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Vague Beginnings- Fanfic


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I have to practice my writing a little. I think I need to put something up where people can read chapter by chapter instead of writing something no one will see. I hope you enjoy it.


Also it's a little graphic at the beginning.


Chapter 1: (Vague beginnings)


Where was I? I couldn't remember any more.

Why was I here?


I could scarcely see anything, hear anything, feel anything. The only thing I could focus on was the beat. Like a metronome keeping time. Tick tock, thud thud, the world blinking in and out of existence, the pain in my arms reaching a new peak every time I brought my fist down.


The only thing I could clearly see was a fragile frame lying limp not 2 meters away and the body right below me. It was like watching a recording. My body moved on it's own, striking, crushing the soldier beneath me.


Bone cracked and splintered, the face caved and now it was like I was punching a bowl. The face being churned into a soup inside his skull. My fists hurt as they landed against the inside of his spine then through to the grated floor letting the chunks flow between the spaces.


A vibration rang through my head. Was I screaming? The sound was so loud, so close but I couldn't recognise it as my own. Like a phantom an inch from my face screaming as if he was sitting right next to me in hell.


My arms were getting tired. I was getting tired.


I kept thinking to myself "Just one more punch." Just one more so I can avoid facing reality for a second longer. But it was too late. Every punch just brought me closer and closer to the real world. I couldn't ignore it any-more.


She had died right in my arms. The bastard Colonel Lugor had killed her just as she stopped the bomb from destabilising the planet. That damn gun he had took her down in one shot. It was so quick, her life support systems stopped registering almost as quick as she had clung on to me, then fell limp.


He even paused to gloat saying that we'd be "travelling together". He couldn't finish that last word, I made sure of it.

I looked around, my throat was sore, my arms were useless and my chest felt like I was impaled on a large spike. Everything was blurry. I realised I had been crying the whole time.


Slowly I staggered to my feet and walked back over to her. I kneeled down and held her. "We did it." I told her. She diffused the bomb making it harmless then dropped the pieces into the pit it hung over. She had saved the entire planet. I wanted to say more but the words did nothing but make it harder to breath.


Before I could get my strength back a security force burst through the door guarding the chamber. I couldn't draw my bow let alone throw a knife or swing a sword and I was running low on everything.


I swiped the gun from Lugor's dead body and with what strength I had, I scooped her up and ran for an exit.


Thankfully, my legs were the only thing that worked properly. I ran as fast as I could, but carrying a frame was more than I could handle. It was heavy normally but right now this was a test of my willpower not stamina and they were gaining on me.


The exit was getting close and was near the end of my rope. I regretted hitting Lugor like that, I had wasted nearly all my strength. Before I could make a turn an explosion hit me throwing me against a wall and her from my hands.


I was dazed trying to gather my bearings, shots being fired around me and then I came to. She was closest to the advancing army and I had no strength to spare. If it hesitated I really would be travelling with her and as comforting as that sounds I can't give that a****** the satisfaction.


I dashed for the exit, now within sight. Jumped in, magnetic locked and was out. The last thing I saw was her lying there as the soldiers ran past her, after me. The stragglers at the back grabbed her arms and began dragging her away.


I hoped they'd treat her body with some sort of respect but I knew deep down that they would just ship her out to the nearest research facility.

Edited by DoctorSprocket
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Chapter 2: (Homecoming)



I had finally reached the dojo after hours lost in self-reflection. The trip was the quietest I've ever experienced. The silent nothingness of empty space can't compare.


When I got back my comrades were quiet, understanding what had happened when I was the only one to return. Everyone wore the familiar mask of sympathy but I knew they were glad that the plan succeeded, I was in no mood for that. I didn't need it. Tenno fell in the field all the time. Some were missed, others weren't there long enough to make emotional ties but all were respected in death. That was enough.


I had things to do. I walked to the furthest room down the lowest floor over to were Jusuf does his experiments. Jusuf was a wise man, but more important than his wisdom was his ingenuity in reverse engineering and inventing weapons. To this day I have not met a man more worthy of the Vauban frame that he wears.


