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Alacratha's Suggestions 01/01/2013 ( All for you DE! )


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Hello all! Happy New Year!

Alacratha here with a bit of a full list of things that aren't bugs that need improving that probably everyone has a question about or a concearn!.. Or maybe it's just me. I'm not sure.

But we'll start off with something that's always a personal favorite of mine and most people.




Currently besides my little show I have that I review weapons and all things WARFRAME on, there are a few weapons that you can't really talk about.

Think of Battlefield 3, with those Glitched Weapons, or that Over-Powered Handgun from Halo: Combat Evolved.

In this section I'll be talking about a few things that should be addressed when it comes down to the actual weapon themselves.


Yes, yes, I spent Platinum on this weapon and it's probably the best money I've ever spent. For Comedy anyways.

This gun is Hilarious and Over-powered. So I guess Hilari-powered? No? Jeesh.. Tough Crowd.

Anyways, The Effects of this gun.. make me feel like I'm using the Kinetic gun from Dead Space.

It launches Enemies even BOSSES.. into Walls and pins them there within 1~3 Shots.

The effect is also to the point of laughter and can't be taken seriously as I run through a flock of enemies and begin "Decorating" the room with them because once they Die, they travel at light speed to find a perfect place on a wall for themselves.

I can't even use the weapon anymore because a few people accused me of hacking!

So this weapon needs some real TLC. I look forward to seeing what you guys do with it.


Ok, so what? I spent Platinum on another weapon. What can you expect? I got the Hunter Package. I gotta do SOMETHING with it.

But this gun makes me Cry, I know it's little brother the "FURIS" was a little under-powered but.. if this is supposed to have more Bite, I'm wondering where's it's teeth?

This gun is probably not damage calibrated and is only hitting 1's on almost any target with the Left Gun. The Right gun is doing pretty poorly on damage too which might be a genetic issue its brother has as well.. ( Weird Family right? )

so another thing to chock onto the TLC board!

That's it for the Weapons, next it's onto..




So, I'm happy to say that DE has become one of my favorite game companies that actually listens to their players especially in this Closed Beta unlike other companies, another thing is that makes my heart swell with joy about this game is how much effort they are putting into this game and it's community. So thanks DE!

But with all Mushiness aside, and with that said their seems to be a couple things a miss with the Mobs of this game.

A couple main issues that are brought up..

- A.I. : Randomly Freezes at times and Enemies will either run past you, forget you're standing next to them.

- Corpus are OP: I hope I'm not alone on this boat because I fear fighting the Corpus more than anything else. I have my reasons for this, mainly being they spawn Mobs by the hundreds, they can spawn 10+ SHOCKWAVE MOA(s) at a time. They have more diversity than any other Faction. Also they seem to have a harder difficulty than any other Faction. So I feel this should be balanced out quite abit.

- Infested ground wibble-wobble creepy things on the ground need a purpose other than to creep me out.

- *Sort of a Mob thing* Players don't always see the same Map as each other, I.E. I was playing with a Friend and he ended up watching a stream of the current game we were playing. Needless to say he was a bit shocked to see that I didn't have Ice on my map when he had ice on his map. it was the same mission, but completely different maps!

- Hostage: Make him less stupid. That's all I have to say.

- Tenno: I feel we could use a look at the Orokin Tower, where we could see the Other Tenno that are left, Maybe even see the LOTUS.

But that's the last of the Tid-Bits I got for that section.. onto the next which is..




So, I know a lot of people are probably talking about all these things as well but I would still like to throw them into this thread.

- Matchmaking: Match Making is pretty odd right now, and it was nice before. But I'd really like to see something similar to that of maybe SPIRAL KNIGHTS, Monster hunter or DUST 514. Where we have an actual lobby we can walk around in. We can see everyones WARFRAME and we can select a mission on a computer console or we all get to enter a room where we can do that. It would add another Social element to the game and not just be all about fighting.

- Friends and Chat: So, I enjoy talking with people as much as the next gamer person, but I feel the chat window and the friends pane could use a bit of work. If we're looking in an advanced menu or system like the Tenno would have, shouldn't we have multiple windows for our friends? Lets say we open a Message to "TheNexusCloud" and then I want to switch over and talk to "DERebecca" I don't like how it's within the same Chatbox, since sometimes that can get a bit confusing. So having windows per instance of Chat could be a nice feature. and a Friends list that allows you to group would be nice as well.

Lets say I'm friends with some Devs I'd make a group that I expand called "Devs"

Next I could have a group for Streaming players called "Streaming"

It'd clean up the friends interface quite a bit and I think a lot of people would like it too.

- Inventory: I don't know about you, but there are times where I have TOO MUCH LOOT!

I'd like to see a panel or system that instead of having the Three Sections of "WARFRAME(s)" "WEAPON(s)" "INVENTORY" I'd like to see Four windows that have..



*In that sort of Fashion ^

It'd make the interface cleaner, and doing away with the "Page 1, 2 ,3, 4.." system would be nice as well. Something like a Scroll Bar would be great that would have all your mods on that page.

- Mod list in Upgrade menus: So you know how you have that bar at the bottom of the Upgrade window? The one that has all your mods? I was thinking of a bar that was similar to the iPhone Wheel select for Date, time, and other items. Something like that would be pretty cool that you could Cycle through your mods instead of selecting Pages of them.

