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How About We Roll All Melee Damage/speed Related Mods Into One


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So right now when you pick a melee weapon, you choose to either just spam charge attacks or just spam normal melee attacks. Then you can choose to essentially waste 1-2 slots on Finisher and Stealth attack damage. 


This leads to extremely monotone game play, because there is one effective way to use your weapon, and a bunch of comparatively ineffective ways.


Essentially this would allow us to chain Finishers,Normal Melee, Charge attacks, Slide attacks, etc... freely creating much more flowing gameplay

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Changing mods wouldn't help at all, if this is your concern. 


They have been working on melee for some time now. They were working on combos of the ones you speak of, which I thought were supposed to come in U11, but I guess they will be coming sometime in the near future.

What's the point of combos if we can't even mix up regular and charged attacks?


Really, keeping the damage and speed mods separate creates a good amount of problems:

no one pics versatile weapons because modding both charged and regular attacks is incredibly inefficient;

charged attacks are widely better than regular attacks partly because charge mods are stronger and there aren't any nightmare mods for regular attacks;

it's confusing to understand what mods boosts what when you look at the miscellaneous attacks like wall/slide/AoE melee;

pointless clutter in the mod pool.


Just look at the bows or even better, look at the ballistica. Hornet strike boosts both regular and charged shots so you can alternate freely and although you may prefer one kind of attack over the other you aren't deprived of the variety. Why shouldn't it be like this for melee weapons too?

Edited by CubedOobleck
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What's the point of combos if we can't even mix up regular and charged attacks?


Really, keeping the damage and speed mods separate creates a good amount of problems:

no one pics versatile weapons because modding both charged and regular attacks is incredibly inefficient;

charged attacks are widely better than regular attacks partly because charge mods are stronger and more abundant than regular mods;

it's confusing to understand what mods boosts what when you look at the miscellaneous attacks like wall/slide/AoE melee;

pointless clutter in the mod pool.


Just look at the bows or even better, look at the ballistica. Hornet strike boosts both regular and charged shots so you can alternate freely and although you may prefer one kind of attack over the other you aren't deprived of the variety. Why shouldn't it be like this for melee weapons too?

completely wrong charge attacks are widely used cause they have ALWAYS been flat out better than spamming E because of massive damage and armor ignore. with the exception of Zorens and Ichors thanks to their crit stat and prior to U11 ichors E spam also ignored armor. unless E spam has armor ignore and/or stupid good crit stats normal melee attacks were by no means compareable to how good charged attacks were

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completely wrong charge attacks are widely used cause they have ALWAYS been flat out better than spamming E because of massive damage and armor ignore. with the exception of Zorens and Ichors thanks to their crit stat and prior to U11 ichors E spam also ignored armor. unless E spam has armor ignore and/or stupid good crit stats normal melee attacks were by no means compareable to how good charged attacks were

It's true that serrated blade on charged attacks made a huge difference (which if why I said 'partly because') and luckily that serrated blade no longer exists, but even now that the gap has shrunk charge builds are still better.


If you look at the pure unmodded numbers (although now that really depends on the faction you are facing) weapons like orthos prime and galatine still have better DPS than weapons like prime fangs and ichors.

Then add that killing blow is better than pressure point and that there aren't nightmare mods for regular attacks.

Then add that the top end charge weapons typically have a great range, multi-hit, stagger protection and incredibly useful AoE attack.


In short those endgame charge weapons are still way better than the endgame regular weapons. If you fused together the charge and regular mods that gap would shrink a bit more and you'd add versatile weapons that are good (but not perfect) with both types of attacks to the list of viable melee weapons.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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It's true that serrated blade on charged attacks made a huge difference (which if why I said 'partly because') and luckily that serrated blade no longer exists, but even now that the gap has shrunk charge builds are still better.


If you look at the pure unmodded numbers (although now that really depends on the faction you are facing) weapons like orthos prime and galatine still have better DPS than weapons like prime fangs and ichors.

Then add that killing blow is better than pressure point and that there aren't corrupted mods for regular attacks.

And then add that the top end charge weapons typically have a great range, multi-hit, stagger protection and incredibly useful AoE attack.

Well, there is spoiled strike, it goes up to 100% damage for -20% attack speed, but that's only one mod.


The melee system(and the combat system as a whole in some places) is criminally underdeveloped for a game that focuses on combat.

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Well, there is spoiled strike, it goes up to 100% damage for -20% attack speed, but that's only one mod.


The melee system(and the combat system as a whole in some places) is criminally underdeveloped for a game that focuses on combat.

ah sorry, I meant nightmare mods, gonna edit that real quick

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I agree with the OP. The game should have a mix up play when you go melee with neither playstyle being weaker. If damage 2.0 was suppose to allow the lower tier weapons to become a better option, then why not allow that with charged versus spam. Even though you compensated, and meta going mostly charge damage, it would be nice to have a nice spam play. But either way combining some of these mods would do good for melee combat. I feel its just meh. It wouldn't hurt to try at all.

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it makes sense that unmodded orthos prime and galatine out damage fang prime and dual ichors, the latter requires mod support in the form of damage, speed and crit stats while the former charge speed and damage. the only reason fang prime and dual ichors were usable was because of their crit stats and as most are aware crit builds require heavy mod support


Dual ichors: Pressure strike, Fury, spoiled strike, berserker, true steel, organ shatter (those two crit mods are a must have of this whole weapon becomes useless

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