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The Word 'hysteria' Has An Ugly Past


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Everybody, chill the F*** out.

You're all getting off topic.

Hysteria is @(*()$ perfect. Yes, it's a word with unfortunate implications. Valkyr is unfortunate implications personified. Her @(*()$ blurb says she's scared, angry, and willing to kill. That's one way to use the word hysterical. What you rather we call it? "Valkyr-takes-great-offense-to-the-implications-of-her-backstory"?



I know all that.  And it's WHY I'm complaining.


It all falls in line with a billion other crappy sexist tropes and stereotypes.


Were this a male frame he would just... be strong.  Wouldn't need excuses for his rage.  His rage would be a manifestation of his power, strength and unconquerable spirit. 


Instead her rages are manifestations of how she was abused and tortured.


That's *why* I have a problem here.

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 This thread was amusing, now it's just pathetic.


 OP is hopeless to logic and is determined to find injustice and affronts, even where it blatantly does not exist.


 Just ignore him guys, his "Everybody's always picking on me!" pity party will deflate quickly when nobody pays attention to it.

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I know all that.  And it's WHY I'm complaining.


It all falls in line with a billion other crappy sexist tropes and stereotypes.


Were this a male frame he would just... be strong.  Wouldn't need excuses for his rage.  His rage would be a manifestation of his power, strength and unconquerable spirit. 


Instead her rages are manifestations of how she was abused and tortured.


That's *why* I have a problem here.


So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?



Dear god I hate feminists.

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I was gonna say something sarcastic here.  But this topic is rather personal.  I will say this once and then I am dropping this line


You do not know what you are talking about.




Ad hominem.  No need to reply



Ah yes. I'm pretty sure I've got a decent idea what I'm talking about.

I won't apologize if I struck to close to home somewhere, because you personally piss me off.


But if you wish to cease talking about it, then I will gladly oblige.

I didn't want to talk about this bullS#&$ in the first place.

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Agreed. The moment I heard the name my brain skipped. Interesting note, the word itself is from the Greek word hysteros which means uterus. The greeks thought that the uterus moved around and attacked other organs, causing all sort of maladies.

Way to fall into one of the most sexist tropes ever DE.

Edit due to Ninja: It doesn't matter if language evolves until it has evolved so far we can't see it's roots. It's not something that should be overlooked when it could be easily changed for the better. If it has unfortunate implications, it's better to do someting about it rather than shut up and let it happen. That's how stupid S#&$ like this gets institutionalized in the first place.

I just have to say, this is literally the only community I've ever seen debate the verbage of the dev's phrasing with such vehemence. When Saryn's name was changed, that was out of relevance FROM THIS CENTURY. LIGHTEN. UP.

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I know all that.  And it's WHY I'm complaining.


It all falls in line with a billion other crappy sexist tropes and stereotypes.


Were this a male frame he would just... be strong.  Wouldn't need excuses for his rage.  His rage would be a manifestation of his power, strength and unconquerable spirit. 


Instead her rages are manifestations of how she was abused and tortured.


That's *why* I have a problem here.

And they could have just as easily made it that she has some inborn rage that you would just see as a metaphor for PMS or some bullS#&$. This rage is justified and as human as any of the frames have gotten so far. The others are all silent killers with no morals and no REASON to be doing any of this. Valkyr? It's Personal.

And You think men aren't portrayed as shattered, pitiful wrecks after enduring awful abuse and torture? THAT's sexist. It goes both god damned ways, you know. Anyone would be @(*()$ demented and scarred after being subjected to the Corpus, much less Alad V, who we now know is an example of what their CRAZIES look like.


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And they could have just as easily made it that she has some inborn rage that you would just see as a metaphor for PMS or some bullS#&$. This rage is justified and as human as any of the frames have gotten so far. The others are all silent killers with no morals and no REASON to be doing any of this. Valkyr? It's Personal.

And You think men aren't portrayed as shattered, pitiful wrecks after enduring awful abuse and torture? THAT's sexist. It goes both god damned ways, you know. Anyone would be @(*()$ demented and scarred after being subjected to the Corpus, much less Alad V, who we now know is an example of what their CRAZIES look like.


I think the OP just realized that he killed his own argument. Now he is experiening foot-in-mouth.

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You fail to understand the fact that it's a Single word that has lost it's meaning.

That's what we're talking about.

That's what this whole hoo-plah is about.

