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The Outcomes Of Corpus Vs. Grineer?


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A giant discussion within the clan erupts about what side to take and the only thing anyone keeps mentioning is that Teeno are being chopped up for experiments.  But thinking further into what the devs were saying in the livestreams you can't help but wonder how the Berserker warframe is suppose to be released.  Looking at the concept are you could almost say that by the looks the Berserker warframe has corpus tech on it.  This also lets you think about what are the consequences for siding with each faction.  From what we know, the release of the Berserker warframe is determined by the result of the event.  So upon thinking there can be a few conclusions to what the possible endings may be.  To come up with said conclusions I thought about what Teeno stand for, stability of the galaxy or universe and whatnot.  Grineer takeover of Mars puts a hurt on Corpus owned territory, and to reclaim land if hired again by Corpus would be much harder, since Grineer have there foot in the door.  On the other hand if the Corpus successfully push out Grineer, the Corpus are in a weaker state, and are open for retalitory action for action taken against Teeno that are asleep, a much easier ordeal to manage later, than fighting a stronger Grineer force.  The Berserker may be what Alad V is working on.  Here are the current thoughts.


Grineer Victory:


1.)  Loyalty has kept your fellow Tenno alive, the Grineer will temporarily cease there current hunt of exterminating the Tenno in there sleep, and the Corpus along with Alad V go into hiding.  (Berserker blueprints become lost due to the inability to locate corpus home world?)


2.)   Loyalty has kept your fellow Tenno alive, the Grineer will temporarily cease there current hunt of exterminating the Tenno in there sleep, and the Corpus along with Alad V go into hiding.  The Grineer locate Corpus home world where you can take on Alad V and procure the Berserker blueprints.


Corpus Victory:


1.)  Through the sacrifice of your comrades in slumber you have decided to protect the stability of the galaxy.  The Grineer retreat from Mars systems and will not continue the war on the Mars front for now.  Because the Grineer have failed Alad V reveals himself to the galaxy, and you know where he resides, you are to avenge your fallen comrades with vengeance, Alad V's research and blood are the price.


2.)  Through the sacrifice of your comrades in slumber you have decided to protect the stability of the galaxy.  The Grineer retreat from Mars systems and will not continue the war on the Mars front for now.  Because the Grineer have failed due to the Grineer failure in war no suitable information on the whereabouts of Alad V could be found.  Thus Alad V remains in hiding to further his research for now.


I would like to think the best option to acquire the Berserker warframe is held within Corpus Victory scenario 1.  Alad must be needing those Teeno bodies for something, but Alad is definitely developing something which might be Berserker.  These are just thoughts, but the clan decided to think through what could possibly be going on.  Also thought about how sacrifice could be for the better good, the Grineer stalled, and an opening to retaliate against the Corpus sounds very possible.  What does everyone think?

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An interesting topic.


Tho I don't think the Tenno gives two sheets about stability in the galaxy. As far as I know, the Tenno and the Lotus is only interested in survival and, if possible, getting the Solar system rid both of the Grineer (because they are basicly mass produced space-nazis, really) and the Corpus (because they are all about exploiting the Orokin and Tenno technology, as you said even chopping up slumbering Tenno in the process). Most of them at least. Some of the Tenno, however, actually are just freelancers, working for whoever offers the greater rewards.


About the event: whoever wins this conflict, I think the Tenno will be in great trouble, because either the Grineer wins, thus can turn its resources to intensify the hunt on the Tenno, or because if the Corpus wins then I'm quite sure they will unleash their new weaponry on the Tenno.


So how the players will acquire the new warframe?


In my opinion, either by killing Alad V now by helping the Grineer, or by putting him down later on, when Alad turns coat and attacks the Tenno with the products of Project Zanuka.


So either way, I don't think Alad will reveal himself, I think the Tenno will have to hunt him down either now, or assasinating him later based on Lotus intel.

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I dunno... I'm pretty sure the release will happen no matter the outcome.


1) The Grineer win the war, ALAD V runs away, taking his research with him.