“Dietrich my friend how goes the mission?!” Jusuf said cheerful as always, he never did get out of his room much. I said nothing “That bad huh?” he said more apologetic.


I threw the gun I swiped on to his work bench. It was big, not as big as a rifle but larger than any pistol I've seen. “I need you to find out everything you can on this thing, how we can best defend against it and how we can use it to our advantage. Before I leave send a report to the lotus, the Tenno need to know about this. I'll be in my quarters.” but before I left I stopped and said “It's alright.”


“But are you?” he replied.


I didn't say anything, instead left.


The rest of the day was a blur so I decided to pack in early and rest. The next time I awoke, it was from a nightmare. I couldn't tell what it was just that it made me punch a dent into the wall adjacent from my bed. The feeling of being lost was clouding my head. I needed something to eat.


I made my way to the mess hall and ate quickly ignoring everyone and everything. After what happened I was surprised at my appetite. I wasted no time getting back to my quarters.


As I walked through the corridors I passed Lena. She was in her Ember frame leaning against a wall arms crossed, she was obviously looking to talk. “You need to talk.” she said.


“I'm fine.” I said walking along


“Wasn't a question.” she began to follow


“What do you want?”


“You're bottling up your feelings again. You always do.”


“Since when has that been a problem?” I walked into my quarters and sat down on my bed Lena following close behind shutting the door behind her. She looked over my shoulder obviously at the dent in my wall.


“Since something serious like this happened. We've been friends for a while, I know you better than anyone. Hell we know each others names.”


“Jusuf knows my name.”


“But does he know your face?” she removed her helmet not even bothering to fix her short flattened red-brown hair. Her eyes looked at me expectantly. I knew she was waiting for me to take mine off, but I couldn't do that. I just stared at her.


She looked like she tried to make herself look angry but all I could see was pity. She sat next to me “I know you lost someone out there. Someone you care about. That's why you need to talk with people that care about you. You're not alone.”


“Don't you think I know that?”


“I'm just saying that I'm here for you. And that you're a Tenno. There is more you could be doing.”


“Like what?”


“How do you feel about doing a little cleaning?”


“I've never used a mop.”


“I mean Grineer ships.”


“How soon?”


“As soon as you can. But there's a catch.”


“... What catch?”


“You're going to be teaming up with Kilo for this one.” There's always that one thing.


“That's a big catch.” I wasn't looking forward to working with Kilo.


“Are you still up for it?”


“No choice.” I said standing up “Is he ready?”


“More than ready, he's excited.”


“Ahh geeze... Fine, let's do this.”


“Hey Die?”




“I knew her name before she...” she paused “Did you know?”




“Would you like to?”


“She said she'd tell me after the mission was over. I can find out when I'm old and dead.”


“You were always fascinated by mystery. I guess that's why we didn't... Never mind.” she waved me off.


“I trust you more than anyone else I know. What's more important than that?” I left to gather my weapons.

Edited by DoctorSprocket
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I had some fun writing this chapter.

Chapter 3: (apprentice)

“HEY BOSS!” Kilo called out as I walked to the hangar. This guy was a pain. A Tenno in a Loki frame with that could never take anything seriously and always tried to force some sort of word play. He carried a gram and when anyone asked about his name he'd say it was an ana'gram' putting emphasis on the word while he pointed at his sword. But the groans he got were just as much from the physical pain from enemies as the physical pain he caused with his jokes.

I walked into the hangar Kilo following close behind “Let me introduce myself. I'm Kilo.”

“I know.”

“I suppose you also know that my that my name is an ana'gram'.” he said pointing to his sword. He actually did it.

“Yes.” I was in no mood for this.

“Man I'm so pumped to work with you dude, you're like my hero!” he said trying to keep his mood going. I had no problem with that as long as he didn't try to force it on me.

“That's nice.” I said coldly barely paying attention. I reached the transport ship quickly, the sooner I got to shoot things the better. I picked my burston, kunai and heat daggers for this mission.

Entering the ship Kilo had not stopped talking the entire way there. He talked about his missions and what he had done, the cool stuff he pulled off. Like switching with a napalm Grineer right after it shot a couple of grenades causing it to get hit by it's own weapon. I enjoyed that story at least.

