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Equinox Antonym Deluxe Skin day and combined form skirt clipping issues.

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Equinox's deluxe skin day has a layered skirt and, respectively, half of it in combined form. The skin has a lot of awesome detailing design-wise and i really, really like it! However, there is one thing that started distracting me recently.
Whenever you are moving slowly or sprinting with some sort of movement boost, the skirt from those two forms tends to clip quite a bit. It doesn't clip into itself, but rather into her behind and legs.
It's not a big issue by any means... but this clipping issue is kinda distracting me from appreciating a great skin, and i believe that it could be easily fixable in some way, maybe by making the skirt have a limit on how much it can move towards her model and stuff?
This was just a thing that has been bugging me (haha, get it?) me for a while, but if it's not fixed then i get it too. Still, i am hopeful that, one day, this and more skin clipping problems and bugs could be getting some attention and hotfixes.
Ty for reading either way!

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