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Evacuation Squad Lobby (Drop Me Anywhere I'm Needed)


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Around an hour ago I had a T3 defense I was running with someone come to an abrupt loss when our frost, a key player in T3 defense, left at the second to last wave...  Not that any of us were weak or being carried, but we lost a key defensive measure when there are enemies like the drones that kill any player in 2 or 3 seconds of fire.


I would like to suggest a means of combating the problem of players sometimes leaving the game early (for any reason).  I'm sure many have had their attempts at survival, defense, and mobile defense thwarted by a teammate with key abilities logging out at the last second or leaving a defense match without warning.

So the idea is basically a lobby the player clicks on known as the Evacuation Squad Lobby.  Upon entering the Evac lobby they will be warped to a Defense, Survival, or Mobile defense mission (if one is available for them) where there are fewer than 4 players due to one or more disconnecting from the match.


As a reward for losing the ability to choose what missions they go on, and for being dropped in likely not so great circumstances, they receive an extra, team-aid based reward at the end of the mission from the following:

---Any Aura Mod


---Undying Will


---Healing Burst (new mod: Rare defense mod starts at a cost of 4 points, 3 total ranks, starts at 50% faster revive rate for resurrecting downed players, ending with 200%)


---Patient Patients (New Mod: Rare defense mod starts at cost of 4 points, 3 total ranks, starts at 25% slower bleedout rate for other players bleeding out as you revive another player, at max ranks players who are bleeding out will stop bleeding as you revive another player)


---Oak of Life (New Mod: Rare defense mod starting at cost of 5 points, 2 total ranks, starts at 30% chance to resist knockdown while reviving another player)


---Group Healer (New Mod: Rare Defense mod starting at a cost of 5 points with 2 ranks, Allows you to revive an extra person who is within range, up to a total of 3 players at max rank assuming they are all within 10 meters of you, animation changes to using both hands rather than one)


---Free Hand Healing (New Mod: Rare attack mod starting at a cost of 5 points with 4 ranks, allows you to fire your side arm while reviving a player at 20% the normal fire rate, 100% at max ranks, using your gun overrides the animation from group healer)


---Emergency Syringe Blueprint (New Gear item: instantly revives yourself or another player you are near at 50% health and no shields while downed. Costs 20k credits, 5,000 nano spores, 200 polymer bundle, 200 plastids, 2 morphics)

---Rage of Loss (New Mod: Rare Attack mod starting at a cost of 11 points with 4 possible ranks, Every player currently downed boosts your attack damage by 20%, for a total of 300% bonus at 3 players downed and max ranks.)


---Healing Surge (New Mod: Rare defensive Aura mod starting at 5 with 4 ranks, every player revives others at an increased rate of 10%, 50% at max ranks, 200% with all players using this mod)


Any suggestions and commentary would be appreciated.

Edited by Hypevosa
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