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Vo Suggestion.


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Now then we have heard. Frohd Bekk, Darvo, Sargas Ruk and Alad V. I think we need to secondary VO if somebody wants alternative.


Introducing: Voyn Veteran Tenno. Survived from all attacks of stalker managed to escape the cryo sleep and now officially went away from combat and now works with Lotus to guide you on the line of war to bring peace back to universe. It is still unknown how Voyn managed to escape and he isn't going to say why Tenno were putted on cryo sleep. How is he able to speak? There has been installed a speaker on his helmet connected to brain all some of his thoughts are now able to be heard as speech.


Voice on overall: loud and proud. Some similar traits as Alduin's (Skyrim) and Duke Nukem voice.




Oldest data about Voyn literally calls him the hell fire of all hostiles. He also has had been called with this name even if he is using empowered Volt warframe he has fastest reload time of all weapons, reaction time and highest strength maybe because of all his training what he has had while being Tenno.


(More coming soon)






Looks like we have some clones comin'

I have a heavy unit on my radar. Prioritize.


While not detected:


You are still off from all sights. Move on.


When detected:


Looks like you are on the enemy radar now. Good. Much more fun like this.




Robots walking like zombies to your location.

Merchants with weapons incoming.




There is some... Mutants coming.

Walking dead dogs... I hate dogs.


Spy mission:


You found a data storage controlling panel.

Open it up and get out.




Drop those hostiles to hell.

This ship has a bit too much soldiers. They are the wheat you are the harvester. (Grineer)

This ship has too much moving metal. Let's melt it all up. (Corpus)

This ship has too much... Flesh. Let's shred and grill it up. (Infestation)




Well done now get yourself out of there

Fantastic work. Get to the EP ASAP.




That got away! Coward. Worry not Tenno even having one of them will be compromise.

These high value targets has some good information. Get them quickly as possible to us.

VIP in line of sight. Get him! (when having first time line of sight on VIP)

These VIP's knows too much get them to us. Don't we will handle them with "care"


Mobile defense:


Okay pick that disc up and put it in to oven... When you see one of course.

You have one of the ovens on sight kick the disc in and let it heat up.

It takes a bit more of time to get this one out. Hold on a little bit more.

Okay to the next one hunters.




Okay brothers and sisters of strife and death. We have to defend this thing. (at the start of mission)

TANGOS INCOMING! (When wave begins)

5 rounds on the shotgun go with it or leave with them? (When choosing leave or stay)


When mission is finished:


Fantastic work Tenno you are now on the way to home.

You did what was required. I will handle the rest.




Pick that disc so we can put this ship turning around tail between this legs. If it would have some legs. (at start)

There's the node kick it in and get out of there. (When finding the target)




Okay let's blow this piece of scrap metal by destroying the core of this ship. (core as a target)

Blow up these things will you? Also leave a letter about you were there will ya? (if targets are mining equipment)

Look for large patrols of enemies they are good mark that you are close.

Ship intergrity compromised! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!




We have friendly VIP captured in here. You know what to do right?

You have arrived to prison find our lad.

You have her/him out good get out of there and make sure that the VIP will not die.




One of us is raiding this ship... You are going to distract the enemies while this is happening. Put on the fun time. (at start)

They have shut down the oxygen extractors... I am sending life support capsules on your way. Hold them off and repulse all attacks.

Life support capsule arriving shortly defend this position and repulse all attacks.

Okay life support capsule is at the position put it on for more play time. Will ya?

Hey check out what operative just found... It should be some kind of assist for our cause.

Life support offline! Get the hell out of there!




So you decided to try something a bit challenging... Good... Vor and Krill are waiting for you.

Vor is rumored to have some Orokin technology on his hands. You know what to do to him... Kill him.

Jackal will be making last juggles in this day... It is time to melt this machine to molten metal.

Vay Hek has too much political and raw power... And what we do to his kind of persons? Kill them.

Alad V and his... Pet dog must be listed up to book of the dead... If you loose this battle we ain't going to see each other anymore.

Raptor is heavy weapon to carry... Oh I am sorry that was only an insult how bad he is.

I have no idea what would hide in here but the look of place brings me bad memories. Stay sharp. (lephantis)

Good lord... Shoot the red areas they are weak points. (when against Lephantis)

What the hell? I am still reading life signs of that thing! It is now or never send that bastard to hell! (when on second phase of killing lephantis)

We have a bit too big dog in here... I hate dogs and this murdered one of us.... Tooth for tooth and eye for an eye.

Krill maybe has experience but he isn't the smartest or agile... Just put some shots on his back time to time.

Kela De Thaym... I heard that she is product of the Sisters... Well time to put this half mechanical product to demolition.

Ambulas is highly trained and heavy weaponry carrying MOA do not under rate him. But we have to put him to demolition line.

These should be laughing time to time but this is joke... And by far the WORST joke... You know what to do to this... Disgrace.



Additional mission:


Bad news mate I have a reading about rescue target. Get her/him out of there.

I have readings of valuable information. I seriously wouldn't want to give this mission to you. But we can't risk that data getting moved out of there.

Okay now deposit this mass to ship controlling pad. Then you get out of there.

There is some high value targets in there. Get 'em.


Tower missions:




We have come Orokin VIP's to capture. Take care these towers are full of death traps... Coward's way to kill. (at the start)

These HVTs has high value information. We need to collect these things.




Let's line up these zombies and kill them. Shall we? (at start)

Neuro sentry has harvested too much troops for this command. We need to make it defenseless. Kill everything that is not identified as ally.




Work as usually on these missions kill everything what is not a Tenno and collect some oxygen.


Mobile defense:


Like on all other places... Get this disc in to oven and defend it until I say other wise. Got it? Go!




I have huge amounts of enemies on my radar and we still have things at there. So what do you all say about small defense mission?


Orokin Derelict: (coming soon)

Edited by Revel72
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stopped reading there.

tenno dont speak.

thanks for trying though.


How do you know? Take a look of stalker's lore and think a moment. What about if all Tenno were not managed to freeze away? And what is actual reason why they were freeze away? Were Orokin afraid that there would come a war between Tenno? After annihilating Stalker's kind of course. 


There is so much holes that I feel like getting riddled full of holes by a damn minigun. Lores: https://warframe.com/game/story and Stalker codex lore: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1rlvil/stalkers_new_codex_description_is_breathtaking/


What if Voyn managed to escape to Void from Stalker repulsing his strikes on Voyn every time + How could possibly they wouldn't be able to speak. Think about what we have on our throats what actually makes the sound. Vocal cords if you are going to say that maybe they are frozen maybe there is brain damage. No none of those can't with any way prove that why wouldn't be able to speak.


I am thinking now realistic that facts what actually is missing (yes yes I know game is fiction based) But what if actually things would be like this?

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