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Proposition:a New Warframe:zeon?


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Zeon,is a Warframe that uses Light to disorient enemies,designed to be user friendly and yet at same time,able to pack a devastating attack.She is desigend to be another Jack of All Trades,but packs more offensive abilities..

Base Stats(LVL 1):




Shield Regen Rate:25.0

Appearance:I'm imagining her frame to take on a design like classic kunoichi, where she'd a more gentle,yet determined feminine face,with some long,whitish hair tied behind her with a ribbon/from behind a helm opening.She wears a flowing white garb with a mini skirt,revealing her elegant metalic arms and leg.Fastened around her waistline is a sash that ends up in a ribbon behind her.


Protobeam[Energy Cost:25]:

Projects a huge radiant beam of light in front of user,dealing 250/350/450 damage in a line that travels 15/35/65 metres,had inert Puncture and Armor Ignore.Enemies hit by this skill would be knockbacked by 2 metres,as well.

Note:Zeon sheathes all weapons and shoots this energy beam (colour depends on player's Energy colour for their frames,default Aqua Blue) from both of her hands.

(Revised,due to the estimated values of a Linear-AoE type strike range,credits to Tarudizer,and HadronVictorioso for confirming it.Also Volt_Cruelerz for giving me an idea how to remould it,somewhat).

Refraction[Energy Cost:25]:

Allows Zeon to refract her body that she appears luminescent,thus rendering all attacks to be equally ineffecftive against her for the duration of 3/4/5 seconds.Also bypasses laser barriers,throughout the period.

Note:Using light,she mimics the refraction phenomena,making her appears luminous,rendering her invincible.


(Version 2:Proposed Change by Squidaga=>Duration nerfed.Also decreased Energy Cost)

Kaleidoscope:[Energy Cost:50]

Using light manipulation arts,she scatters particle sized prisms and proceeds to replicate a kaleidoscopic field that represents colourful cherry blossoms that surround her.

The petal's radiance ripple outwards enemies,that deals constant 25/35/45 damage that lasts for 6/8/10 seconds,and also staggers nearby 5/6/7 enemies for 1.5 seconds when hit,within effective radius of 1.5/2.5/3.5 metres.Has inert Armor Ignore.

Notes:This is one of Zeon's skill that easily makes Zeon the walking Macabre of elegance.

Major revamp...Old version can be still found below my post(s).

Also credits to skydevil10 for art suggestion(somewhat).

Radiance:[Energy Cost:100(Supercharged Skill)]

Zeon levitates and becomes as radiant as the Sun itself,dealing Heavy damage to those around her for a short amount of time.Enemies that still survive this impact would encounter the same effect as Radial Blind for 2.5/3/4.5 seconds.

Note:Allies are unaffected by this skill,they'll only see her radiate brightly like a beacon.

Alternative Helm Design:

Something like Japanese Monk's Hat(not too wide though,her head was small but just wide enough),but with a white,delicate silk surrounding it(like a curtain),causing only her frontal face visible.Her hair is also flowing freely,reaching almost her shoulders in this design.


Effect:Decrease Max Shields by {X}%,Increase Power's Duration by {Y}%

Concept Art:


Any comments/ideas please tell/contribute some thank you.

But if you need to post new ideas,please give a constructive solid feedback as how may I improve my proposition.To suit Warframe style.

[Current Design Changelog/Their Contributions]

Squidaga proposed some changes,so Imma try and tone down(or revamp)abiet of her abilities.Also gonna add some stats shifting helmet as well.

Tarudizer giving me the estimated range for those line AOE impacts,so its values for Protobeam may updated.

Volt_Cruelerz for giving an overall review(aka 5 cents).And also the 1st most basic concept art.

HadronVictorioso for confirming the Linear Based Strike Range.

skydevil10 for giving advice on how aesthetics on Kaleidoscope works(supposedly).

Sorry for slow update,was busy with life. XD

If you liked this;take a look at my Seth's proposal:


Edited by R4YCH40S
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I love this, But the damage values for the first ability are pretty strong for a Line AOE.

Plus I'm concerned how difficult it would be to add this into the game given the current systems.

Your suggestion has that the game doesn't currently handle:

Line AOEs

Blind Chances

Toggle Abilities

Reading % weapon damage (would this be DPS? if not the only weapon to use on her would be sniper rifles)

I love the concept of Zeon, so please excuse me for attempting to fiddle with your idea, I only wish for her to be more compatable with the game:

It would be better if Photobeam was the 50 energy ability, and applied a guaranteed blind/stun like Radial blind does. (BTW the energy color concept is amazing)

Refraction duration should be shorter and the cost reduced to 25, as to make it more of a reflexive/excape action. Maybe like 1.5/2/3 Since Trinity's team invulnerability should still be longer, since its her ult.

