me where it is. 

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Yup, same problem here - I had to restart the missions multiple times. After 3-4x tries it worked for 2 of the 3 missions where you need to capture it. The last mission however (earth) is not working for me. I have tried it like 10 times now. The best I have gotten so far was 2/3 manifestations captured, but the last one bugged out again.

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I have found that your best bet to do it is if u try and capture them in a open area not in a tight corridor of hole or something like that. As this seemed to only just work 4 me. Also when it is down and glitched and is in invincibal try using another silphon trap and attack it as this undid one of the invincibal glitches for me 

Hope this helps 👍

Edited by table_salty
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I'm on this list too. I want my kinetic siphon traps back. I've wasted at least five on this bug now. It was going smoothly(ish) until the Earth part.

Not only is the manifestation just lying on the ground, it also keeps jumping around the map.

At Stephanos, I ran around for like five minutes before the first marker finally showed up for the manifestation.

Edited by Kitterah
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I have tried the first mission several times and wasn't able to capture one. I can always capture the first one, but struggle with the second or third. If I "capture" the third, Lotus gives me the voice line to leave, but the emotion is stuck on his back and the mission indicator is bringing me to him. Finding the exit myself didn't do anything.

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So I eventually got through this... I changed my warframe from Rhino with sub optimal weapons and stuff to Excalibur, which was the best I had and didn't run into the issue again. I figure it was because the mission is meant for better geared characters, but the game doesn't exactly provide any valuable feedback on the matter... I hope this helps any one of you


Edit: Thinking it might be that a knockback has a chance aswell, so try using something that doesn't knock him back, I used Broken War and just wacked at him until I got credit.

Edited by Qeau
Theory on cause
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Hi guys. I experienced the same thing today and I managed to get through it. On my first run it bugged immediately so I aborted. On my next runs it seemed to bug only during the last one.

So basically what I did was explore the map and try to find the extraction and see if that works but then I had an idea: use a siphon trap again.

So I got back, deployed a siphon trap while the shadow was on the ground and it triggered Lotus saying it is too strong for the trap, made some hits and voila! Extraction available.

So try this out and please let me know if this worked for you.


Bugged Retry

Bug no more


UPDATE EDIT: I did the trick again to get through the second part of it. 2 traps per bugged emotion shadow.

UPDATE EDIT #2: It took me more traps for at least 2 manifestations to be captured during the third part of the quest on Earth. I don't know if it's a feature or a bug anymore! 😄

Conclusion: (*space momma voice equipped)

Tenno, get yourself a good amount of siphon traps before starting the manifestations part of this Quest. Happy hunting!


Rap. Tap. Tap.

Edited by Some1.
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Cheers mate, your trick worked for me, even if it requires lot of patience. I used something like 30 traps to complete the 3 missions. Something that seem to work is to wait a bit once you've used the second trap, then start fighting it again.

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Hi all,

I have just played this quest and did some testing myself to find out whats going on with the capture bug. It turned out that this is actually NOT A BUG. DE will most likely not be fixing this or make it easier. The reason why you cannot capture him or fails is because the nature of how the trap work.

In the Warframe base code, the trap for this quest works as a capture device, meaning it cannot be destroyed or expired during the capture of his manifestation. The reason you couldn't capture him is you have mostly likely ran out of the trap timer or have accidentally destroyed the trap buy inflicting damage to it (Ex: using a Kuva Bramma). Try to use Single Target Weapons (Ex: Fulmin) and once he is down, stop hitting him and just watch him get capture by the trap.

The simply fix for this is similar to what @Some1. said in an earlier comment.

If however the first trap expires you just have to simply deploy another trap, you don't actually have to hit him again (I would actually advice not to, since your weapon/melee could damage the trap or even destroy it in the process).

TL;DR just follow the steps below if you are too lazy to read the explanation above 🙂 

1. Deploy Trap

2. Using single target weapons damage Rell's manifestation so that he is downed on the ground

3. Wait for the trap to capture him

4. If the trap disappears and he is still not captured, simply deploy another one and just stand and watch until he is captured.

5. Done

You can follow these same steps for the other parts of the quest as well when it ask you to capture his manifestation. Hope this helps to explain the weird "bug" that's driving everyone crazy. 😄 


Edited by Shatterkiller
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  • 1 year later...
On 2020-05-06 at 11:34 PM, Shatterkiller said:

Hi all,

I have just played this quest and did some testing myself to find out whats going on with the capture bug. It turned out that this is actually NOT A BUG. DE will most likely not be fixing this or make it easier. The reason why you cannot capture him or fails is because the nature of how the trap work.

In the Warframe base code, the trap for this quest works as a capture device, meaning it cannot be destroyed or expired during the capture of his manifestation. The reason you couldn't capture him is you have mostly likely ran out of the trap timer or have accidentally destroyed the trap buy inflicting damage to it (Ex: using a Kuva Bramma). Try to use Single Target Weapons (Ex: Fulmin) and once he is down, stop hitting him and just watch him get capture by the trap.

The simply fix for this is similar to what @Some1. said in an earlier comment.

If however the first trap expires you just have to simply deploy another trap, you don't actually have to hit him again (I would actually advice not to, since your weapon/melee could damage the trap or even destroy it in the process).

TL;DR just follow the steps below if you are too lazy to read the explanation above 🙂 

1. Deploy Trap

2. Using single target weapons damage Rell's manifestation so that he is downed on the ground

3. Wait for the trap to capture him

4. If the trap disappears and he is still not captured, simply deploy another one and just stand and watch until he is captured.

5. Done

You can follow these same steps for the other parts of the quest as well when it ask you to capture his manifestation. Hope this helps to explain the weird "bug" that's driving everyone crazy. 😄 


Call me crazy, but wouldn't a simple fix be, make the traps not damageable by us? 

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