 No, it's one part of what we're talking about.  Seems like a Poisoning The Well variant.


Also the idea that men are "Forcing" women to believe and think that it's okay to be treated wrong is just insane.

Your language implies that someone here thinks there's A Clockwork Orange situation going on to brainwash people.  But it's not.  It's just institutionalized sexism.  A billion tiny things that add up.  No one is driving it.  No one is forcing it.  They don't have to.  It runs itself.


 At the moment(and for the past few hundred years) rich, white, cis, christian, males have all this social machinery designed to support them.  If you fall into one(or more) of those categories, the system will help you.  You don't have to ask.  And you couldn't stop it if you wanted to.  Everything from how the economic system is designed to keep the wealthy... you know wealthy.  To how male is always "default" or "normal"(Which by contrast means everything else is NOT normal.)


Lots of the peices of this machine have been taken apart so far.  Like slavery.  And Women Suffrage. Civil rights.  This is why segregation, despite not being "inherently" racist, supported white people and hurt black.

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 No, it's one part of what we're talking about.  Seems like a Poisoning The Well variant.


Your language implies that someone here thinks there's A Clockwork Orange situation going on to brainwash people.  But it's not.  It's just institutionalized sexism.  A billion tiny things that add up.  No one is driving it.  No one is forcing it.  They don't have to.  It runs itself.


 At the moment(and for the past few hundred years) rich, white, cis, christian, males have all this social machinery designed to support them.  If you fall into one(or more) of those categories, the system will help you.  You don't have to ask.  And you couldn't stop it if you wanted to.  Everything from how the economic system is designed to keep the wealthy... you know wealthy.  To how male is always "default" or "normal"(Which by contrast means everything else is NOT normal.)


Lots of the peices of this machine have been taken apart so far.  Like slavery.  And Women Suffrage. Civil rights.  This is why segregation, despite not being "inherently" racist, supported white people and hurt black.


So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?


ANSWER THE QUESTION. Stop making straw-men, put the bra-out and answer the god-damned question that completely destroys the foundation of your entire asenine, incorrect and pathetic tyrade.



So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?

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And You think men aren't portrayed as shattered, pitiful wrecks after enduring awful abuse and torture? THAT's sexist. It goes both god damned ways, you know. Anyone would be @(*()$ demented and scarred after being subjected to the Corpus, much less Alad V, who we now know is an example of what their CRAZIES look like.


So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?


Double posting this so the OP cannot dodge it.



There is no culture wide belief that men are overly emotional and are prone to irrational fits.


There aren't dozens of contemporary examples where male characters are only allowed to be as strong or stronger then females when they are first brutally disempowered.


So no. If you swapped the gender the back story wouldn't be sexist.







So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?


ANSWER THE QUESTION. Stop making straw-men, put the bra-out and answer the god-damned question that completely destroys the foundation of your entire asenine, incorrect and pathetic tyrade.



So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?


Seriously?  Ad hominem, poisoning the well, and argumentum ad ignorantiam. 


If you don't know how sexism works in our culture it's not my responsibility to educate you.

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There is no culture wide belief that men are overly emotional and are prone to irrational fits.


There aren't dozens of contemporary examples where male characters are only allowed to be as strong or stronger then females when they are first brutally disempowered.


So no. If you swapped the gender the back story wouldn't be sexist.

Didn't Conan start AS A SLAVE? Wasn't he raped for breeding purposes routinely?


As for your response:




"It's wrong because it's happening to a woman. If it was a man it'd be fine."


Edit: Oh look!  You took a debate class sometime in your education. Yes, I absolutely made an ad hominem attack against you because you are stupid. As for the other accusations? I'm glad you rely on a feeble attempt to sound intelligent when I point out your logical phallacy.



Wait...isn't phallacy derived from phallic which indicates that men are foolish? THATS SEXIST OMG


/thread YOU @(*()$ SEXIST

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So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?


ANSWER THE QUESTION. Stop making straw-men, put the bra-out and answer the god-damned question that completely destroys the foundation of your entire asenine, incorrect and pathetic tyrade.



So...If it was a man with the exact same backstory you wouldn't care?


Isn't that the definition of Sexism?


No one is making straw men.  Also you seem to be woefully unaware of (or are simply trying to ignore) the fact that men are the majority group, with is an extremely important factor to keep in mind when discussing discrimination.