Some others were interesting but grew old quickly until it just became a flood of sound. All the way until we finally reached our destination to which I eagerly stepped out.

Kilo jumped in the same way almost mirroring my motions “This is so cool.” he said.

“You've done this before haven't you?”

“Well yeah but not with you.”

“Yeah I've been meaning to ask. What the deal with that? You're the only Tenno I know that has a 'hero'.”

Kilo got flustered for a moment “Ahh yeah. I can see how that's weird and all. It's just you were the first Tenno I saw getting out of the cryopod.” he said then his eyes lit up “You were amazing. A lone Tenno against forty Grineer, teleporting, stabbing and slashing from left to right. There was one moment where you were pinned between two forces and a rocket was fired at you. You teleported in a shower of blades, just demolishing one side while you let the rockets take care of the other. You protected me in my hour of need, outnumbered, out-gunned but not outmatched. Ever since that day I wanted to be just like you. A hero that protects people.” he dramatically announced finally running out of breath.

The long speech kind of felt alright being recognised for once. The last thing he said however froze my core. I wanted to tell him that there are no heroes, that we only do what we have to. But this is not the time for low moral. Give the kid a chance to live a dream before I set him straight.

“Wait!” I said to him. He froze.

“Did I step on a mine?” he asked.

“No. We've been walking around corridors for a couple of minutes while you were loudly giving away our position. Don't you think it's strange that no one has come to say hello?”

“Hold on? So you just let me keep blabbering knowing we might meet a small army in the process?”

“I was confident I could handle whatever came.”

“And you're somehow not confident now?”

“Well I haven't seen anyone come, so I can safely assume we're walking into a trap.”

“How are you so calm about this?”

“Because it's not a trap if your prey knows what it's getting itself into. Cloak yourself and scout ahead I'll be right behind you. Look for vantage points, if you find one and encounter enemies, throw a decoy then switch with it to safety.”

“Can do boss.” Kilo said then immediately started to increase his pace.

I followed him closely stopping at corners making sure no one was waiting there or following us. This ship housed a small number of troops, no more than 40 but all of them were higher ranked soldiers in the Grineer empire. It wouldn't be a surprise if they were in formation ready to strike as opposed to strolling around like grunts.

“Boss.” I heard Kilo whispering.


“You were right. There's a formation lined up down the next corridor, maybe 8 or 9 of them.”

“You know what to do.”


Kilo cloaked himself and stood at the centre of the hallway. Not my first choice of position. Then threw a decoy behind enemy lines then before they could notice switched with it. Not bad.

Before they could register the enemy I cloaked myself just the same and teleported to Kilo. The Grineer fired furiously at the decoy not knowing they had their backs completely exposed. I readied my rifle and Kilo did the same. We started from the back and and worked our way forward. The soldiers at the front hadn't even known that their back up had just been taken out until bullets stopped flying.

“Nice work kid.” I said.

“Thanks Boss.” he replied happily.

The radio on one of the Grineer troops began to buzz. “I was wondering if they were going to have one of these.” I told Kilo while walking up to the troop picking up the headset "Grineer tend to not understand what I radio is apparently, only the smart ones carry them." The voice on the other line was speaking in Grineer tongue that same sound that's akin to a 40 foot duck choking on a dictionary.

What's going on? I'm getting reports of shots.” the voice said in it's native tongue.

Tenno.” I said mimicking the voice and speech pattern “Nothing to worry about, they're beneath the scum we see on Ceres. We're going to set the bodies up for target practice, want to join?”

“Haha. Just bring me the heads when you're done. My walls are starving for ornaments.”

“I'll be sure to bring you the ones I haven't picked for myself.”

“Acceptable. Carry on.”

I dropped the radio. “You speak fluent Grineer?” Kilo asked in bemusement. “Naturally and coupled with a voice mod. Works best when you want to keep your enemies guard down. The Grineer are naturally egocentric so they'll easily believe they have the upper hand. Now we can work within the shadow of disbelief.”


“When they hear gunshots, they'll think it's target practice.”

