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aerodynamic(thown melee, -- polarity, uncommon 5 max, +20% flight distance)



full sprint (warframe, -- polarity, rare 3 max, +10% sprint speed +20% stamina)

critical speed (rifle, V polarity, rare 5 max, +5% RoF +10% critical chance)



Dyeing energy (warframe, V polarity, rare 5 max., -10%health +20% energy, cost 6, C8)

Disruptive armour (warframe, D polarity, rare 10 max., -7% energy +15% armour, cost 6, C8)

Unprotected shields (warframe, D polarity, rare 5 max., -10% armour +30% shields, cost 6, C8)

Frozen heart (warframe, D polarity, rare 10 max., -9% shields +15% health, cost 6, C8)


Andrenaline Rush (warframe, -- polarity, rare 5 max, -7% stamina +10% sprint speed, cost 10)

Overrunning (warframe, D polarity, rare 5 max, -10% stamina recharge +10% stamina, cost 7)

Sudden Slumber (warframe, D polarity, rare 5 max, - 5% sprint speed +15% stamina recharge, cost 8)


Overridden Fire (rifle, V polarity, rare 5 max, -5% critical damage +7% fire rate, cost 9)

Brute force (rifle, D polarity, rare 5 max, +5% recoil +10% status chance, cost 9)


p.s. all per rank

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