Chase him down while the Grineer are distracted by their apparent victory.


2) The Corpus win the war. ALAD V send out his forces to secure his newly gained planets and chase off any remaining Grineer resistance.

Use this opportunity to strike at the heart of his research facility and save the captured Tenno.

Edited by Atra255
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I dunno... I'm pretty sure the release will happen no matter the outcome.


1) The Grineer win the war, ALAD V runs away, taking his research with him.

Chase him down while the Grineer are distracted by their apparent victory.


2) The Corpus win the war. ALAD V send out his forces to secure his newly gained planets and chase off any remaining Grineer resistance.

Use this opportunity to strike at the heart of his research facility and save the captured Tenno.

You did not watch the livestream or you were not paying attention to what the Teeno looked like on the livestream.  It looks like the corpus are actually building Berserker. Note:  Blue tubes sticking out of her.

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My thought of the lore is frankly Corpus-oriented, but I'll try to write this down as understandable as possible.


Sure the Corpus is going to experiment to your fellow Tenno by the time you support the Corpus themselves, but the idea to keep the Grineer at bay is practically the purpose of the Tenno from the first place. It is not I'm saying that some Tenno deserves to die, no, but the reason why the battle against the Grineer happened is well because of being evil.


The Grineer should know what is coming up to them, being corrupted by their own discrimination against all races, while the Corpus had the chance to even give their weapons such as the Braton to the Tenno, despite of their aggression to them. Alad V, on the other hand, had better (worse) plans, but mostly for his subfaction that he poise to create, through the use of the Zanuka Project. Slowly the project is implemented, slowly as well the system is making eye-contact to the Corpus Benefactor, knowing that he might end up with a weapon to strip the Grineer away from their dominance, but also makes the Corpus strong in the process.


Soon, the Grineer and the Corpus could end up with equal power, in terms of territorial strength, but the odds for the Tenno have been even, as two factions clash beyond the size of Mars, actually to the entire Solar System.


The rest, now rests to the hands of the Tenno whether... I think.


That's all I got. So...

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Anyone who supports Grineer is actively working against the stability of the system and trying to erode the effects of previous Tenno operations. As such, any Grineer supporters are working against the Tenno goal and should henceforth be hunted down and eliminated.

Fighting for stability in here is entirely out of the question. The current status quo will cease to exist regardless of whom do you wish to serve for. Either it will shift in favor of the Grineer, because if they win, they will have more resources and better strategical positions, or it will bend to the will of Corpus, because if they will emerge victorius they will have far superior weaponry than the Grineer, thus they will have the opportunity to easily shift territorial dominance in almost every system.


Those who fail to see that balance is often more than just pure territorial equivalence or the equal distribution of materials, goods and other property, and/or suggest aggression against other Tenno - thus disrespecting and disregarding our single most important discipline ("Loyal only to each other.") that bonds together our clans and society - should not be allowed to act as Protectors of the Origin System anymore, and as such, they should be expelled from the ranks of the Tenno immediatly, thus depriving them of the protection and guidance of the Tenno and the Lotus. These individuals advert a separatist behaviour that jeopardizes Tenno unity, turning fellow Tenno against each other and further weakening our positions in an already tense, extremely hostile environment, thus endangering our sheer existence.

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The Grineer should know what is coming up to them, being corrupted by their own discrimination against all races, while the Corpus had the chance to even give their weapons such as the Braton to the Tenno, despite of their aggression to them. [...]

I only wanted to say that the Corpus GAVE nothing to the Lotus or the Tenno.


They either SOLD those blueprints to us or we stole them. And by selling weapons, I mean that they either did it for money or to make us help them to keep the Grineer in check. We payed for every single technology we've got from them, one way or another. :)


Make no mistake: the Corpus is just as corrupted and evil as the Grineer, only in a different way. It equally disgusts me to help either one of them, but if I want to help preserve a status quo, and/or if I want to be a part of the decision about what we will have to fight later on, then this is the only way of doing so.

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