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Freelancer27's Player-Based Stalkers


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yay lets turn one of the few good PvE centric games into faction-PvP bullcrap :3

Cant wait. Imagine how fun will it be to fight versus an Ash\Lolki Stulker with Penta\Ogris. Also a buck-shot in the face from Brakk will be enough.


Such balanced mode, so little potential problems. Comunity will become even better, people will tell each other cool-stories about how they fough an epic battles of on-hit-ko's. No rage, no blaming DE for ruining game. Everybody happy...


Ah just kidding - OP, you are insane or what? Can you even imagine how many problems that stuff will bring on the table. Jesus Christ I dont know - go beat Dark Souls again maybe?

Edited by derclaw
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OP, you are insane or what?

Yes. :3


Yay lets turn one of the few good PvE centric games into faction-PvP bullcrap

Cant wait. Imagine how fun will it be to fight versus an Ash\Loki Stalker with Penta\Ogris. Also a buck-shot in the face from Brakk will be enough.

Well, one thing for certain is that these player stalkers exists for a reason, they exert their wanting for power and it will be the most difficult thing for them to be in that situation as stalkers. Since the mission in hunting down other players can be very difficult to comply as everyone except your own stalker faction are against you.


And no, I don't think it'll be focused entirely on to the killing of players, as the missions you go through will become more difficult, becoming the end-game for certain players who want it.


And yeah, I caught up with your joke, though I answer with something that I could understand within myself as an opinion. :D


Can you even imagine how many problems that stuff will bring on the table. Jesus Christ I dont know - go beat Dark Souls again maybe?

I gave a thought about the mission choices, by the way. Whether you actually want to hunt down your former fellow Tenno or you could just hunt down other factions as you please. But, it is just a suggestion. :3

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Yes. :3

I gave a thought about the mission choices, by the way. Whether you actually want to hunt down your former fellow Tenno or you could just hunt down other factions as you please. But, it is just a suggestion. :3

So how exactly I can stop human controled Stalker (I will call him Stulker for short) from entering my game and slaughtering whole cell? If you want to somehow balance the encounter - then matchmaking will be a freaking disaster for both sides. Utilize the Conclave rating? Count some sort of marginal loadout power? Sure just unequip Sentinel and equip Unranked melee and primary. Load up your mightyest secondary and you are ready to rape with minimal conclave rating.


For Derclaw, you get stalkers weapons and your frames you have originally as a stalker. Each frame will have stalkers abilities but have original stats.

So it wont be "PVP bull crap = 3".

So I am playing Rhino with fukton of shields Hp and Armor, equiped with Kunai and Stalkers skills.... hm I still call that PvP bullcrap.

BTW Stalker IS NOT TENNO lol. You cant become Stalker just like you cant become Corpus or Govneer. Why exactly will you hunt others? Tenno cannot even harm each other with their skills or weapons. 


What the reason to become Stalker from the lore perspective? I am not talkin about childish urge to turn this game into some sort of e-pinus size competition (gohs some people just cant be helped with that).


Why would you even consider to switch sides as a Tenno? Lotus takes care of you, she provides you with acces to forges, she gives you presents if you serve her well. And most of all she never punishes you if you dont do well.


She wont throw you away as a uselss tool if you are bad at what you doing, she will still supervise your every run and will try to help you with tips. Is she some sort of Big brother? May be. Does she hides the truth from us? Who knows? But to turn your back on her just cause some Void creature told you that it will give you more power? Thats stupid.


Lotus now even provided you with huge codex so you can reclaim some of your loset memory and place to call home (Dojo). So from my point of view only sociopathic deviants who hate all sorts of lifeforms will take the Stulker path. You lose your clan, you can barely run any missions it team you are here to anoy and kill other players instead of doing Coop stuff.


So you want to give power of ruining other players expirince to lone wolfes with zero social skills and complete disregard of any human being except themselves? Oh that would be so freaking nice.


This suggestion will lead only to two possible outcomes:

1)Comunity will be split into 50/50 Stulkers\Tenno and here we go with faction PvP bullcrap in case if Stulkers will be able to do same stuff as regular Tenno but more emo style.

2)Or most of people will stay as Tenno to benefit from clan stuff and easyer life with minority of angry hardcore kids going for the kill just cause they feast on sufferings of others.


Ok there is also third option - EVERYONE become Stulkers so DE will finally see that its the worst idea ever made.

Edited by derclaw
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Overall I really like the idea, but instead of having an obscenely low chance to go to a corruption tower (more RNG on your RNG) here's just my two cents. Give us a blueprint only available to people who are mastery 10+ (this number is subject to change) and let it be made from T3 keys or other very rare components (but not orokin cells. anything but that!). It should take at least a day to create. The blueprint is for a desecrated void key. This is a solo mission. A difficult solo mission. At "extraction" you will be taken to another dojo and become a stalker, possibly through another test. If you refuse you will have to fight your way out and will receive an awesome reward (I don't know what... maybe like a stalker mod)


Also as a note it would be cool if the lotus would try to persuade you into stopping.

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  • 1 month later...

loved the idea but i have a few suggestions

1. to become a stalker (or "fallen tenno") you need to first win against the original stalker 1-2 times (to be recognized as a prospect stalker yourself) 

2. you will have to choose 1 warframe to undergo tests (once you start with a warframe and pass the first one you must finish with that warframe only)
and be "sacrificed", meaning it will undergo changes to visual, polarity, reset to unranked (due to new faction, new rulez and rank etc..) 

the changes will turn any warframe selected into a counter version to the "primes" (darker and a little stronger but not by much say,, 5% to hp,energy armor)

3. the tests which are an awesome idea will be to get components to mod the warframe into a "stalker"  which can only be applied once a player has all 3 and has passed a final additional test ( the first kill perhaps?) if he fails he must wait again to be tested and is not yet turned. 

4. as for the tests themselves i think that if this is to be an end-game feature should be a "combo-mission"  i.e. destroy reactor + steal data  + assasination of random boss (given that these tests are randomly picked by the void or original stalker as mentors) 

5. returning to tenno state or  "redemption missions" would essentially force a player to "make up" for the damage he caused the tenno and can only be done if player approaches a caln that has "medical lab" (or any other name) and thus commit to a clan, fulfill 5-10 missions and 1 assasination (without recieving bonuses or credits) for it's clan members (must be with other player from clan to "supervise" him and vouche for his good intent) 
and then deposit the stalker warframe in that clan's lab in the dojo for 48-72 hours to get his original warframe shape and abilties back. 

Edited by (PS4)schmutzklitzen
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