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Looking To Join A Clan


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I am an extremely active player (8+Hrs a day usually). I played CB and early OB but took a break for some time. Recently returned and am almost rank 7 atm.


I am a Canadian, in the EST time zone. However, I play at all hours. EU / SEA / NA times, don't matter. I'm up when I'm up, and I sleep when I sleep.


I have Frost / Rhino and Trinity all maxed out (With Nekros / Mag Prime / Nova / Valkyr )cooking atm, and Ember prime almost complete).


I have very very low requirements for what I am looking for in a clan:


1. Have a VOIP server. Teamspeak, Vent, Mumble, Raidcall any of those are fine. Skype doesn't count!

2. Be a mature clan. I'm not getting paid to babysit someone elses kids, so I'd prefer not to do it =)

3. Have no restrictions on who can access the clan dojo. I have no need for any research, or anything else there, except the ability to carry out trades. If I have to wait around for hours at a time for someone to show up to let me into my own dojo, then I see no point in joining.


That's it really.


The chat system in the game sucks pretty hard, so it's nice to have a decent VOIP server to chat with my clan on. I'd prefer to play with adults vs kids and I'd like to be able to use the dojo to do trades without requiring a babysitter =)


I don't think that is much to ask for!


I will be around the majority of the day. You can PM me here, or contact me in game.



Edited by ejester
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Hello I'd like to invite you to my clan, ZERG RUSH. We fulfill your second and third requirements as the majority of our members are college students and dojo is accessible right from the start. Furthermore we are an international clan which will correlate nicely with your playing hours. Many of our members are around the same or higher rank as yourself so you'd fit right in.


We do not, however, have a VOIP server. I know a few of our members were interested in it and I'll see if I can set one up.


If you're interested please take a look at our recruitment thread. Good luck on clan hunting.



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