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So I've Got A Mag Frame... Now What?



I pieced together a Mag and have gotten her up to about level 8, but I feel like I'm playing her wrong, and I can never tell if my abilities are actually helping anyone out. I've really only been using Bullet Attractor, but I think I might be wasting it on mid-level enemies. Is Mag all about saving up your energy for Heavies and Bosses?

Any tips on how to play as Mag?

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The pull skill is useful for 2 things currently.

Pull out one of your team mates or enemies away from hording up one one player, and removing shield lancers shields or dragging an enemy close to you.

I do not know of other uses for that one, as for one other you can suppourt by removing shields from moas and heavy grineers who are shielded or rejuvanite an allys shields.

number 3 nice to spam on heavyes and bosses if it works on bosses not tried or seen the effects.

Spam 4.

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I do not know of other uses for that one, as for one other you can suppourt by removing shields from moas and heavy grineers who are shielded or rejuvanite an allys shields.

Dragging in a player who stopped just in front of an elevator or extraction point to show off or chat. Also, unstucking a hostage. Such a useful feature.

As for 2 and 3... Useless.

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I don't know if they fixed it, but the Bullet Attractor used to stop allied bullets from entering the area. It used to basically work as a form of CC, because bullet spammers would just hit against their shields (you'd never use it on normal mobs... 75 energy...) and often they wouldn't do enough DPS to even break their own shields. It would be nice if the shield restore/depletion spell was worth using, but most of the time you don't really know when someone's shields broke (due to the UI) and nuking enemy shields feels useless since your team chews through them so fast anyway.

Basically, the Mag is one of those "4 spammers" that have become common in this current meta. Defense missions in Eris are the most common place to farm mods (due to sheer volume of mods, and the mods typically being level 30) and in that situation literally the only spell you will use is your number 4. You *might* have niche use for Pull in saving friends or pulling something off the pods, but IMO she needs a rework on her spells, as she's a bit of a one-trick pony. Being good at that trick doesn't excuse being bad at everything else. Heck, just look at the Frost... who is far tankier and more versatile.

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Yeah, other than the 4th skill which is great (1000 damage, long range especially with mods) the other 3 are either situational or useless. Pull's usefulness has already been described above and Shield Polarize is never worth using on enemies while being hard to target friendlies with. Bullet Attractor is actually decent against bosses who use bullets. Bugs aside, it effectively neutralizes them for a decent amount of time and has them take extra damage when they fire and hit themselves. Unfortunately that's pretty much the only thing worth using the skill on, maybe the machine gun Heavy Grineers as well if they're causing you trouble.

I will say that Mag has a good amount of mod slots in the skill tree and a sizable energy pool so even if the 4th skill is her main one it's still not a bad frame to have.

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Pull is a tatical ability. Pull enemy into traps like fire patches, or onto locations where they can't get out, or just pull them for good old melee whacking works. Pull friendlies to safe location when they are downed to revive them is the most useful thing ever, nearly a ranged revive. And don't worry about pulling the downed friendly when someone is reviving them. The revive will still continue for that person, and will speed up with your revive.

Shield polarize...awesome on description, pointless in use. It deal a pitiful amount of damage on shield, and since you have no idea if your friend still have shield or not until you point cursor at them, it rarely be used for that purpose either. Only on defense mission, where you have to protect the Warframe cyropod, it has some use, to recharge the shield on the cyro pod. Other than that, a waste of 50 energy. I hope this get replaced with a direct damage ability.

Bullet attractor is more of a defensive ability than offensive. You use it on high damage target that shoots bullets, like grinneer heavy, or some other bosses. It allow all their damage to return to themselves, while you won;'t get hit by them. It has limited uses, but when it can be used, it is actually quite good, so kinda balanced out. Could be better, but not so bad now.

Crush is the single most useful and powerful ability you will have on Mag. It has the most range out of all ultimates, and can literallly wipe maps, especially if you stack on even more power range mods. Get all power max nodes you can, get power range + power efficiency mods, have power siphon artifact for good measure, and you will be wiping stuff with ease.

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