Kaleidoscope Should be a single-use Aura duration, that leaps out to "X" number of enemies and damages them every second for 50-75 energy. This way it wouldn't have to be an self-incapacitating toggle and thus be more compatable with the systems in place.

I can image it looking like Ion Shell from Dota 2


basically its a spiked shell of light that archs out and hits enemies in pulses every second.

And Radiance Should be a really quick flash and not involve levitation, for an easy starter character you want the player to have as much control at all times as possible, but other than that is a really great idea for an Ult.

Also you should think of a stat-shifting helmet for her. Probably the buff would be in Duration (so blinds, dot, and invulnerability are longer) and the debuff would probably be in Power Damage, Stamina, Or Sheilds.

If this somehow pops up in the Design Council you can bet that this is going to get a vote from me.

Edited by Squidaga
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Hmmm,but describing Protobeam to have some nerf,I can see why,cause most 1st skill is direct hit,and doesn't apply debuff,would fix that.Then again,I dont think it's as strong as Ash Shuriken.And again,Exca's Dash Slash and Rhino's Rhino Charge is Single Line AoE impact.

Ash Shuriken:Deals 100/225/500 in a straight line,is doubled damage(200/450/1000) when headshot,inert armor ignore,goes multiple enemies.

Stats is from here:


I would try to revamp Refraction.

Hmmm,I can also see some points why Kaleidoscope isn't supported,I can accept it being aura like design like Ember's Overheat....But fashioning that aura after Ion Shell might be abiet weird since my design for her would be Kunoichi(lit meaning:Female Shinobis.).I would see.

Helm design is on the way,stay tuned.

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Hmmm,but describing Protobeam to have some nerf,I can see why,cause most 1st skill is direct hit,and doesn't apply debuff,would fix that.Then again,I dont think it's as strong as Ash Shuriken.

I would try to revamp Refraction.

Hmmm,I can also see some points why Kaleidoscope isn't supported,I can accept it being aura like design like Ember's Overheat....But fashioning that aura after Ion Shell might be abiet weird since my design for her would be Kunoichi(lit meaning:Female Shinobis.).I would see.

Helm design is on the way,stay tuned.

Well making Kaleidoscope an aura would make it more like a Kunoichi, as you could engage a target in melee combat, all the while spitting out pulses of AOE damage. As opposed to standing still channeling a toggled ability, where enemies would have to be near enough to you for it to work since you can't chase them.

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Allright,Imma revamp Kaleidoscope.But Imma try hard and think what can I fit her with.I need more input than just you,so I might put another version of Kaleidoscope here 1st,kk?

Kaleidoscope Version II[Energy Cost:50]:

Using mystical ancient arts,Zeon replicates the kaleidoscope phenomenon,rendering herself impervious to MELEE attacks for 2.5/4/6.5 seconds while surrounding herself with bizzare spectrum of colourful sakura petals.Any enemies nearby her(radius:100/150/200m) would take 40/65/70 damage per second.

Note:Cannot stack with Refraction at the same time.Like Refraction,it also bypasses laser barriers.

Edited by R4YCH40S
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Come on guys,we've reached 100++ views and not another constructive feedback from another person?Oh dear....

That is the case of everything made in the history of ever. Look at how many views compared to the amount of comments there are on pages like youtube for instance.

250/300/450 metres.

You ARE aware just how far even 250 meters are, right? Warframe won't have anything CLOSE to that scale of open areas, let alone 450 meters.

Also, 50%/65/70% increase is pretty odd. Each rank should be increased by the same amount, so let's say 25/50/75 or something along those lines.

Refraction is just a much shorter version of Rhino's Iron Skin. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have similar or even identical abilities (lookat Ash and Loki), but it is very weak.

Kaleidoscope seems VERY advanced compared to how other skills function at the moment, but other than that there is nothing wrong with it. The updated one (you should put that in your original post, btw) seems like it would clash with Refraction, I suggest making them one and the same: Shorter invunerability than Rhino's Iron Skin, but added damage.

Radiance sounds pretty cool, despite being a mix of Ember's World on Fire and Radial Blind (which again, is not necessarily a bad thing).

Overall, a "light" themed warframe would be rather neat.

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LOL,Tarudizer,Im not being a hypocrite or (insert insult here IMHO),Im a guy that needs more feedback so that this can fit in paper,and hopefully can go up Design Council,so AM NEEDING TONNES OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK....Thanks.

Can gimme a slightest hint how far that Slash Dash or Rhino Charge can go?Cause I dont know,seriously sorry for those distance XD

That value is there as temporary....sorry >.<

Edited by R4YCH40S
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LOL,Tarudizer,Im not being a hypocrite or (insert insult here IMHO),Im a guy that needs more feedback so that this can fit in paper,and hopefully can go up Design Council,so AM NEEDING TONNES OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK....Thanks.

