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Quick Frame Idea.


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It's pretty hard to come up with something different for a warframe concept. I don't have a name or anything yet since names are too hard.


Health- Moderate

Energy- Average

Shields- Below Average

Armor- Low

Movement- Moderate


Pin (25) - Pins a target to a spot, they cannot move or turn but they may attack or use melee. Lasts 10 seconds.

Pierce (50) - Launches a needle that pierces through any shields and does damage to health instead.

Sedative (75) - Sedates a target which slows their attack speed by 50% Enemies are less likely to detect you while under the effects of Sedative

Acupuncture (100) - This warframe amplifies its own combat ability increasing its damage output by 50% and cannot be knocked down for 7 seconds.

Rough sketch? Maybe? Needs more needle theme I guess. Just a preliminary sketch anyways.


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I'm not too fond of the abilities, but nonetheless they're fonctional. The design is what really fascinates me, it really fits in with the art style of Warframe unlike other desings while still looking new.

Edited by hexame
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