If sexes were reversed then this wouldn't have even happened.  If the berserker was designed as male then he would have been a barrel-chested giant leaping through the air and crushing skulls by the sheer strength of his massive testicles.  You don't seem to understand how sexism affects thinking.


But without hypotheticals (although this is a hypothetical you're asking, so where are the straw men now?) if the sex of the frame was reversed, exactly, as is, then yes.  It would not be a problem.  Not even remotely.  There is no context for the word "hysteria" being applied to men specifically.  If I were to speculate, I'd guess that players would complain about how thin he is for being a little space Wolverine, but other than that I wouldn't want to venture a guess as to how people would react, but it wouldn't be problematic in the way because of CONTEXT AND WHAT ABOUT THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?


Also, interesting that you bring up Conan.  Let's examine that.  Conan freed himself by earning it on account of his strength and intelligence.  Conan did not suffer mental breakdowns because of his time as a captive.  Conan was a gigantic Austrian beefcake whose biceps are probably bigger than my head.

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Didn't Conan start AS A SLAVE? Wasn't he raped for breeding purposes routinely?


As for your response:




"It's wrong because it's happening to a woman. If it was a man it'd be fine."


/thread YOU @(*()$ SEXIST



You keep saying "sexist" I don't think it means what you think it means.


It's sexist because of the cultural context it's happening in.  The privileged group are, by definition, immune to things like sexism and racism.  At least on any wide scale.  This is pretty basic stuff.

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No one is making straw men.  Also you seem to be woefully unaware of (or are simply trying to ignore) the fact that men are the majority group, with is an extremely important factor to keep in mind when discussing discrimination.


If sexes were reversed then this wouldn't have even happened.  If the berserker was designed as male then he would have been a barrel-chested giant leaping through the air and crushing skulls by the sheer strength of his massive testicles.  You don't seem to understand how sexism affects thinking.


But without hypotheticals (although this is a hypothetical you're asking, so where are the straw men now?) if the sex of the frame was reversed, exactly, as is, then yes.  It would not be a problem.  Not even remotely.  There is no context for the word "hysteria" being applied to men specifically.  If I were to speculate, I'd guess that players would complain about how thin he is for being a little space Wolverine, but other than that I wouldn't want to venture a guess as to how people would react, but it wouldn't be problematic in the way because of CONTEXT AND WHAT ABOUT THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?



Accuses Valkyr of enforcing female stereotypes. Responds to counterpoints with only male stereotypes.


What? Do you even think about what you write? I mean seriously. You are so pathetically narrow-minded it is pathetic.


Valkyr is not a sexist frame. Get over yourself.

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Accuses Valkyr of enforcing female stereotypes. Responds to counterpoints with only male stereotypes.




The majority of male tropes are empowering.  The majority of female tropes are disempowering and often objectifying.  That's an extremely important distinction, and it's reflective of how sexism affects thinking.  Stereotypes will always exist, of course, but you ere asking a hypothetical.  I can't answer with anything very specific because I'm not DE.  I could say how I'd do it (which is not what I provided as an example), but that would be an intellectually dishonest answer to your question.

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There is no culture wide belief that men are overly emotional and are prone to irrational fits.


Oh you mean that things like the stereotype that men are violent, prone to be serial killers?

That men are always horny and sexual?

To the point as being recognized as potential rapists?


You're saying that all of those don't exist?

I bet next you'll tell me that they aren't actively spread about by the feminist community.

Sweetheart... I've been to Tumblr.


So no. If you swapped the gender the back story wouldn't be sexist.


And yes, that's called sexism. That identifies you as sexist towards men.

The idea that a Man being raped, and tortured is okay to you... Makes you sexist.


If you don't know how sexism works in our culture it's not my responsibility to educate you.


It honestly is. Don't expect to spread an Ideology if you can't even explain it.

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You're being ridiculous.


The word is no longer used in the way you're worried about.


It is not an issue.

Sorry to break it to you, but it is.

Most of the time I hear the word "hysterical", it's being used to belittle the emotions of women. Although it has been largely supplanted in that role by terms like PMS! Yay! Evolution of language!


Anyway, just dropped in here to give a +1 to OP.

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You keep saying "sexist" I don't think it means what you think it means.


It's sexist because of the cultural context it's happening in.  The privileged group are, by definition, immune to things like sexism and racism.  At least on any wide scale.  This is pretty basic stuff.


You really think DE is a bunch of sexists don't you? You genuinely think this is an attack against women don't you.