Hypocrite is a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs (I don't know what you are on about there)

The Design Council is for people who have purchased the Founder's Package, like myself. See the thingy beneath my avatar here?

Can gimme a slightest hint how far that Slash Dash or Rhino Charge can go?Cause I dont know,seriously sorry for those distance XD

That value is there as temporary....sorry >.<

I don't know the actual numbers, but I would guess around 15-20 meters.

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hmmm,ok....junk chatter aside,I believe we can do this.Or so I hope it'll really gets Implemented somewhat.

I just hope that this really would ever stand a chance working its way up realization.

Is it acceptable if I make it slightly longer reach? like 15/20/25?Since its a beam attack,and I plan to improve those...

Note:Might expand it to 10/25/30,and inert Puncture.Either one would work.

Im gonna think what can I do with those both skills,namely Refraction and Kaleidoscope.

Might also remould Protobeam.

Edited by R4YCH40S
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Protobeam: reduce range to 30/50/70 meters perhaps (this is still stupendous range). Also, rather than reducing chance to hit since this isn't a turn-based game, just increase the spread of enemy shots. Protobeam gives her long-range sniping power, so spread should be useful. Also, instead of an instant damage burst, I'd recommend few ticks and the ability to sweep the beam. I'm only talking, say, a tenth of a second, but within that, there might be 10 ticks. Each tick would deal ~50 damage. This would also mean that duration+ would be useful for this ability.

Refraction: short duration invincibility sounds ok on other frames, but given the range of protobeam, I question if this would fit her as well. Perhaps it would.

Kaleidoscope: I'd rather this not be based on your gun. Also, for a class that sounds like it is a sniper/melee, I feel like a channel for this wouldn't be wise. You ought to be able to move while this is on. Deal 30 damage per shot (1.5 shots per second) at up to 5/6/7 enemies, giving you an advantage when fighting infested as you could use a heavy weapon to focus on Ancients while Kaleidoscope works on the others around you. Range should probably be 6 meters or so.

Radiance: I'm fine with a channel, but I'd recommend making it something that requires a brief charge time in which you become a blinding white for a brief moment before the screen flashes white. If enemies that die from this could get ashed, that would be fantastic.

As for Shrine, that seems mostly fine except for the fact that you never see any of their faces, so I doubt they'd break that tradition.

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Protobeam: reduce range to 30/50/70 meters perhaps (this is still stupendous range). Also, rather than reducing chance to hit since this isn't a turn-based game, just increase the spread of enemy shots. Protobeam gives her long-range sniping power, so spread should be useful. Also, instead of an instant damage burst, I'd recommend few ticks and the ability to sweep the beam. I'm only talking, say, a tenth of a second, but within that, there might be 10 ticks. Each tick would deal ~50 damage. This would also mean that duration+ would be useful for this ability.

Kaleidoscope: I'd rather this not be based on your gun. Also, for a class that sounds like it is a sniper/melee, I feel like a channel for this wouldn't be wise. You ought to be able to move while this is on. Deal 30 damage per shot (1.5 shots per second) at up to 5/6/7 enemies, giving you an advantage when fighting infested as you could use a heavy weapon to focus on Ancients while Kaleidoscope works on the others around you. Range should probably be 6 meters or so.

As for Shrine, that seems mostly fine except for the fact that you never see any of their faces, so I doubt they'd break that tradition.

Protobeam wasn't mean to shoot and deal DPS,but thanks anyway for pointing her out.Revamped her 1st skill already,check it out.

Kaleidoscope would be revamped(I think its fine but the concept is awkward abiet.Oh well,revamps >:D)

Documenting the ol' Kaleidoscope here for reference so far:

Kaleidoscope:[Energy Cost:25 Initial cost,Toggle Skill,drains 15 Energy per second until Depleted/Deactivated]

As long as her Energy reservoirs allow or deactivated via toggle,Zeon levitates into the air and becomes an immobile moving turret that automatically rains laser projectiles that deal 15/30/45% of her weapon damage to 5/6/7 surrounding enemies(fire rate is fixed at 75% of the original base weapon stat).These Laser Projectiles have inert Armor Ignore.

Note:Only her equipped Primary/Sidearm apply to this skill,and during the duration of this skill,the respective weapon ammo is not consumed.Elemental mods do not apply when this skill is active.

As for Shrine ,I just would leave her concept design as it is,cause those hats is worn by ancient Aseans(especially females) for a disguise/cover up.Besides,you can only see her frontal view,her rear and back is covered(which is fine by me.)

Edited by R4YCH40S
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Noone gave any serious critique to my Warframe design https://forums.warfr...n-with-a-twist/ :/


It doesn't really have much of a theme or element like the other classes.

