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[Warframe] :: Twilight :: (A Light-Based Warframe) - Don't Take Me Lightly


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Other frame concepts I've designed:


One thing to know, Light doesn't have anything to do with Justice, Righteousness, Good, Divine, Holy or anything of the sort (DOT!).

Twilight manipulates Light.




Light, Slick, Energy, Agile, Mischievous, Tricky, Sly




Slick, Sly and Shiny. Holding array of abilities she manipulates light with seeming ease while maintaining canny mobility.

-Don't take me Lightly...




There are some things you don't want to meet in the dark. In this case it doesn't matter what manner of lighting -You don't want to meet Twilight-.





Health: 75 

Shield: 100

Energy: 150

Armor: 50

Speed: 1.25





Disperse Light


Twilight casts out a web dispersing light waves within the field.


¤Energy Cost: 50

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤A stationary X/XX/XXX/XXXX meter radius globe field centered around the caster.

(Field Radius Suggestion: 4/6/8/10)

(Range will increase the field radius - but increase the energy cost)


¤The field will block line of sight for enemies, however they can still hear the players.

¤¤Enemies can shoot into the field at random.

¤¤If Players make noise the enemies can shoot at the player with reduced accuracy.

¤¤The inside of the field also blocks line of sight, but the closer the enemies are the less their aim penalty is.

¤¤If an enemy is inside the field and a player have not attracted its attention through gunfire or melee attacks the player can preform stealth attack on it.


¤The field lasts for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds.

(Field Duration Suggestion: 8/10/12/14)

(Duration will increase the length of the fields duration)


¤X/XX/XXX/XXXX fields can be active at the same time.

(Active Fields Number Suggestion: 1/1/2/3)


¤All Tenno's visual equipment are equipped with the ability to 'see' in/inside the Field.

¤¤To the players the area is merely darker then usual with slightly less colorful (more greyish) tone.


Author Note's:

I feel that Light Dispersion is a very suitable ability, Twilight is styled as quick and elusive along with a tricky mischievous feeling. Its intended to plunge an area into blackness, hide and attack from and in it.


Balance wise I think it makes a good first tier ability, it does have a 50 energy cost but its necessary to prevent all to excessive use.




Redirect Light


Twilight redirects light to make her and allies harder to discern while interfering with enemies.


¤Energy Cost: 50

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤Aura with X/XX/XXX/XXXX meters radius.

(Aura Radius Suggestion: 8/12/16/20)

(Range will increase aura radius - but increase energy cost)


¤Aura lasts for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds.

(Aura Duration Suggestion: 6/9/12/15)

(Duration will increase the length of the auras duration - but increase the energy cost)


¤Allies within the Aura receives an effect Buff and becomes slightly transparent and the area around them (1meter) is lightly obscured.

¤¤Allies are only under the effect of the Buff if they're within range of the Aura.

¤¤Enemies aiming for an Ally under the effect of this Buff will have accuracy penalties.


¤Enemies within the range of the Aura will be obstructed by Light being concentrated towards their eyes.

¤¤Every second there's a X% chance that enemies within the aura will be stunned/staggered for 1 sec.

(Stun Chance Suggestion: 15)

(Strength will increase the chance to stun - but decrease range of the aura)

¤¤Enemies will also have X/XX/XXX/XXXX% Attack speed and Rate of Fire reductions.

(Attack Speed and Rate of Fire Reduction Suggestion: 15/20/25/30)



Author Note's:

I think 'Redirect Light' plays well along with Twilights abilities, obscuring allies while at the same time interfere with enemies ability to fight without hampering her combat or movement capacity.


I had hard time figuring out how to express this ability as a mechanic, and even as I put it all down I was still thinking of whether or not to add armor bonus/damage resist the friendly side of the aura and have that stimulate how the enemy is damaging Twilight and her allies less, still not sure if the accuracy penalty is the better way but i thought it felt better since it would prevent stacking with 'Disperse Light'.




Ray of Light


Focus the Light, Concentrate it, Aim and Release.


¤Energy Cost: 100

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤Ray of Light has two version, one normal and one charge version.

¤¤You charge 'Ray of Light' by holding down rather the simply clicking, just like with melee.


