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What improvements can be made to this awesome game


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This is my first post on these forums. I will try to cover a larger feedback document here, even tho I should have probably split this on all of the sub-forums ( art, gameplay, etc).

Ok, so first of all.. WOW , this game is awesome, the combat mechanic in it is incredibly fun, fluid and well made, but I'm afraid without some changes this game is destined to... let's say a different destiny than it deserves.

I'm not sure if this is the case, but from what I played (about 5 hours), I clearely saw that this games borrows from the way combat feels in Mass Effect, and the environment and feel is a bit from Dead Space. This is not to say that is a bad thing, it's actually a great thing. Borrowing from other games and looking at what other games do good , taking those mechanics, styles, aethstetics , improving them and maybe adding something original to it and then implementing it in your games is a key skill that any game designer should have. Ok, I think we settled that the combat mechanics in Warframe is awesome, but it walks a dangerous line, as it is one of the few things this game does good. I'm not sure why this game is in closed Beta yet, but I sincerly hope that it will be able to change alot of stuff fast cause there is a bunch of things that need to be sorted out, and I hope , that you, the game developers are aware about at least a part of them.

1) Although the combat mechanics with the swords , charged attack, rifles, pistols, head shots is all fun and cool, it tends to get boring after a while if you don't have enough variation. The sword combat could definetly use some more combo moves, different styles for different warframes maybe? And I would like to see how some warframes make use of the sword and fire-guns through their abilities. I would like to go invisible and backstab someone with my sword, or do massive aoe dmg, stuff like this. Or I would like to have a skill where my gun enters berserk mode, and shoots harder, faster, maybe in an aoe range for a short period of time.

2)The enemies MUST be more varried. In the first system I played 3 hours , shooting the same 2-3 monster models, over and over and over and over again. It gets boring after a while. You need to have variation in a way or another, be it in the weapons, combo moves, environment , enemies, etc. You could definetly make more varied enemies and make boss fights a little more special, cause I didn't feel like I was fighting bosses, as I was fighting an enhanced version of a mob.

3) The ENVIRONMENT - This is a part where the game suffers alot. The environment tends to get dull and boring fast. After 3-4 hours you get the feeling that this is all you are going to see for the rest of the game: Grey spaceship rooms with lights and computers on the walls. You have a game where you explore a planetary system. How about landing on those planets and having planetary missions? Or missions inside bases on these planets? maybe lost temples of long gone civilizations on these planets, where you go to retrieve an artefact and you fight bounty hunters , or zombies of those ancient aline civilizations, or maybe some constructs, robotical golems left by those civilizations to defend those temples. Why not borrow this from Dead Space : Levels where you get sucked out of the ship and you walk the ship in Space with magnetical boots that make you stick on the surface of the warship and where you could have to dodge derbis and stuff like that. Maybe levels where you go through some wicked caves or forest on some planets or satellites. CMON tell those game designers to get cracking ! They have a wonderful opportunity to create something awesome here and I don't want to see it go to waste. If it is not their fault, please tell the lead designer or whoever is in charge of the project to give more money to this project, cause alot of stuff can and has to be a implemented in this game to make it awesome. This game has alot of potential and if you don't do this you will definetly regret it. Tell this to your publisher/ investor.

4)Weapons - the weapons have to make themselves feel more unique than they are now, cause all you feel right now is a number improvement.

5) The currency system - I know and understand that you guys went for a f2p model and through buying the premium currency is how you will get money. But you know what players and gamers hate most of all in these type of games? The one thing that turns them off instatly? Stuff that you can only aquire with the premium currency. People HATE this thing. You HAVE to get rid of it. I know you give players 50 credits of that premium currency at start , but that isn't merely enough to get full talent trees (PRO) on each item on a warframe and that is a major downer. Even if it takes enormous amounts of the normal currenct to get these, please , by all means, make the entire game accesible to the player through regular currency. The mere thought that he has to pay in order to access certain portions of a game for a gamer is something that will make him not even consider this game.

6)You also need variations in the missions. The objectives tend to get repetitive after a while and another thing: At the end of a mission, please make more variations of how to players leave the ship, other than the escape pod , it would be a neat little thing that would help the game esthetic alot.

7) The UI needs alot of work, The minimap is many times misleading, I often got stuck cause I didn't know wheter the exclamation point on the map pointed to an object I needed to aquire or to an objective I needed to get to. AND, for the love of GOD, make a button that can let you see the whole map(Yea, i know it is randomly genereated, but I doubt it is that hard to make MAP for that RNG dungeon) , cause it oftenly gets confusing for the player to know which parts he explored and which parts he didn't. The crosshair could also use some modifications and maybe variations from which the player can choose.

8) The AI voice tends to get annoying after a while cause she only has a few lines.

That is pretty much everything that I could think of right now. I sincerly hope you get to implement at least 1 of the things I mentioned to the game. This game has ALOT of pottential and it would be ashame to let it go to waste. Best of luck and keep up the good work, you've made an awesome game.

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Some breakable enviroment could be nice ...

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Some breakable enviroment would be nice ... like methods to destroy a bridge to stop enemys from following, break the glass after capture and run away without facing the enemy's outside the door... hack the security system to reprogram some turrets, hack the security to remove the alert till next encounter ... there's a lot of ways to improve it ...

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