But back to the point:

Considering that Rhino's Charge gains 33% per level of the range of Excalibur's Dash, The dash being about 15 of his paces. It would be a good range estimate on the Protobeam to be approx 15/30/45 paces. How this converts into meters? I have no idea, get in-game and walk around and tell me please.

Either way It would be safe to assume that a balanced range would be 1x/2x/3x the distance of Excalibur's Dash, reguardless of EXACTLY how far it is.

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I'd just like to point how much I'd love to see this frame with an efficiency build. Spam Protobeam all day long.

Also, the new version of Kal doesn't seem to fit with the others in terms of graphic effect. It's more mystical and less technical than the others in the game and IMO wouldn't fit. The effect itself of damaging nearby enemies over time is fine, but the graphical effect just doesn't seem fitting for this game. True, we are space ninjas but we're space ninjas, not mystic ninjas.

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I'd just like to point how much I'd love to see this frame with an efficiency build. Spam Protobeam all day long.

Also, the new version of Kal doesn't seem to fit with the others in terms of graphic effect. It's more mystical and less technical than the others in the game and IMO wouldn't fit. The effect itself of damaging nearby enemies over time is fine, but the graphical effect just doesn't seem fitting for this game. True, we are space ninjas but we're space ninjas, not mystic ninjas.

Why,thanks alot for that input.Im feeling that I'd accomplished abiet.

Hmmm,if it doesn't seem fitting,then lemme asked you one point....

Have you ever played this game called:Super Robot Wars OP SAGA:EXCEED??

The genre is even whackier than this....but it's a very great game.

Back to the topic I was going to debate:Ah yes....

Talking that we're on a conception of space ninjas,not mystic ninjas.....okay then,how'd they even channel their powers?

Sure,technology can play a major factor of it,but lets take a look at this:Nyx's very own concept.

She's a psychic(or should I call her a psyker?) and she was armed to teeth with an exoskeleton that justs boost probably her durability.And yet not even a single soul complain...except when her skills bugged,that is.

And what's more to add onto it,


before I end this topic:Imma re-quote something which is fairly common.

"Warframe exo-armor uses unique combative technology to create the ultimate weaponry. The Warframes hold many mysterious powers and mastering one requires dedicated use."

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Warframes appear to be made of TCV which would account for her being able to control minds and computers (not to mention she has a giant antenna on her head). As for Absorb and Psychic Bolts, that sounds like manipulation of gravity which though not possible now, might be so in the future. Nyx isn't mystic. She's grounded in tech just fine.

What the effects you're suggesting sound like is that the Tenno would opt for something that expends a great deal of energy to rather than be deadlier or more efficient, be prettier. I really doubt a warring race would do anything of the sort. I'm not trying to attack you here, I just really don't think it would fit with the artwork theme of the rest of the game. All other frames have animation sets that can be explained very very easily by tech, even Nyx. I like the idea behind it, I just don't think that would be the right art to represent the effect of damaging and staggering several nearby enemies automatically several times per second. I love the effect on enemies, just not the artwork that's been suggested.

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I'd also like to point out that you have no proof technology cannot explain telepathy. This game isn't set in 2014, 2035, or eve 2100. Its set way off into the future. So the ability the channel psychic energy is possible, you can't prove it is not proven but I can prove it is but it is possible. In theory we only use about 8-10 % of our brain, if we unlock the rest of it, it is possible we can use telepathy, but that is in theory.

Also I can even tell you how they channel their powers.

Frost-Uses the moisture in the air to his advantage and as well as his suit is capable of.

Ember- Releasing Gas into the surrounding area and igniting it. Sorta like the flame alchemist in FMA.

Volt- well its pretty easy, we can use electricity even now. Telsa coils and stuff.

Nyx- Well this is more difficult and I explained it above. In theory in the future technology can produce any amount of things that we percieve as magic. Like the camera, if you showed it to the colonial americans back in the day and take their pictures, they will oust you as a witch who uses..say it with me now, MAGIC.

You have a narrow sense of thinking, what you see as magic, is what most see it as a future technology that is possible.

They are all grounded in tech because of the time period they are in now. The technology of that era is possible to develop these things. This is a Sci-fi tactical shooter/rpg. Not a fantasy, don't tie in magic with this game.

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I dont think I'd quite a narrow sense of thinking.Im just thinking realistically,as what it is.

How in the sense that Im quite a narrow minded person just because I think technology can't stimulate magic?Am I so wrong in it?

A narrow sense thinking person won't go as far as improving this proposal for a long time being.

Besides,the art concept is the only thing that's the problem,and I'd already changed it as of the moment.

PS:Don't be so butthurt over such small trivial matters.

This debate's over.

So please go back to the relevant topic as it is.If you had any constructive feedback,please give it to me.

PS2:I would be glad if there's no constructive feedback about my mindset atm.

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