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A Warframe Idea


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RESPOSTED FROM GENERAL DISCUSSION (i put it in the wrong spot! silly me)

I have a Warframe concept that ive been playing around with mentally. I finally got the nerve to put it up so here goes.

(Sorry not an art concept just a basic power and stats run down).


I'm a huge stealth player so this is designed to me more of a stealth frame, though I don't think it would be bad in an open fight.


Name: Akumorin     - Sounds kinda silly right? The name is derived from two words actually. Akum, the first part of the word is derived from Akumu, the Japanese word for nightmare. The second part ,orin, is the latter half of the word Ronin, this is a Japanese term for a Samurai with no master. ( I may not be 100 correct with spellings or their meanings, Sorry.



100 Health ( 275 at 30)

75 Shields (250 at 30)

50 Armor -I'm not hugely aware of how armor works for Warframes after damage 2.0. So I took 50 , but as the frame is not designed to be tanky the value may be lower, or may stay the same. This is Ash's armor value so that's what I took.

125 Energy (250 at 30)

Sprint Speed 1.00 - Not insanely fast, but not too slow either

 Not sure what else to put here, I've never done this before.


Now for the (more) fun part, Abilities!


1. Tomahawk 

     Range 35/50/75 

     Damage 15/25/50 and 25/50/75

     Cost: 15

This is Akumorin's First ability. It is a two-part ability. He throws out a tomahawk at the enemy in his cross hairs at the time of the cast. The Tomahawk tracts the target until impact damaging the target. Now here comes the part that separates it from both Ash's Shuriken and Valkyr's Ripline. Attached to the Tomahawk is a rope, that leads back to Akumorin. Upon Impact of the tomahawk Akumorin pulls himself to the target, dealing the second part of the damage, and knocking them down, dragon-kick style.He will not pull himself through terrain, neither will the tomahawk strike the enemy if it moves behind a wall in time. You can't pull yourself around the map or pull teammates to you either. Can be effected by range and damage mods.


2. Wall Grasp/Wall Grab

    Range 50/75/100 in-game meters

    Duration 5/10/15 seconds

    Cost 50

Akumorin's second ability is a team-buff. Like the name suggests it plays on the existing concept of wall running, and other parkour. It causes himself, and any teammates within the radius to now use stamina for wall running, until the duration expires. It is effectively a team movement buff. I was going to also throw in that it would allow Akumorin and effected teammates, to be able to attach to/hang from the ceiling until the duration ended. The ability bases off the fact that it magnetizes the hands and feet of affected Warframes, allowing them to wall run/climb/hang/grab for the duration of the ability. Although you don't move as fast, because your Warframe is relying on the magnets, that's why you don't use stamina. It also plays off of his third ability fairly well. Can be effected by range and duration mods.


3. Active Camouflage 

   Range 50/75/125 in game meters

   Duration 2.5/5/10 Seconds

   Cost 75

The third ability is probably the one that would define his roll in team stealth gameplay. While being useful in solo mod it is yet again a team buff. This ability makes all  Warframes harder to see. Note that I do not say invisible because unlike Ash's Smoke Screen and Loki's Invisibility it doesn't make you hidden from sight. How it works is that they can still see you, but only if your moving fast. Walking, Sprinting, doing a roll, attacking, or normal wall running breaks the camoflauge, but crouch walking, sitting still (standing or crouched) or wall running while the second ability is activated will not break the camouflage. While crouch walking will no break stealth, crouch walking right in-front of an enemy will most likely cause him to spot you. Note that this is indeed a team buff so all Warframes within the cast radius have this effect while it lasts. Can be effected by range and duration mods.


4. Dart Cast

  Range 30/60/90

  Damage 50/100/200 and 50/100/200

This is Akumorin's ultimate ability. The name is subject to change as it is very simple. This ability works like Tomahawk  in a way. He leaps into the air, becoming untargetable and throws a dart at every enemy within the radius. Darts do not seek through walls, On impact the darts do initial damage and stagger the targets. At this point Akumorin lands and calls all darts back to him. They drag the enemies with them. Upon reaching Akumorin they impact with each other, causing the darts to explode, dealing the second half of the damage and knocking down any survivors. This ability may not seem to do as much damage as it should, but the utility is there. A Nova on the team could cast Antimatter Drop Into the middle of them. A Rhino could stomp them, An Ash Could Ult on the group, Valkyr could ult in and beat the crap out of whoever is left, Excalibur could do radial javelin or Slash Dash, Loki could cast radial disarm, Mag could cast Crush, so on and so forth. Its more a CC ability, or a way to feed your team kills, or mop up a room. You could also use it to clear enemies away from the pod in defense. It is effected by damage and range mods.



There you have it guys, my first ever Warframe concept. Fell free to add to it, give me criticism, tell me I'm stupid or whatever. I'm not going to ask you to upvote it, or whatever, if you like it, please tell me, if you hate it, tell me why.


Thanks Guys~ Shadows 



~EDIT 1: was suggested that I change 1st ability name simply to tomahawk, this is done now. Thanks ShadowKnightNG

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