“Oh! You're a genius.”

“Not a genius, just thinking with my head as much as my blade. Now I want you to jump up over that arch and throw a decoy lying against that wall in front of the corridor entrance. I'll be inside the corridor shooting at it.”

“Why are we doing this?”

“Because they got reports of gunshots, meaning that there's a security force nearby. You know what, just follow the plan and get ready to shoot when I say 'now'.”

“Ok. I'll be right up here then if you need me.” Kilo said and threw a decoy at the appointed place and climbed up the arch waiting.

I picked up one of the hind from the body for believability and I started shooting the decoy. From the archway no one could see inside the corridor. “Hey guys!” I called out in a Grineer voice “Target practice!”

I could hear footstep coming closer between shots. They wouldn't dare get in front of the gun while it was firing so they didn't look down the corridor. Instead they grouped up near the entrance waiting for me to stop first. “Hold on!” one of them said “Let me get in.”

Thinking it had been enough time to get them all close enough I called out “Come on in!” and when the first soldier came through I yelled “NOW!” and began firing on the two Grineer standing in front of me.

They were like sitting ducks, Kilo had them all lined up letting out a barrage of bullets towards them taking down one then two then four. They scrambled for non-existent cover but their position was too exposed. There was some satisfaction I got from having my plan work. All in all there was another six Grineer dead. Not a bad start.

“That... Was... Awesome!” Kilo said jumping down “That plan went perfectly!”

“Wait, I got a better one.” I said with a laugh. This was really putting me in a good mood, Lena was right. I had a hard time thinking about anything except for what was going on in the mission. It's what made me a good Tenno.

I picked up one of the Grineer with the least noticeable battle wounds and slung him over my should and began walking to the next area. There were 3 of them this time. “You ready?” I said to Kilo.

“What are we doing?”

“Cloak yourself and help me puppet.”

We cloaked ourself. I grabbed the upper body and the arms while Kilo focus on keeping the legs in place.

Hey!” I said in a Grineer voice to the closest one “I was just on the phone with your mom. I was calling the sex-chat line.”

The Grineer walked forward “Hey, leave my mother out of this.”

We pulled the body back behind the corner and the Grineer came through. He stared at the body “What's your problem man?” I let Kilo take the weight and I quickly stabbed him with a dagger then kept the body up.

After a minute the other two came walking through the door. “You just finished with your tea party or what?” one of them asked the two puppets standing in front of them. With a heave, Kilo and I threw the bodies forward knocking the soldiers down then quickly stabbing them before they could call out.

Standing up slowly, Kilo fell back down giggling. “Oh man, that was so funny.”

“You like that?”

“Yeah, I've never done a mission like this. It's awesome!”

“Glad you're enjoying yourself.”

The rest of the mission played out in the same way. Dangling a body off a ledge by it's hand pretending a lancer was about to fall, then knocking down a heavy gunner as it tried to help. Sabotaging a sleeping napalm's weapon so that it would backfire. And getting a scorpion to pulled a decoy strapped with explosives. Eventually we made our way to the captains quarters and knocked on the door.

I hope the first thing I see are those Tenno heads.” the captain said opening the door to find our guns in his face.

“Be careful what you wish for.” Kilo said before we pulled the trigger.

“Nice one-liner.” I told him.

“Really? You thought it was good?”

“Well I don't see many other options.”

“How about, you know we never disappoint?”

“Too vague.”

“We always keep our head on straight.”


“Do you feel lucky punk?”

“That one doesn't even make sense.”

We made our way to extraction. But before we could leave Kilo stopped me.

“Listen.” He said “I just want to say that this has probably been the best time I've had in a while. I try to act funny and all, but the truth is I know people can't stand me. I just don't know how to be a person worth hanging around with outside of missions. It's been like a dream come true to fight along side the person I idolized. And the truth is, I realised that with all the training I put into becoming a stronger Tenno I still have a lot to learn. So I wanna thank you for giving me a chance, not only to learn but to live out a goal I've had since I first woke up and saw you fight.”

“You talk a lot you know that?”


