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Geco The Reptillian Warframe


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Lore: On earth before grineer and after the orokin's super pheromones were injected into the world, high amounts of creatures inhabited it. One of which was a mix of the scaly earth predator, a Croc and corpus machinery. It merged and fused itself to the corpus salvage to survive the great collapse. He is a tuff close combat frame and was created to use its slithery ways ("I see what you did there") to control the battlefield.







Speed: 2 meters per sec

Sprint speed:3 meters per sec



Appearance: A cyborg-lizard hybrid with a tail and is 6 feet tall. 


Some possible powers:

Slither:Turn into a super fast snake able to do a 100% viral proc on enemies for X seconds.

Bite:Does a bone crushing bite doing X slash damage.

Blood shed: Allows you to take X damage without getting hurt before you shed.

Camoflauge:Allows you to blend in with the environment and climb walls and do special attacks for X seconds.

Komodo sense: As you know a komodo dragon will cut a foe open and all other komodos will sense and eat it head on. Same thing, it will strike a target and they will fall and be engulfed and take X damage from the swarm.

(Needs a name): Your tail is now a robotic 100% proc electrical whip weapon for X seconds.




Parts found on corpus alerts.


Blueprint price: 35,000

Whole price:157 plat




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Hmm it does seem like an interesting idea, but as a possible alteration to its description, mayhap an orikin bio weapon utilizing the DNA of various creatures, namely cold blooded ones, from earth to try and create something capable of resisting the technocyte virus while at the same time keeping it as being capable of hiding itself and fight?


As for abilities again you have some interesting ideas, however some more description would be appreciated.


Also again another side note, we are supposed to be warframes, so unless this was an enemy, maybe keep it within the shell of a warframe as I do not think they would be likely to make a warframe who doesn't use a warframe.

But still an interesting idea! I hope it comes through!

Edited by Clazzeh
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lso, as a suggestion, if you intend to give it multiple forms, instead of just making it like Valkyrs frenzy and such, why not give the form individual powers and a constant drain on energy until you revert? Such as a venomous bite for the snake or the ability to constrict your foe?

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