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The warframe streams are generally not long enough to justify the required times for drops...


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ya know what... im tired

you all win, let the community shrivel and desiccate, and let DE be so self consumed and blinded by their own narcissism that they end up like bungie, because this has been almost nothing but a blame the player for all the structuring and management issues that could very easily be fixed by DE

this is literally the same blind faith i saw when Bungie cut off all community contact outside of hand picked members and then refused to admit when they had any issues

because void forbid the community get any drop systems or community reward system to seed the growth of new community content creators like all other games have generally done...

while i hope the game doesn't go down that road, hope is only good for keeping you distracted while everything goes on


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  • 2 months later...

wow... showed up early watched ever second and STILL didn't get the last drop, and that was a 2 hour and 3 minute stream.... meaning twitch is actively not counting random amounts of time

and enough with the stupid titles on the rewards, just call them resource pack, floof pack, etc. because calling them stuff like "rainbow Floof pack", "gold Floof pack", "green Floof pack", etc. is just misleading as all hell, and tricks people into trying to get these packs thinking theyre unique or special, that they will most likely not even get considering the floof pack this time was for 2 hours, i showed up before stream started and got in the second it launched and still didnt qualify for it..

either stop with the drops or expand it to all the Warframe streamers cause this is just weaponized incompetence in action, a 2 date event window just for a single 2 hour stream... yeah... definitely doing this on purpose 

im sick of this crap and am rightfully pissed about it

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I agree that having the time to get the rewards have no margin for error is badly done, badly done indeed.  I was there early, watched the whole time, but probably would not have gotten the drops if they hadn't gone over on time; twitch is not a wholly dependable platform.

People watching for the drops is normal.  It's the company's own promotional strategy: they incentivize your viewership with rewards.  DE is a company.  Warframe is a product.  Twitch streams are marketing.  It is perfectly valid to suggest that the marketing strategy would be more effective if the timeframe for receiving rewards was more lenient. 

Let's not judge people for watching for drops.  This is capitalism, not a cult of purity. 

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