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Reinforcements Incoming: Sunden


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Just quick post about making an actual soldier for a Warframe. Usable for players mostly.</p>

Health: 4000
Shields: 200
Shield regen: 5 per second.
Health regen: 25 per second. (after shields has fully regenerated or when they receives damage health regeneration kicks in)
Sprint speed: 1.0
Armor: 100
Energy: none


Sunden armor can not be modded but you can choose him a weapon from your current armory modded or not. It is fine to him to handle it.

Skill set:

1st: Medical Insurgency.

Sunden pulls out a medical kit and heals team mate when aimed on this restoring health and recharging shields instantly. Pointing on enemy or on anything will heal Sunden by same rule.

Health recovered 600
Range: 1 in-game meter.
Cool down: 30 seconds

2nd: Shredding Shots.

Sunden inserts some of his health on the weapon overloading this causing weapon to ignore armor and increase slightly the damage dealt.

Health sacrifice: 10% of health remaining.
Damage dealt buff: 15%
Duration: 12 seconds.
Cool down: 20 seconds.

3rd: Unbreakable will (passive)

After taking too much damage Sunden becomes immune to incoming damage allowing him to position himself and heal himself. Unbreakable will ignore all incoming stuns and staggers.

Triggered when health drops less than: 790
Cool down: 140 seconds.
Duration: 4 seconds.

4th: Piercing light

Sunden throws a solar sphere after few seconds this sends extremely bright light blinding all targets in range and causing aiming becpme extremely bad aiming and vision for few seconds after the bright light will end.

Delay between time when thrown and explosion: 1 second.
Aim debuff: 45%
Bright light duration: 3 seconds
Area on effect: 20 in game meters. (doesn't affect units behind walls and not staring at the direction of sphere)
Aiming debuff duration: 3 seconds.
Area on effect duration: 4 seconds.
Cool down: 200 seconds.


On finishing move:

"Die damn you!"
"Your time has come. Disgrace!"
"Fear the might army of Sunden!"
"Death awaits!"

On death:

*death scream*
"Have I come in to the end?"
"I have failed Lotus forgive me!"
"Tenno... Forgive me... Let me find peace"

Voice commands:

Heavy unit on my sight" (As first time Heavy unit is on line of sight)
Tango up ahead" (As first time standard enemy unit is on line of sight)
Tenno giving covering fire" (When firing behind cover)
Tenno get the hell out of here!" (Only when player decides to use this)
ALERT STALKER!" (When Stalker appears first time on line of sight)
Focus on stalker!" (When players decides to say this)
Taking heavy fire!" (When breaking shields first time)
I am down!" (When getting knocked to bleedout)
Reviving ally cover me!" (When reviving ally)

Dojo lines and interactions:

You can ask from Sunden soldiers what they can provide you can ask about their deeds, what they has gathered and history about Sunden soldiers. Also you can ask from every soldier that does they regret their decision to become Sunden soldier.

When approaching and starting a conversation:

"What is it?"
"Hail brother/sister"
"<insert warframe> name-san" (example even if it so obvious) "Trinity-san"

Questions what you can ask from Sunden soldiers:

"What do you remember about second war?"
"Which one you prefer as leader of Sunden?"
"Who do you follow?"
"What kind of history do you have on Sunden soldiers?"
"Do you regret your decision to become a Sunden soldier?"
"What is Sunden soldier's current goal?"
"About Haken"
"What do you know about warframes?"
"How many has fallen to you?"

When leaving the conversation:

"See you later"
"Eye vigilant and mind cool"
"Focus and execute"
"Fight for us all and stay alive"

General movement:

There is somethings what Sunden armor is not able to do because he is a not a ninja standard soldier but don't worry parkour is favorite things too.

First to evasions: Jump side jumps will be replaced side jumps allowing Sunden still aim down sight and shoot without making tumble landing.

Backwards leaps are powered up with jet pack blast jump just like on forwards.

Jumping: Sunden has much more heavier armor so he has penalty on jumping half of the standard Tenno jump Sunden armor operators are pure human who have had been trained to kill and protect by different programs. Jet pack allows Sunden armor operators to move around places where Tenno are not able to get sniping positions and front line spots.

Jet pack is able to be used as a speed tool on straight line hall ways or high speed cornering. Jet pack still has limits the generators can become over heated so be careful with that toy you may break it. The head gauge is located at down middle of the screen. Standard jet pack jump requires 5 heat per second spent on air. Direct blast 20 heat to gauge. Tumble boost 15. Causing generator to over heat will disable the jet pack for 2 seconds. Jet pack over heats at 100. After using an evasion.

Requiring the jet pack assistance the cooling down starts instantly dropping heat 2 per second you don't use jet pack.

Jet pack is able to be used on double tapping the jump button aiming down your sight and double tapping the space bar twice (as computer default) will blast you to direction where you aimed. Attacking in these high speed states will double the damage on all targets who you hit. This double damage will not follow you on conclave because Tenno are meant to be fight together not test each other.