-Upgrade Menu: So when you're in the Upgrade menu, I think it'd be a nice addition to show the CURRENT stats of your weapon instead of showing the base stats. Since you've been modifying your gun or WARFRAME, what do you have? What's in that Shiny box! Huh?! TELL ME!

- In Game Browser: this would actually be a cool idea, it's only use would be for the forums or ticket submitting.

- RSS Style News/Player Updates: So did you hear that "Alacratha" got BADASS rank? I'd like to know! Why not make a feed of your friends achievements? have it in the main window so you can see whats the latest from DE, Your friends and you!

- Marketplace: No, not one that you buy from like an NPC, Why not a player Marketplace? I mean most games have this. ( And don't start on the whole "WARFRAME isn't MOST games. Why would you want it to be like MOST games?" Rant. ) It'd be a fun addition and we could work together with other players to auction off useless mods, or if we have a TRINITY Mod, and they have a LOKI Mod. If lets say we hate Trinity, and never will play it. Why can't we trade for that?

- FPS: I'd really like to see my FPS in the game without the use of FRAPS or some other external FPS monitor.

- Change-able HUD: I think this would be a great idea, for people who want to change the size of their font, the size of their Mini-map the size of their EXP Bar, weapons, Change their Cross hair type and color.. Etc.

Buts about all I have for this section... Now onto..




So I know a lot of you probably don't care about it, but there is a lot of gamers out there that play games for their story! *Gasp* Shocking I know!

But I think some people would like a little more interaction between the Tenno and the Lotus. Like a Master Chief and Cortana sort of thing?

But maybe it'd be more like this..

Lets say it's a mission where you have to re-route the ship. Maybe a reason to re-route the ship would be cool.

"This ship is Infested, Send this ship into the Sun to purge this filth and prevent it's spread."

The Tenno would say something maybe military like.

"Affirmative, Lets get this Data Package to the bridge. I don't want to be here longer then we have to."

Any other Tenno in the game would reply.

"Roger." "*Gun Cocks*" or something that would make it feel.. more alive I guess?

Add interaction between players, Maybe not attacking sounds or a VGS Menu, but something to where we could give an indicator of whether to be stealthy, or if they should get to cover. Or maybe add "I'm Down! Help me!"

Maybe add something for when you destroy a Reactor as well. Instead of just "Ship integrity comprimised!" Add something over the Intercom, or the Tenno say. Maybe even add the Ship Rumbling and explosions all over the place. It'd be awesome!

Add a Dialouge with Bosses! I want to know who General Vor is and why he hates me so much! I want him to give me a cinematic with a snarl and say .. "You! I remember you.. You escaped with the very last of your kind after we slaughtered your race. You dare come aboard my ship? You dare kill my crew? I will tear you apart limb from limb, We'll see how your WARFRAME protects you now Tenno!"

It'd be fun right?.. Right..? RIGHT?!?!? Bah, You guys are a tough crowd.

Anywho.. Next Section..




So I know this is on everyones mind, and every post they make.. But We're always on Ships! Sure some rooms are new and enviromental variables are cool. But why are we only in Space? Can we not raid a base on a planet?

A Bio-Dome in space? A Corpus Factory to hinder the development of the Annoying Walkers? A Grineer Cargo ship or Transport ship with thousands of Grineer including Civilian Grineer?

Think about it.. those Intercoms talk about things that wouldn't always be just directed towards the Military or Security force in the area. There has to be Civilians on board that we can choose to slaughter or spare them right?

What about Bio-Domes that I mentioned, where it'd be an Eco-system in space or an add-on to the ships which we could raid. It'd have all sorts of Vegetation, and be a jungle of sorts in space!

Bases we raid on a Planet, Maybe show the Tenno flying towards the Planet and touching down on an air strip or landing pad.

Maybe even add a Mini-game of sorts that you can fly the ship a little bit. I think a lot of people would like this!

Maybe we could tie the Space Missions in with planet based missions.. I.E. destroy a reactor or defense system in space, allowing you to land on the ground.

Another thing is, I would like an explanation for why some of the environments have ice all over the floor, or why there is explosions all over the place before I've even destroyed the reactor or sent the ship into the sun.

But, I think that's all I have for now with my suggestions! If you have something to add please let me know!





FOV SLIDER - Adjust FOV in game

Edited by Alacratha
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Concerning the Corpus, I think they are just right as they are right now, and that the other factions shoud be made more difficult. Nice feedback btw, even if I disagree on some points (mainly the Bolto being OP, the gun needs precise aiming and is crap against fast-moving enemies : the Bronco is much more OP atm).

One thing you didn't mention and that would be very nice is a FoV slider, I'm not really bothered by it myself, but I know some friends who can't play for too long because they feel nauseous because of this.

Edited by ap0k41yp5
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Concerning the Corpus, I think they are just right as they are right now, and that the other factions shoud be made more difficult. Nice feedback btw, even if I disagree on some points (mainly the Bolto being OP, the gun needs precis aim and is S#&$ agains fast-moving enemies : the Bronco is much more OP atm).

One thing you didn't mention and that would be very nice is a FoV slider, I'm not really bothered by it myself, but I know some friends who can't play for too long because they feel nauseous because of this.

Ah the FOV Slider! I was actually going to mention something like that too but I must've forgotten!

But I do agree with you on the BRONCO, it used to be known as the HAND CANNON and still seems to be bugged with the Running and Reloading.

It's always had that power to it. I thought the LEX would become the newest weapon that would be OP but I guess it still remains.

Edited by Alacratha
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