“And to tell you the truth, it's grown on me. You have skill and I might need someone like you to back me up in the future. So how about it? Want to become my apprentice? I could teach you all you need to know to reach your goals.”

“REALLY?!” Kilo jolted


“Oh man! Yes! Of course! Haha!” He started to dance.

“Alright, let's get back Kilo.”

“It's Andy.”


“I figured if I'm going to become your apprentice you should at least know my real name.”

I paused for a moment, reflecting on how a few hours ago I could never have imagined being friends with the irritating Loki of the clan. “Dietrich.” I replied and shook his hand.

With that, we left for the dojo. The ride back was filled with reflection on the mission we just had, fondly recalling it like it had happened years ago. But as we got closer to the dojo I was falling back and back into the reality of the situation. The mission had only been a temporary escape, but it had kept me from moping about which was good. I at least had better composure this time.

When we got back Andy went to his quarters to hang up a Grineer mask he used as a frisbee and kept as a souvenier. Through the dojo however I could hear a voice calling out getting closer and closer.

“Daski... DASKI.... DAAAASKIIII!” it was Jusuf using my moniker.

He ran straight to me panting. “I have something important to tell you.”

“Spit it out.” I said.

“The gun you gave me-”

“What is it really that dangerous?”

“No! It's not that. It's locks up a warframe and paralyses the user.” he grabbed me, making sure I was listening.

“What do you- Oh F***!”

Edited by DoctorSprocket
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Thank you for the support. It means a lot knowing someone enjoys it.


The next chapter is here.


Chapter 4: (Clarity)


It felt like a window had just broken and all the air was being sucked out of the room. My body went cold at the sudden realisation.


How could I be so stupid! She was right there. I was so focus on beating Lugor that I wasted what strength I had to carry her. I could of gotten her back to extraction if I hadn't gone so far... If I hadn't let my emotions take control. Damnit.


“Listen, Daski. This is good news.” Jusuf told me


“How is this good news?”


“She could still be alive.”


I thought back to what Lugor said. “Aw don't fret Tenno. Her body will be handled with care. And if it makes you feel better, you'll be travelling together.”


Travelling together? If she's not dead then she's being transported somewhere. And if she's being transported somewhere by Lugor's men I know exactly where she's going to be. Alad V.


“Alad V?” Jusuf exclaimed as if saying “Oh my God.”


I realised I was thinking parts out loud. “Yes... I have to go.”


“You're not going anywhere.” I voice called out from a nearby hallway. Lena walked out from it “Not without me.”


“I appreciate the thought but-”


“But what?”


“We're going to need more people.”


She smirked “And here I thought we were going to spend some quality time together.”


“I'm sorry to disappoint.”


“... So who do you have in mind.”


“The rookie.”


“Kilo? He's good but he's hardly a veteran.”


“Doesn't matter. He's got what it takes.”


“Fair enough.”


“I'm heading off, meet me back here after you gather some gear.”


“If you don't mind.” Jusuf interjected “I will be coming along for the ride.”


I paused. Jusuf hadn't left the dojo in months. He was almost a hermit in his room, working on his inventions and studying enemy tech. “You sure?” I asked.


“Of course. I haven't stretched my legs in a while. I can't let this frame go to waste you know?”


“Fare enough. In that case, everyone meet at Jusuf's place.”


“Which reminds me. I have a little surprise for you when you come by.”


“I look forward to that.” I said running of to Andy's room.


“Andy.” I called as I entered. We was fixing the mask onto the wall.


“Oh hey Richi what's up?”


The nickname threw me off a little. I shook it off “Are you up for another mission?”


“Yeah that'd be awesome. What kind of mission is it?”


“Rescuing a Tenno.”


Andy froze for a moment. “I'll do it.” he said in a serious tone I'm unused to and began grabbing his things.


“We're going to Ju- Jager's den.” I almost gave away Jusuf's name. I was getting too excited. I needed to calm down and think clearly.


“Jager's den? That crazy guy with all the bombs?”


“Not crazy, just not very social. Besides he hasn't blown up anything since 6 months ago.”


“And last time he did the Grineer went lacking an entire fleet.”


