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While using helios, the often scans random things which is a good thing. However, there's no indication unless you notice the scanned item what he is scanning. It would be nice if there was a pop up, similar to the pop-up for a rare mod, that showed what he had scanned into the codex. It would also be awesome if when a scan completed the codex entry there was a different pop up indicating that such had occurred. 


Also, when it comes to the frost heirloom skin there are two tassels on the chest. Anytime that you attempt to use one of the chess pieces, those two tassels hang down ruining any look you might be going for. Would it be possible to get the styanx treatment and have those changed to an attachment that can be removed. That would go a very long way to creating new fashions for that wonderful skin. 

I have been experimenting with mag lately and she is a very powerful frame. I do wish that she actually did some sort of stacking of magnetic damage/blast damage when her abilities explode. Right now they read as if she is the magnetic Queen, but she doesn't actually do magnetic statuses.

With that in mind, equinox also is lagging behind as a new frame. It would be simple to take their slash ability on their fourth ability and turn it into a stackable slash that doesn't require running in and out of distance to retrigger. That, and it would be nice to have either two builds, one for day form and one for night form, sort of in the way that you did Jade. So that went in day form the abilities would be built away that they are designed, and a night form it would switch to the other build and allow both forms to be viable encouraging people to actually switch forms instead of playing her as a single frame and not a frame with two frames inside of it.

Along those same lines, Nova is a very powerful frame though she could use some love. Many people are now building a switchva build that requires them to buff or debuff themselves in order to speed up or slow down the molecular fusion. However, it would be much better if Nova had a way to simply change the fusion and instead of changing the power strength on the fly was able to maybe even tap hold in order to slow or speed up based on the content and need. No one wants a slow Nova in a defense mission, especially at low level one. Everyone will agree that a speed Nova makes it go faster, but then when you load into a high level mission it might be necessary to slow them down in order to prevent people without enough equipment from dying.

There's one other request that I think my health nekros quite a bit because of his bloated builds, would be to take his desecrate on it and turn desecrate into a tap hold ability. Thus allowing the person playing nekros to choose health or energy based on their preference. Then, make the argument increase the percentage chance based on his strength. Since the game is moving away from rare loot being obtainable through desecrate/loot increasing abilities, and instead placing them behind faction Gates, I feel that the desecrate augment is simple bloat presenting nekros from reaching the power he is capable of. 

Now my one complaint about the extremely well-designed Jade frame, there seems to be no line of sight check on their weapon. This makes it to where there are many Jade players, so much so that I have been in groups with three at a time, can do nothing but fly around shooting walls and things are dying. With the nurse to Dante and many other line of sight changes, I feel it on a proper that Jade also not be able to move through walls. 

And lastly, and idea for a new frame and while the name is a pun, it fits the U that we are missing and I feel like is a pretty neat concept. The frames name would be usnavi or even Ugur (God of war and death).  With the glimpse into the past with 1999, it would be interesting to have a sort of marine feel to a Warframe.  A Warframe that has an exalted gun that takes the place of their primary and allows them to simply run and gun. And since blast has been a focus of this last patch, having a Warframe who deals with blast would be "a blast". His abilities could work around that theme creating a tanky frame that uses health and armor using some sort of blast to push away enemies, consider flack grenades, flash bangs, and simple explosives. Have him with some sort of berserker rage that would drain his health while increasing his fire rate and multi-shot. Have him have a passive that increases damage from guns when surrounded by those affected by blast procs, while also increasing his fire rate when using his exalted weapon.  And for his ultimate some sort of blast shield that reflects damage while also allowing him to charge into things that would then get stacks of blast to eventually blow up. Ammunitions / explosive expert.

One other idea about nekros, I find that most people use nourish on him in order to add viral damage to his pets. Could we get a change to his augments so that when you use shield of shadows, your pets take on the same characteristics as your sentinel weapon or even your primary weapon. Allowing the pets, who are not doing very much damage to start stacking statuses. Another thought, is to make it to where there is a toggle in the options to be able to see your pets damage, and or turn it off that way you could actually see how much damage the pets are doing, and how much strength actually affects that damage.  If this idea is not possible, could we re-address kit gun arcanes that create pools of toxin / heat / electricity / cold, to be more usable in order to be able to put a specific element on our pets but you still want mission we are doing. 

And lastly, at your wish list item, what about a rainbow faction mod that works at reduced efficiency but works against every faction. Whereas now we have to switch every mod in and out or at least load out, it would be nice to have one single faction mod that works against all factions. 

Oh, and now lastly, when it comes to loadouts, it would be much more effective if there was a loadout slot that is your general use slot. One that changes based on which slot you choose. I find myself loading my mag load out and then changing it while later wanting to go back to the loadout that I made. Instead, I'd like to be able to load mag or nekros or whoever, without actually changing the saved loadout slots. So that I can load mag with the weapons I want on her and then if I want to experiment with a new weapon I don't actually change my mag loadout, but the current general slot that is always used to load in the saved ones.  





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