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Abilities Not Affecting Enemies


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Hi everyone,

I’ve noticed a recurring bug in Warframe where certain abilities fail to connect or hit enemies, and this seems to happen randomly. This issue significantly affects gameplay, especially in high-level content where consistent ability performance is crucial. Here are some specific abilities I've encountered problems with:

  1. Citrine’s First Ability (Fractured Blast)
  2. Citrine’s Fourth Ability (Crystallize)
  3. Garuda’s Fourth Ability (Seeking Talons)
  4. Kullervo’s Second Ability (Recompense) 
    And some others ...


  • Frequency: The issue occurs randomly and does not seem tied to specific missions or enemy types.
  • Steps to Reproduce: Use the abilities mentioned above in various missions. The bug does not consistently reproduce but occurs often enough to impact gameplay.
  • Impact: This bug significantly reduces the effectiveness of these Warframes in combat, making it difficult to rely on their abilities during missions.

I currently do not have recorded any footage of it happening in game. 

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with these or other abilities? Any temporary workarounds would also be appreciated. I hope the dev team can investigate and address this bug soon, as it affects the overall gameplay experience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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