¤Normal version

¤¤Fires a large linear Ray of concentrated light waves dealing damage.

(Ray Damage Suggestion: 1200)

(Strength will increase the Rays damage - but increase energy cost)


¤¤The Ray has width of X/XX/XXX/XXXX meters)

(Ray Width Suggestion: 4/5/6/8)


¤¤The Ray has a very high Puncture and a range of 70m

(Range will not have a positive effect - but will decrease the damage)


¤¤Twilight is stationary during the cast- and firing (the ray lasts only for an instant)

(Cast Time Suggestion: 1,5 seconds)

(0,5 second cooldown)


¤Charge Version

¤¤Fires a small Ray of concentrated light waves dealing X/XX/XXX/XXXX damage during every 0,2 sec for 1 second.

(Ray Tick Damage Suggestion: 200/300/400/500)

(Strength will increase the Ray Tick Damage - but increase energy cost)


¤¤During a tick the Ray deal its damage to all targets it hits during that time, so all target hit during 0,2 seconds take the damage not just the ones effected when the 0,2 mark hits.


¤¤The Ray will hit where the player is aiming and will follow the aim.


¤¤The Ray has a very high Puncture and a range of 50 meters

(Range will not have a positive effect - but will decrease the damage)


¤¤Twilight is stationary during the cast- and firing.

(Cast Time Suggestion: 1,5 seconds)

(0,5 second cooldown)



Author Note's:

Originally I was very torn between a precise Ray or a large Beam, but in the end I decided that the versatility would suit Twilight better, I really like the feeling I get from both of them and the ability as a hole, additionally it matches up perfectly with her sly and tricky nature to suddenly pull out something like this.


Though this is a 3rd tier ability is has the output of a 4th tier, the reason is related to balancing the current 4th ability but also the fact that it has the 100 energy cost and even if its damage output rivals other 4th tier abilities most of them are complete AoE abilities and while the first version is Linear the second can be aimed or concentrated they don't have the general AoE capacity of the 4th tier abilities while it also has a complete lack of any form of CC.






Twilight absorbs light to supercharge herself, boosting herself.


¤Energy Cost: 0


¤Personal Buff that boosts Maximum Shield, Shield Recharge Rate and Status Chance while granting Knockdown Resistance and Status Resistance for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds.

(Buff Duration Suggestion: 6/8/10/12)

(Duration will increase the length of the buff Duration - but decrease the power of its effects)


¤¤Boosts Maximum shield by X/XX/XXX/XXXX%.

(Maximum Shield Boost Suggestion: 50/100/150/200)

(Strength will increase the power of the Buffs effect - but increase the cooldown)


¤¤Boosts Shield Recharge rate by X/XX/XXX/XXXX%.

(Shield Recharge Rate Suggestion: 100/200/300/400)

(Strength will increase the power of the Buffs effect - but increase the cooldown)


¤¤Boosts chance to inflict Status effects by X/XX/XXX/XXXX%.

(Status Effect Chance Suggestion: 30/60/90/120)

(Strength will increase the power of the Buffs effect - but increase the cooldown)


¤¤Grants X/XX/XXX/XXXX% Knockdown Resistance.

(Knockdown Resistance Suggestion: 15/30/45/60)


¤¤Grants X/XX/XXX/XXXX% Chance to resist enemy proccing status effect on you.

(Status Resist Suggestion: 20/40/60/80)


¤'Supercharge' has a cooldown of X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds which Starts when the Buff expires.

(Cooldown Duration Suggestion: 12/16/20/24)

(Efficiency will reduce the cooldown duration)


Author Note's:

To me you can't really have Twilight without 'Supercharge', as you can see her abilities are generally passive boosters with the exception of the 3rd tier, and while the 1st and 2nd tier are utility abilities this one truly makes Twilight fearsome, supercharging herself to make her much more durable.


Balancing 'Supercharge' had its challenge, I balanced the energy cost with the 4th tier equip cost and cooldown duration, while at the same time letting the cooldown duration prevent the exploit of making it perma activate-able, so even if you boost the duration you can't have it permanented (make loop-casting possible) because the cooldown starts after the buff expires. One thing important to not is with the Shield buff, it buffs the Maximum shield, not the original base value.




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