You honestly think that every single man in this world is privileged and women are down-trodden and condemned.


The problem is not society you mook. The problem is you. The problem is the OP.


 You both have Victim Complexes and you project this onto everything, INCLUDING FICTIONAL MEDIUMS.


Stop posting here and go get some psychiatric help.

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Sorry to break it to you, but it is.

Most of the time I hear the word "hysterical", it's being used to belittle the emotions of women. Although it has been largely supplanted in that role by terms like PMS! Yay! Evolution of language!


Anyway, just dropped in here to give a +1 to OP.

Wait wait wait.

Hysteria is offensive, BUT REFERENCING THE KGB IS NOT?






 It's amazing how the only people posting that share the OP's view are this blatantly delusional AND hypocritical.

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Also I love how the OP and her little squad of sheeple don't bother mentioning, addressing or even thinking about the "stupid dad" trope.


Stan/Peter GRiffin of family guy, Tim the Toolman Taylor, Timmy's Father from the Fairly Odd-parents. Both men from Full-house. THAT ENTIRE SHOW IS BASED AROUND THE STEREOTYPE THAT MEN CANNOT RAISE CHILDREN ON THEIR OWN.



Seriously. Flip the bar-stool over and sit on it's seat. Stop sharing the legs with your like-minded morons and view the world how it actually is.

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There is no culture wide belief that men are overly emotional and are prone to irrational fits.


There aren't dozens of contemporary examples where male characters are only allowed to be as strong or stronger then females when they are first brutally disempowered.


So no. If you swapped the gender the back story wouldn't be sexist.

I'd like to point out that culture-wide beliefs aren't always true, as proved by the word BELIEF, and that men are in fact incredibly emotional. We just received the short end of the stick when it comes to brain chemistry. Women come equipped with the ability to handle emotion and experience it in a much clearer manner. This has been proven in multiple fields. Go read a psychology textbook, why don't you? Lots of information on your gender roles there.




If sexes were reversed then this wouldn't have even happened.  If the berserker was designed as male then he would have been a barrel-chested giant leaping through the air and crushing skulls by the sheer strength of his massive testicles.  You don't seem to understand how sexism affects thinking.


Also, interesting that you bring up Conan.  Let's examine that.  Conan freed himself by earning it on account of his strength and intelligence.  Conan did not suffer mental breakdowns because of his time as a captive.  Conan was a gigantic Austrian beefcake whose biceps are probably bigger than my head.

You didn't see that Excalibur get ripped into pieces in The Profit?

Male Frames have two example of big beefy tanks. Two. Out of how many? And Frost is only really "tanky" because of his stats and abilities. Nothing about him screams "beefy."

I'd say you're the one thinking with a bias here.

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Oh you mean that things like the stereotype that men are violent, prone to be serial killers?

That men are always horny and sexual?

To the point as being recognized as potential rapists?


You're saying that all of those don't exist?

I bet next you'll tell me that they aren't actively spread about by the feminist community.

Sweetheart... I've been to Tumblr.


And yes, that's called sexism. That identifies you as sexist towards men.

The idea that a Man being raped, and tortured is okay to you... Makes you sexist.


It honestly is. Don't expect to spread an Ideology if you can't even explain it.


Most rapists are men.  And by most I mean virtually all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_gender


Again, you don't seem to understand what the word context is.  You also don't seem to understand what a majority is or what that affect that has in regards to discrimination.


And I'm with you, it actually is our responsibility to educate you, but you don't seem to want to have any of it.

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Also I love how the OP and her little squad of sheeple don't bother mentioning, addressing or even thinking about the "stupid dad" trope.


Stan/Peter GRiffin of family guy, Tim the Toolman Taylor, Timmy's Father from the Fairly Odd-parents. Both men from Full-house. THAT ENTIRE SHOW IS BASED AROUND THE STEREOTYPE THAT MEN CANNOT RAISE CHILDREN ON THEIR OWN.



Seriously. Flip the bar-stool over and sit on it's seat. Stop sharing the legs with your like-minded morons and view the world how it actually is.


Feminazism isn't about equality anymore, it's about supremacy. I'm surprised that some of the beta-male bootlicks who seemingly run rampant throughout this community doesn't know that. Or perhaps they do and just accepted it out of some vain hope that it'll net them a girlfriend.


I feel sorry for a lot of people if that's the case.

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