“And you have something against that?”


“I never said anything like that.” Andy chuckled.


We made our way to Jusuf's room. Lena and Jusuf were mulling over some data displayed on the screen. “Dietrich come in. I suppose this is your friend.” Jusuf announced.


“I'm actually his apprentice.” Andy replied.


They both stopped. “An apprentice?” Lena asked surprised “I never thought I'd see that happen.”


“You didn't think I had the capacity to teach someone.”


“No it just never crossed my mind.” She turned to Andy “Lena.” she said holding out her hand.


“Andy.” he replied in turn


“And my name is Jusuf. It's a pleasure to have you on the team.” Jusuf said enthusiastically then turned towards me.


“We've narrowed our search down. Lugor was known to have a close connection with the corpus, specifically Alad V. He provided warframes that he captured for resources, weapons and the right to operate in various areas of corpus controlled space. His relationship with the Grineer can be best explained as a mirror of Alad V himself. They did not like the methods or some of his ideas but nevertheless held power among their ranks.” He brought up an image of a ship.


Lena took over “These are the most common freighters that are used to transport heavy amounts of cargo. The last one left port about 3 Earth days ago before you left for your mission. Which means we have about 4 days until the next one leaves.”


“So we infiltrate the base before that happens?”


“No. We have an opportunity here. Tenno are being taken to a secure facility within Alad V's reach. If we allow her to be transported and stow away, we can potentially free dozens of Tenno captured by Lugor and Alad.”


“Not to mention.” Jusuf interjected “That since the last stockpile has been raided and cleared out, we have had no information on where Alad V is keeping those Tenno. Thanks to information you gathered from the Grineer ships before uncovering Lugor's plan to destabilise Makemake. We have their transport schedules. Unfortunately it would seem you've only succeeded in killing Lugor's oldest clone but not Lugor himself. This may have working in our favourite though as transport continues as planned.”


Hearing that the real Lugor was still alive was like a dagger in my chest. “And what of Makemake?”


“Lugor has since abandoned his plan to forcibly excavate Makemake by cracking the planet in half. We still are not sure if we would find anything Orokin related on that planet. It seems he was working off of a hunch. But I would guess that he found some sort of vague inscription on the matter. We think sometime in the future he may decide to visit Haumea, though for what I do not know.”


This didn't make sense. Makemake and Haumea were barely planets. What could be on them?


“So where are they now?”


Lena took over “They've since moved away from the Kuiper belt and have set up operations close to Saturn. No doubt so they can send their transport on time.”


“So we just wait until we then?”


“Seems so. In the meantime we can run some practices and get a feel for each others skills.”


I looked over at Andy noticing he's been awfully quiet. “You ok?”


He jolted “Oh yeah. Just a lot to process. I never really heard much about the planet you guys are talking about.”


“They haven't really had any sort of significance until Lugor decided he wanted to take a peek.”


“Nevertheless” Lena said “Today we can't do anything. I suggest you get some rest. Well go over the plan tomorrow and run some exercises so I can better gauge your skills.” she looked at Andy then back to me.


I nodded in acknowledgement. She wanted to talk later and I wasn't against having a chat either.


We walked out of Jusuf's quarters as he started working on something even before we left. Seems as though he was suddenly stricken by a bout of inspiration. Andy quickly departed for the obstacle course. He looked like he might visit the duelling room as well. The mission we just had and the mission we're about to have seemed to make him want to sharpen his skills even further.


Meanwhile Lena and I were standing in front of Jusuf's room. “So what did you want to talk about?” I asked.


“Nothing really, just a chat. You haven't tried the things we recovered from the preservation pods floating around system right?”


“Not really. I sampled some of the foods we could re-cultivate. They're nice.”


“We keep finding so many interesting things all the way back from the 21st century. Did you try coffee.”


“Coffee?” I asked. Hadn't really heard the name before.


“It's a drink. Why don't we come back to my place. I can make you a cup. Apparently in ancient cultures it had significance as a social ritual and it can be made in a variety of ways to suit the person drinking it.”


“Sounds... Interesting.” I said a little hesitant and followed Lena back to her place.

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