Shields: Low shields are designed to block in coming one shot possibilities. If damage overcomes shield count shields will absorb the damage what would harm the health. Instead of following the standard rules of evolving health and shields. Sunden has decided to fortify their health instead of leaving their fates on hands of energy based protection. They has seen the health most valuable over the power and damage. Health regeneration... This is not about genes... This is their power.

Power to focus every last atom to support each other when further to regenerate and recover the body.


Sunden soldiers were loyal soldiers of Tenno and were chosen from other ten clans of mercenary defenders. They has sworn to protect Tenno and warframe technology. Even if they were the reason of second war by their magnificent power of focusing every last atom on regenerating health and recover from any wound they were found to be highest level of threat to universe they weren't they saw Grineer, Infestation and Corpus to be most dangerous. Even Tenno were up to kill every last Sunden.

Sunden fought back striking down the Tenno but then throwing in front of their mercy pledging for forgiving telling their need and reason to fight Sunden brought all Tenno who were counted KIA in front of them first Tenno saw this as a defiance but after long talk. Some of the most agile Sunden soldiers has been rumored to be in ranks of Lotus on these days but has forgotten their skill and way to talk. Sunden joined to be brother faction to Tenno they are not guided by Lotus.

Current leader is named by Haken best marksman, hand to hand combat legend and immortality of survival. He retired himself after the second war thanks to Sunden skill of regeneration Haken had saw an alternate way to resist aging. Lotus sees Haken as a leader of true nobleness. He protected Lotus to this point when he didn't see any alternative way to keep Grineer, Corpus and Infestation from raiding humanity Sunden became weak without their brothers and sisters of agility.

Sunden soldiers has putted themselves in to tests what can bring an standard human to point of madness if not approaching the tests correctly. They have had been pushed to limits of strength and defending mastery. While Tenno where all for speed and agility. As you know Haken woke up Lotus and waited for the order after giving report both gasped. The war has begun again. Lotus gave order to Haken to gather all Sunden Soldiers put them on these four tasks.

Protect, Gather, Secure and Attack. Several Grineer, Corpus and Infestation stations were conquered or destroyed. Sunden soldiers went to wake up the Tenno brought them under the Lotus to go through the training. For a long time Tenno have not been known about Sunden soldiers work on their side Sunden Soldiers in pure hate and disgust repelled, slaughtered and executed every last Grineer, Infestation and Corpus digging on origin system set a hedge between origin system and solar system that they would never able to pass.

Haken ordered all Sunden soldiers to gather up on HQ of Lotus. He arrived to Lotus saying that. "Origin system has been cleansed this shall be our new home. Lotus let us walk together to safer land my soldiers has constructed a home to us. If you accept my offer of safe land I will smile once again like before second war" *aligned hand* Lotus said that it shall be their new home and from there they will work to free the solar system once again.

Haken opened metal window in front of Lotus and Haken. "She has accepted our offer for safe land for two cultures. Sunden and Tenno shall live together as one people" Sunden soldiers shouted up their war cries and threw up a Lotus flower on name of Era of Peace between Sunden and Tenno. Proud, Loyal, Strong and hard as a solid gem rock Sunden Soldiers are once again serving Tenno. In name of land of two cultures and freeing the solar system.

Now Sunden soldiers has been spread all over Dojo of Tenno to guard it and provide knowledge and support for missions. (Part where other player can jump in to operate Sunden soldier by using invite program) Changing from online to solo will make Sunden to leave. You can't enter to mission before you have invited somebody to operate Sunden Soldier. The use times of Sunden will be limited to 3 times per week. When inviting Sunden soldier to come with you on Dojo and you might go look around a bit he will be following you.

I hope you all will love the new idea and give feedback.

Edited by Revel72
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I dont quite see how this would fit in warframe.


Well pretty much Sunden soldiers will be alternative unit type for your own command instead controlling standard Tenno you can grab soldier and do what soldiers does. Sadly yes I forgot few things to the stats. Also my internet connection died and caused a massive... Amount of odd markings on the text so I had to edit them out. (Came on this idea because I am sometimes really not wanting to use my warframes on my missions because there is just no any perfect skill set / game play what would fit my abilities and comfort zones.


Pretty much Sunden will be really new player's power creep on missions (Veteran player invites new player to use Sunden) Because of the large health pool Sunden allows to do more mistakes (Even I do know that it is nearly impossible to die on first few missions. Also Sunden might have some traits to counter stalker really hard large health pool and health regeneration. Immunity to incoming damage for a while. Ability to heal itself. Well I am not going to let Piercing Light work on Stalker at all. Shredding Shots will just ignore his armor for a while. Probably good thing for player who uses Soma.


Btw. Off topic has stalker's bleed damage nerfed it was quite devastating have to say? Everything else on him is perfect. Hmm... Now when I come to think about how many times players should be allowed to use Sunden soldiers I think I need to limit that.

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