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Simple and Favorable suggestion


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When u log in as a new player, u have no way to know about the platinum and warframe systems.
U go to the arsenal and see that each warframe is about 20 dollars and there's about 50 different ones and the game doesn't tell u that, so lot of players probably assume that to get those warframes u have to pay real money
Therefore, the best way to learn the game is to get somebody with a lot of hours to teach u, and this is not a 'secure' method at all
Improving this exchange of information will improve the player base and the new players joining the game
So my suggestion for this, can be for example: 

1. When u start the game and put on the arsenal segment in the ship, Ordis and Lotus help u and explain to u about how warframes and weapons work
That u can get them any of them by playing the game and they are crafted in the foundry
2. A written message that lasts about a week on the arsenal section, where it helps u and tells u about the game with different tips and stuff, just like the warframes have
3. A segment on the ship or a direct menu part that's called orientation or help

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